I don't understand the people that try to forcefully bring about the redemption and Bais HaMikdosh. Now we hear that the Sanhedrin is going to be renewed according to the qualifications of the Rambam, with 71 rabbonim in attendance. They also say that all members will have to dress according to the laws of Tznius, I'm not quite sure what that's about though, maybe they'll accept women?
The team has set up a six Rabbi group to work on getting The Gedolim in Israel on board, good luck to that.
The thing I can't understand is that according to Arutz 7 they've asked Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz to become the Nassi, something he only refused due to him not "being worthy". Is that the only fault he found with the Sanhedrin?
is your ambivalence journalistic retoric? otherwise how can a lubav ask such a question? unbaffle me.
Whats wrong with re-establishing the Sanhedrin, or with R' Adin Steinzaltz as its head?
BTW, Hirshel - I seem to remember that this idea had the Rebbe's support and brocha.
HT - Your link dont work!@
where's the ambivalence?
enlighten me, please.
CE, You SEEM to remember?, prove this.
Try now. (I missed a W)
I understand Vendyl Jones is involved in this.
HT, are you oppsed to the idea?
I'll try to find out what the specific quote attributed to the Rebbe was.
But, in the mean time, you do know that it was attempted before by the Beis Yosef.
In case this is the first you've heard of the matter, here's a link to the initial launching :
Not just that, but surely you know about the Rebbe's endorsement of building Moshiach's palace in Eretz yisroel.
I also rememeber the Rebbe even commenting on the plans, and asking why the project is progressing so slowly.
Maybe someone knows what became of this?
The Rebbe opposed a Ben Geruion sanctioned Sanhedrin saying that he would use it for his own needs. (look no further then Napolian Sanhedrin).
As I have written many times as long as someone attaches himself to a contemporary Jewish political "party" like Lubavitch Brisk, Neture Karta, Chug Chazon Ish, Ger, Belz, Satmar, Rav Kukniks that party will not criticize its members, even if they act in outrageous manners.
Thus our friend Adin Even Israel has gotten a free pass for many of his activities from his comrades in Lubavitch.
Item - he established a school for potential baale teshuva in Jslm that is co-ed and non Orthodox .Machon Pardes
Item -he was a visiting professor at Yale divinity school in New Haven, Ct a school that trains Christian clergy! A chasid teaching galachim.At the same time he was farbrengun in the local Lubavitcher yeshiva gedola !
Item - Rabbi Adin was a catylist in the visit of a number of R.Catholic bishops etc to YU lasy year and may have even accompanied them.
Item In some of his books on Tanach he expresses views out of line with views of traditional chazal views.
In each and every case Chabad refuses to criticize their compadre. I wonder if anyone in Chabad will blast him now ?
R' Adin is surely unconventional, and in the yishivishe world he is somewhat of a pariah, but Schneur, don't you think he's a leader that's somewhat up your alley?
What exactly has he done to show leadership ? Most of his projects were either abandoned (English Talmud) or lost their luster (Yeshiva Institute in Moscow). His only long standing influence is his Hebrew translation of the Talmud, which has now faded into distant history ithe US as it too does not hold a candle to the COMPLETE Art scroll English shaas.
For every request I get for his Hebrew gemora I get 500 for the Art scroll and for every request for his English talmud I get, I get 50,000 for ArtScroll.
When the kanoim of Bnai Brak attacked him ,he backed down and brought his books to the Badaatz to have them burnt or be meganez them .Leadership ?
While he is a bright man and his Hebrew Talmud is a fine work (if no longer used in the US) he is also a PR creature who loves to talk about himself and about his projects and apparently loves to see the print media call him the greatest talmudic genius since rashi (NO Rabbeinu Tam , Yam shel Shlomo, Maharshoeh etc).
I feel almost no affinity to this man.
I have always felt that Steizaltz's connection to Lubavitch was quite passive, at least until recently.
The Artscroll Talmud, which was based heavily on his, basically put him out of business.
I was once having a conversation with Adin when I was once at the Tzemach Tzedek Shul in the Old City, and told me that he is not a Lubavitcher.
from Chabad.org (via Shmais) http://www.chabad.org.il/Magazines/Article.asp?ArticleID=1276&CategoryID=498
BTW, Adin's mother-in-law, Mrs. Rishe Azimov, passed away today.
R' Kurenitzer,
I understand. I'm not a big Steinzaltz fan either (although I'm probably a bigger fan than you seem to be). Actually, as these figures go, I'm a Jonathan Sacks fan.
I just though that Steinzaltz is a broad minded figure somewhat along the lines of what you would like.
I stand corrected.
Jonathan Sacks! after what he said a couple of years ago about Judaism not being....?
CE, woe to the ears that hear these words! I still remember how you used to sing the Zemiros of melava Malka with such a Bren, and now this?!
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
"Artscroll Shaas based on his (Adin Even Israel)" Perhaps the idea but not the scholarship, Lomdus ,notes fine literary style etc.
Yes they borrowed the idea of a talmud trnslation, but their top notch team of editors, scholars and lomdim did a completely original work.
But Even israel never did anything systematically hence he "allowed" Artscroll to take his idea and really run with it for a touch down.
Larry Gordon once wrote a great article in the English section of the ALGEMEINER ZHURNAL about an unexpected meeting he had with Even Israel in the Zemach Zedek shul in Jslm.
Larry I believe had Yahrzeit that day and wanted the" bretel" .Even Israel made a big stink that Larry did not have a beard and one thing led to another. perhaps you can contact Larry for a copy to post
Whoever you are,
I remain a fan of the Chief Rabbi. Read his books.
I personally think "Dignity of Difference" was an excellent book - even if I don't always agree with him, he is an unusual man. I like him a lot.
Also, I happen to know that Alter Vitebsker agrees with me.
From spending some time with Adin, his remarks to Larry are no Chiddush whatsoever. He is an extremely negative person and very condesending, you just have to appreciate him for what he is.
Anyone who knows him knows that he is extremely provocative and it seems that he LOOKS to shock and outrage when he talks. But with the Rebbe's Shittah clear from thelink above, this is taking a big step.
P.S. His contribution in Chassidus and Tanya especialy should not be understated
heshy, you post "i don't understand why people think that they can force the geula". Is not hasten and force the same thing.
you can't force 71 rabbis to unity, rather if you can get them in agreement it would only be voluntary and moshiach would surely come. who is forcing. this sounds all positive.
how do I get one of these Rabbi jobs? does it come with dental?
I heard you get a volvo is that true. I know the chosen is to come in a nissan.
it sounds better then the shaver and wig problems at least.
I didn't mean to say that the Sanhedrin thing was forcing it, it was more of a "having said that" line of thought.
Do you oppose the establishment of a new Sanhedrin?
is this thing on? 1, 1-2
I don't care!
heshy, i'm having a hard time in general understanding your short answers. can you try to be a little clearer and explanitive...
I mean to say that the same people that want to build the bais hamikdosh b4 moshiach comes, want to make Sanhedrin, etc.
with there be different Rabbis from different communities or all just the same guys and there friends?
you know any time there is anything about the Bais HaMikdush the whole world gets into a big fuss. there where two rabbis who had a dream that on next Tuesday there will be a donkey that will have a baby and the wall street journal is on the case.
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