Shturem: Tchernobler Rebbe visits Lubavitcher Yeshivah and Rabbonim in Brunoy (Paris)
More great pics from COL
A great move on both parts. The current Rebbe's father (Reb Meshulem Zushe?) and Zeide must've left Russia years ago, before 1920, so I don't think he remembers a connection to Lubavitch in the old country. Yet, unlike others, he visited all the Lubavitcher Rabbonim in Paris and the Yeshivah in Brunoy. I never noticed the Hadras Ponim he has, it's an Amolige look. I think since Skver Yarshened the Tchernobler lineage, as far as the world is concerned, these 2 Hoyfen have grown far apart. This can be attributed to non-Tchernobler factors, and to the fact that the late Skverrer Rebbe lost his father as a young man. Let's hope this is the beginning of a new Kesher with Tchernobel and the rest of outside world.
Some anonymous commenter made a remark about Rebbes staying away from Lubavitch because of Meshichism/"Elokism and I deleted it. I did that because I'm sick of the pre-packed excuse that people make. I regret deleting it, because I would've liked to show the Oylem here what people think.
Is that an underhanded blow against the old Skverrer Rebbe zt"l, a Tzaddik and Kedosh Elyon?
The Tchernobler Zeida Reb Chaim yitzchok was nifter in sibria in the 1940's
Reb Meshulem Zushe The Tchernobler Father learned in a underground Lubavitcher chader in kiev Came to Eratz yisrol in the 1930 returned to his zeida reb yesasha chahov (the zanzers son )in galitza returned to Eratz yisrol before the war
married in EY after the war
it took me a minute to figure out what you said there, without punctuation it's difficult.
The current Rebbe's father (did he live in New York like the brother does?) learned in an underground Lubavitcher Cheder and then went to Eretz Yisroel. I very much appreciate your help here.
1) How was he an Eynikel of Reb Shaye'le Tche'choyver?
2) Where did he stay in Eretz Yisroel, did he stay with relatives or learn in Yeshiva there?
Thanks for your help.
To Square Deal
I heard many times from many sources that the Machnivker Rebbe of Bnei Berak said after his arrival from the iron curtain, I don't know what my parents wanted from Chabad and Breslov, when our families ran for their lifes, these chasidim were there on the front to fight the communist devil.
sorry abouth the punctuation.
did not have much time on erev shabos
1) How was he an Eynikel of Reb Shaye'le Tche'choyver?
His mother was a daughter of Reb Shaye'le Tche'choyver.
Where did he stay in Eretz Yisroel, did he stay with relatives or learn in Yeshiva there?
with the rachmastrifka family. dont know if he actually lived there but he was a ben bais there.
The current Rebbe's father (did he live in New York like the brother does
not to my Knowledge
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