(drawing by Zalman Kleinman z"l)
פון יוסף יצחק יעקבסאהן
Yossi bemoans the frivulous spending that goes on "צווישען היימישע אידן" and brings a speech made by Rav Mordche Gifter z"l in 1980 at the Agudah Convention as his basis.
I hope I'm not violating any Copyright agreements by reprinting a picture from a website that presumably got permission to publish it. Ich bin nisht kan lawyer. I hope the estate of Zalman Kleinman z"l will forgive me. Speaking of Yossi Jacobson, It seems like he incurred the wrath of Reb Shua Mondshine in his article about Meyfsim that he claims are Nisht geshtoygen un Nisht Gefloygen. Here's what Shturem had to say about him recently:
מעולם לא חקרתי את מידת מהימנותם של סיפורי ריי"צ יעקובסאן. יודעני רק את האמור באחת התגובות לפרק לח בסידרת סיפורים וגלגוליהם
זה שרבנים ממציאים סיפורים כדי להלהיב את קהל שומעיהם אינו דבר חדש תחת השמש. הרי אם ניקח את מנין הכמרים והבישופים למיניהם שבהם "נפגש" י"י דז'ייקאבסאהן (לפי מה שמספר בדרשות שלו), הרי נשמתו היתה צריכה להתגלגל חמישים פעם בעולם הזה כדי להספיק את אותם כמרים...
Yossel: Ich bet dir iber tomer hub ich dir getshepet.
Re: Stories of tzaddikim
The Satmar Rov didn't believe most chassidishe stories. Once a certain Rebbe told him a story, and the S"R told him that it wasnt true. So, this Rebbe says, "But I heard it myself from my father!"
To which the Satmar Rov replied, "Nu? So your father was wrong."
On another occasion the Satmar Rov told a story, and this Rebbe said to the S"R, "The story isn't true." The S"R replied, "I heard it myself from my father" - to which this Rebbe sais, "Nu? So your father was wrong."
And the Satmar Rov, concluded:
No. You see, the difference is that you liked to hear stories and your father liked to tell them. But me, I dont like to hear them, and my father didnt like to tell them, so, if HE told it - and I heard it - it's reliable.
Nu nu, I like Yossi a lot - un Yossi hut leib a chissidishe mayse...
Stop with the SR anti stories story, on his his Father , Yismach Moshe and the sanzer, he believed and told many babemaisos, just not what the old sqwerrer told him.
"Gantz Sefer Breishis is Sipurei Tzadikim!"
Agav, Zalmen Kleiman used to illustrate for the Algemeiner, if you look really closely under his name, it seems that this is a cutout from there.
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