At a Bar Mitzvah last night the Melitzer Rebbe of Ashdod, Rebbe of Lazer Brody, spoke. I enjoyed his Reid, especially the following Vort. I'm not sure he meant this as the thrust of his speech but my mind is tuned to understand it as such. This is the effect of Lubavitch.
The holy Ahavas Yisroel of Vizhnitz, when a Yingel would come to him for Hanochas Tefillin, would only put on the Shel Rosh, leaving the Shel Yad for the child's father instead. His reasoning was as follows: The Shel Yad symbolizes Ma'aseh, the physical acts of Mitzvos, and the responsibility lies with the father to wake him in the morning for davenen, and to act in a Jewish manner. Hence the father puts on the Shel Yad. The Shel Rosh is K'neged the Ma'asei HaRosh, the Machshovoh mainly, that the child's thoughts should be as they need to be, and that he thinks of the Aibershter when going about his daily life. This is where the Tzaddik comes in. "Dort ken men epes machen," said Reb Yisroel.
The Tzaddik is Mashpia Machshoves Tovos.
Ah Freilichen Shabbos.
did I meet the challenge?
I like it.
Gut Shabbos.
when was the last time the Rebbe helped instruct a Bar Mitzvah Bochur in Teffilin - last week or 12 years ago. Unfortunately our youth only know the Rebbe through carefuly crafted videos by men with agendas.
100% correct segment - pity it no longer applies for us
You sure did. The Melitzer Rebbe is a huge tzaddik!!
anon, every day, and probably every hour. Shlucho Shel Odom Kemoso. But you obviously don't believe in Torah applying to real life, only the chumrah of the week.
I don't think the Rebbe EVER helped a Bochur with his Tefillin. That was not the seder in Lubavitch.
I don't think lubavitch ever had an effect on you.
I guess you would know, since you're anonymous and all....
talking of rebbes and tefillin, can anyone explain to me why the rebbe z'l always wore his tefilin shel rosh way past his forehead - completely against the psak of shulchan aruch.
He must have had some reason for this and I would love to have it to answer those who ask - when seeing videos of photo sof the rebbe like that.
Did he? Maybe we have seen different pictures. Or maybe we are looking at different Rebbes.
iirc someone once asked the Rebbe this question to which he wrote an answer, i believe this is posted somewhere on www.chabadtalk.com, though i can't find it at the moment.
here is the link for the Rebbes answer...
Taynes like these, that the Rebbe, Kevayochel, didn't wear his Tefillin correctly are tired. Stop with the childish questions please.
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