Photo snatched from BittulZman
I thought had seen them all, but this is a beauty. A full length picture of an Amolige Rebbe like that is hard to come by. Visible are the Vaise Zoken and Fertel Shich that is spoken about in Darkei Chaim V'sholom. A true find. Must be clicked on to appreciate fully.
if you notice you will see, that he didn't wear the wide brim as the satmarer wore.
My thoughts exactly.
I haven't seen this one around either, I'm thinking of having it blown up and developed on snapfish.
(Shkoyech for the link.)
Great Blog BTW.
Rabbi Elazar Shapiro of Munkatch, author of "Minchat Elazar" once wrote: "When the whole world begins to be concerned with and learn 'Sipurey Ma'asiot' (Rebbe Nachman's Stories) - Mashiach will come." He requested that "Hishtapchut HaNefesh (Outpouring of the soul)" be constantly printed.
Why is the coming of Moshiach dependent on Sipurei Maasiyot? please explain.
Great picture!
I always liked this one tohttp://www.answers.com/topic/munkatcher-rebbe-the-minchas-eliezer2-jpgo:
Sorry, zezmir, there's no picture there. At least it didn't show up for me. Also they have his sefer's name incorrectly.
try it again:
very nice photo. I am actually looking for as much info as possible about the munkacz dynasty as well as the city pre-war. My grandmother would always talk about munkacz, she was born there and she mentioned many times how close her family was to the munkacz Hoyf and am looking for more info about this.
anyone that has info that would be willing to share. please let me know or email info@havemyer.com
of all places Munkacs should not be difficult to find out about . There are lots of Yotzei Munkacs still around, and lots has been written about the ciyt. Many pictures too.
A reader asked me to find out about Elter Elter Zeide, Reb Dovid Schlissel of Munkacs. Who's volunteering?
where did you find the picture?
Thanks for the compliments.
Very nice picture! He looks a bit like Harav Yeruslavsky, no?
Shlisel was rosh beis din in Munkatch and he wrote with his son Reb Nota Shlome a magnificent sefer on the 39 melechas shabos.
Out of curiosity, and in all seriousness I have a question:
He was a massive Goan and Tzadik......
Why would he sit still for a picture (which took like 10 minutes to take)??
I have the same question about the Litvisher, such as Reb Elchonon HY"D, the pics of Reb Boruch Ber and the others?
Any answers?
WHY would they do this?
Just curious, no bashing anyone please.
we're not talkig 1875 here, by that time a picture took no more than a minute, they had portable cameras already. But still I'm surprised to see you being Meharer acharei Rabboch like that. They also could've tried to help a Yid with his Parnossoh.
The pictures don't look like poses, they look like they caught them in the middle of Iyun Torah.
I've once heared such a story. Once a photographer asked the Rogatchover Goen ztz"l to pose for a photo. The Rogatchover said, he doesn't have time on it. Photographer argued, that there will be time, when it will be hard to find a true tzuro of a yid. After that the Rogatchover agreed.
I found a nice photo of him:
to a Yid
the story is printed by Reb Reuven Margolias, on Reb Mayer shapiro and the Imrie Emes by 1 of the Kenaisio Gedola.
The photo is a magnificent one.
to Y.W. Editor:
most pictures are taakeh not posses so it did not take any time, but i happen to know a photographer from Colorado, he has taken may photos of many gedolim including Rav Moshe Feinstein, (there is a very famous Picture of R' Moshe that is from this photographer). if I remember correctly R' Moshe agreed to even pose for a short while he took different snaps from different angels and scenes.
It was always poshit to me that he did this to help a yid with his parnosoh. It’s called "Ahavas Yisroel."
A yid a Tzadik with true bitul has no problem helping another with parnosso through letting him take photos of himself.
If you want to know more about Rav Dovis Schlissel, email me at rubin20@juno.com. I am very good freinds with a decendent. (Incidently, he palyed a role in the Kosher wars in NYC in the 1930's)
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