The haters grab onto anything they can, as weak as it may be, like a last straw.
One of the "exciting quotes" they love to use is "Nishtakcho Toras HaBaal Shem Tov", ח"ו. They fail to tell you that the source for their so-called proof is the Rebbe of Kopust, the Mogen Avos, grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek who said that Chassidus was meant for only 150 years. His cousin, the Rebbe Rashab, fought vehemently to negate those statements, saying " איך קען אים צוברעכן ווי א פאפיראס"!, and announcing that Chassidus vet Leichten biz Moshiachen.
I do not wish to make this blog into a forum for the attackers of Lubavitch, but I need to defend what's right. They use Kopust, which HAS become Nishtakech, for their sources when it's convenient, and disregard them when it's not, just like any good writer would. Pointing to others and telling them to follow "their Rabbeyim", like they do with their juvenille understanding of the Kuntres HaMa'ayon, as well their understanding of the Belzer Rabbeyim's positions on Zionism, among others, is another way of negating everything anybody else has accomplished.
Why is this so exciting to them, aren't they too followers of the Besh"t? The answer is quite simple. They have nothing but hate of others to offer to their multitudes, nothing positive or educational, so they attack others in any way possible. Once what the other guy has is false and outdated , you and him are on level playing field. He then sticks out his "Kosher ----- Fislach" and says "look at me", "look at our modest women", we are pure and holy souls, everybody else be damned.
You might say, "well, aren't they right?", do we act and do what the Besh"t did and expected from his followers? Maybe they've got a point? The answer is quite simple. "You reap what you sow" is what they say in the agriculture business, and so goes it with any other business. Educating in the ways of the Besh"t is no easy task and can be very easily misconstrued, as is evident from the infighting going on in many circles today. This has become increasingly so in the current generations when all the emphasis has been placed on the outward appearance, and, on the flip side, no emphasis on outward appearance. Just the fact that today there is no Kopust, which after the Tzemach Tzedek's passing took a large part of Chassidim, and maybe even the majority, shows what lack of education can do. We need not look further than American Jewry in the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. The haters have no problem educating the masses, it does not take much, just ask the Imams and clerics in the Middle East, a little truth mixed in makes a big lie go very far. Those who educate in a substantive way find it harder to be successful, because it's not easy to claim success when much is expected.
You think I'm ranting?
By the way, the quote "Nishtakcho Toras HaBaal Shem Tov" was interpretation by the Satmar Rov as referring to the lost "hidden mesorah" about meditaion and envisioning the oros she-be-osiyos.
This is the subject of Rav Erlanger of Jerusalem's "Shiva Eynayim," Chelek III (subtitled "Shashu'im") for anyone interested in this most interesting subject!
יש מקור לק"נ שנה במקו"א, כגון במסורת רוז'ין (מובא בא' מספריו של ר"ש טאלינגאטור), וכן בשם הדב"ח מצאנז או ר"נ מראפשיץ, שכל דרך חדשה היא למאה וחמשים שנה בלבד (מובא בס' דור דעה בערכם של הנ"ל).
A real Malach in my blog, wow!
sounds a lot like the plain malach, though.
Just for the record Kopust would have certainly continued as the Bobroisker's son Horav Menachem Mendel Schneersohn was the menahel of the Kibbutz there and was qualified for the position of rebbe. As G-D willed it he was killed by the forces of Admiral Denikem who was fighting the Communists and the Jews. In Slnim's genealogy of the Schneersohn family there is a nice photo of him with beard , kasket, and the gentle Schneersohnpanim. HAYaD. Reb MM is even mentioned in bais Rebbe.
HT -
Can you please (concisely) tell us what, specifically, you were asking - or saying - in this post?
is this the same anonymous as the previous post?
the last two Anonymous posts were mine. I'll pick a name now...
Can you restate what you wanted from that post?
I know that every Lubavitcher bachur knows that T"T was the elite Chassidishe yeshiva for limud a chassidus and darkei hachassidus.
However, I have been told by elderly Poilisher, that Poilisher chassidim did not think much of it, and only if a bachur was considered "at risk" did they consider T"T as an option.
Has anyone out there heard anything like this?
Sounds like the old Peylisher was once a young jealous Peylisher.
That's why I'm asking if anyone else has heard similar comments.
I do know that the FR had it rough tzuvishen di Paylisher...
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