Seems like every Joe has his own blog these days. This dude here got himself fired for blogging about his job, a mail-room job no less, complete with ragging on his co-workers and boss. I guess he had plenty of free time with which to blog, which brings me to my dilemma.
There are those that say "keep the posts coming, you have a responsibility to to your readers", no matter if they're substantive or not, so you need to have a new post or two every day. I do try to follow those rules, but not at the expense of substance. I have a full-time job, it's in the family so the hours are a little more flexible than usual, but the work needs to get done, nonetheless. So please bear with me. (not to mention stay happily married, but I digress.)
Hmmmm, sounds like a problem. I recal those famous words:
To blog, or not to blog, that is the question.
no, Eli that is not the question. The question is how much and how often to blog.
hey and what about coming to shul to help with the minyan you don't live in yonkers.
Hey, we got a Yonkers groupie here, we must be doing well!
yes in yonkers it is the home of the blog junkie, I was in bloger anonymous.
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