This may come as a surprise to many of you, but it seems simple to me. The idea of setting aside time from your busy schedule to bring another Jew close to Hashem is a novel one, it's not something that comes naturally like other acts of Chesed. It was and always will be a difficult task for most people, since they've always been taught that these people are deliberately defying G-d and should be stoned. For generations we were taught that once a Yid leaves the fold he's to be shunned, and that was the case in Europe for the most part. Generations of Jews were allowed to wander from the path of Torah without much effort being made to persuade them to return. After all, Ossur Lehistakel BeFonov shel Rosho is not to be taken lightly! The idea of losing 2/3 or three quarters or more of Jews to the movements of the time and assimilation didn't seem to bother most people, they just left it up to G-d. The Holocaust, they say, took care of that problem; G-d just wiped out two thirds of the Jewish People and started over again!
That may have been the Chassidic (Lubavitcher) approach at the time, I haven't figured it out yet, but it definitely was quick to rethink its attitude. As soon as it was realized that ignoring the inevitable was counterproductive the Rabbe'im changed their approach from Richuk to Kiruv. They delved into the Chassidishe Seforim and realized that the way to go is with Ahavas Yisroel, loving and cherishing every single Yid, because Klal Yisroel isn't whole without all of its members being whole. We cannot survive just on Talmidei Chachomim alone, we need them all. What his Zeides did, and how his family got to be Mechalilei Shabbos is now unimportant, we need to stop the flood of assimilation. They also realized that condemning the sinners, even the ones that know better, the ones that learned in Chadorim and Yeshivos and left Yiddishkeit, makes you look like an evil zealot and comes to no good. Let G-d deal with them after they pass on.
When it comes to "Kiruv" institutions like Aish and Or Someach there's very little talk about the importance and precious character of a Yiddishe Neshomah, and how each one is part of the whole. Some, like Amnon Yitzchak, will try and frighten you into repenting, not unlike an Evangelical revival, lehavdil, and either frighten you into accepting Torah, or if you're in need of a ישועה, promise to help you if you cover your hair. (with a Tichel, of course, no sheitlech allowed.) Other groups like SEED rely heavily on people that some connection to Yiddishkeit, and especially in places where there already is a Chabad presence. Young girls and/or Bocherim come there for a summer "to make a difference," just like their counterparts go to visit old age homes. They'll learn a little Kuzari before they go so that they have an answer to a question posed by a non-frum Jew that they have no answer to because they (the frummie) never learned about what he needs to believe in to be a Jew. In other words it's another kind of Chesed, but little want to actually produce Yidden.
For the most part you'll see not the full-fledged Yeshivishe types doing this work, but the more modern and educated ones, people who the Yeshivishe community would shun and not count as theirs. They can relate a bit to non-frum people because they actually speak the language, and may have a common interest or two. When it comes to credit then the Yeshivishers will be there, claiming all these projects and outreach as being from "our community," sort of like the Agudah claiming to represent every Orthodox Jew. So now all communities, the Young Israel, the OU, the Agudah can now claim to be doing G-d's work too, by laying claim to the Kiruv revolution. Of course Chabad doesn't do Kiruv, they just make Chabadskers. So back to my opening statement: We really don't do what others do, Chabad works to ignite Jewish souls, not to make careers Kiruv professionals and customers for Artscroll Siddurim. We aim to tip the scales and bring redemption to this world, not to make Aish donors. That's why I see all these Kiruv groups as nothing but opportunists and opportunists with a lot of nerve and audacity to boot. They have the gall to complain about Chabad when their only mission in life is to destroy them. That's why I cringe when I read their stuffy Press releases in the papers.
If you find that the post lacks cohesiveness here's why: It was written slowly, over a period of two weeks, so my thoughts changed in that period. Bearing that in mind should help you understand.
The ad for the book listed here should buffer my point somewhat. Kiruv is a way for these professional to publish books with their anectodes, and is for those interested in the BT phenomenon. Sorta like if you're interested in pottery, just without the clay mess.
AS usual, your classic, Lubab and only Lubab are allowed to try and promote Judaism.If you were really interested in bringing Jews to torah, you would not be bothered by who does it, there is way to much work for all groups.But, and this is a big but, you want to be mekarev Jews To Lubab, therefore you are unhappy at anybody else doing this 'mleches koidesh'they may 'steal' some yiddishe neshomo from the Rebbe.
Look, every day that passes Lubab is losing its legitmacy in the eyes of the Jewish world.With every passing day, the Lubab agenda is becoming clearer:Power, money and the Rebbes 'kovod'.Remember what it says in pirkei ovos about people who chase kovod........
Time to come back...
This snippet of yours caught my eye:'We aim to tip the scales and bring redemption to this world, not to make Aish donors. ''
I don't know of anything which is further from the truth, but, case in point:Sokolovsky:What is he about?
Yeah, he is 'only' one guy(a big lie, btw)What are all the thousands of meshichisten about??
BP, You write:
"A Big lie BTW"
OH? Since I haven't met any Lubavitchers with Sokolovsky's views, I just wonder about this "big lie." What kind of numbers are there? I guess you have a census that can provide us with statitstics and numbers for these nut jobs, what - pray tell - are the hard numbers that you have?
Foolish boropark, if it someone else's kovod it is not a problem...
"That may have been the Chassidic (Lubavitcher) approach at the time, I haven't figured it out yet, but it definitely was quick to rethink its attitude. As soon as it was realized that ignoring the inevitable was counterproductive the Rabbe'im changed their approach from Richuk to Kiruv."
Tzig, the answer to this can be found in many places - Tanya Perek 32, Sefer Hazichronos about (Rafael?) the estate owner, HaTomim about zrok chutra la'avira, the stories told by the Rebbe in the first Maamar. The only ones taken to task were the actual point men for Haskalah, the missionaries.
What changed was the Rebbe's designation that every Chossid must do this, it is not a choice.
theres a story of a rabbi standing in an elevator when a women started telling him that he should be ashamed that he wears a beard religious old fashion etc. the rabbi answered that actually hes Amish, upon hearing that the woman started apoligising and complemnting his morals and old world beliefs. if your not chabad and doing kiruv its ok...
vhamaskil yovin
Story is on a train, with Dr. Twersky.
maybe a double storey train with an elevator?
Are you upset that someone actually knows the true story, and the Baal HaMaaseh? I apologize, Henoch Teller.
How childish and pedantic.
"When it comes to "Kiruv" institutions like Aish and Or Someach there's very little talk about the importance and precious character of a Yiddishe Neshomah"
A bold and blatant lie, showing that you care more to make your point than to be honest.
"They'll learn a little Kuzari before they go so that they have an answer to a question posed by a non-frum Jew that they have no answer to"
As opposed to all those young Chabadskers who do precisely the same with Chabad seforim in place of the Kuzari...
"In other words it's another kind of Chesed, but little want to actually produce Yidden."
Little to actually produce Yidden?! This is the real irony. It is well known in the Kiruv world that Chabad focuses more on generic cultural Judaism and Jewish awareness (public menorahs, Street Tefillin, etc...) than getting people to Shemiras Hamitzvos. In general the Litvishe Kiruv world is far more successful in producing Shomrei Shabbos per capita. This doesnt mean that what Chabad does isnt valuable, it just means that your kvetch is ill-informed and childish.
"For the most part you'll see not the full-fledged Yeshivishe types doing this work, but the more modern and educated ones, people who the Yeshivishe community would shun and not count as theirs."
There is some truth to this, but these 'modern' ones are the product of the litvishe yeshivos.
"We aim to tip the scales and bring redemption to this world, not to make Aish donors."
This is also a huge laugh. Chabad does ALOT of work to create cultural Jews with a conection to Chabad who will make no change in their Judaism simply in order to create a revenue stream. I am an insider in this and it is clear how little you known about these things...
"They have the gall to complain about Chabad"
For very valid reasons: Meshichist nonsense, bullying communal tactics, superiority complex...But we've discussed these already...
Repeating your points does not make the stronger, which fits most of your post.
"As opposed to all those young Chabadskers who do precisely the same with Chabad seforim in place of the Kuzari..."
No, they do not learn a little, they learn a lot - most of their lives, 3 hours a day.
"It is well known" Nothing is well known, there are no studies, and is all in your head.
All you do is repeat the dumb cliches you heard in the alcohol laden farbys.
Pot calling kettle.....
I do? So I have made the point that Lubavitcher bochurim learn 3 hours of Chasidus a day, and you responded to that convicingly, already?
Or is this your snag way of saying that you've been bested?
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