Buy it Here
Tzemach's cleaning house and is making some of his valuable personal items available to us all via E-bay. Pictured here is a Persian Lamb Genuine Russian Ushanka. It'll keep you warm whether you're in Monsey or Monroe, Montreal or Moscow, and has the added celebrity status to make you feel fuzzy all over too. Notice the rich-looking fabric and professional Russian tailoring; this hat will have your friends oohing and ahhing all winter long. Get it fast before it's too late, and help Brother Tzemach in the process. Bidding starts at a mere Fifty American Dollars.
Or a pack of Marlboro Reds ;-)
большое спасибо
what's happened that he's become so desperate.
Who is the girl modeling the hat?
It's a sheitel, not a girl.
Tzemach farkeift dem Shteimel?! Is there a certificate of authenticity that comes along with it?
tzig, check it for shatnez - it's a miyut motzuy in these hats
to authenticate the spodek I might through in a commemorative plaque.
P.S. I heard from others that you are a moron, thanks for the confirmation.
the moron was addressed to u'n', who has only to worry about the miyut of sheichel in the empty container called his head.
hehe, the proverbial loser of the internets joins berele der mamzer, shmarya der koifer and tzig der moron in the U' N' hunt. it's my lucky day.
I see that your last sale was a LUBAVITCHER REBBE'S DOLLAR for only $8?
you could have sold it for much more here in Tzig's blog
I was interested in the encyclopedia Talmudic that u r selling, but the auction ends on Shabbos kodesh!
At least me and Tzemach agree on one thing....
By jove, you're right. I didn't bother to look at the other photos in the listing where it's obvious. Nebach.
Any plans to legitimize Tzig's "anti" status by relaunching the old site?
SDR, the Grade's character known as Tzemach, a torturous and torn Novardeker is no longer my inspiration.
Conversation as reapprochement is futile, specially with jews, specialty with frum jews.
The stench of the moribund culture is so overwhelming. One can't engage a culture on its edges, borderlines, the culture reacts as any wounded amimal would - with rage. Observation of these sentiments is a tiresome task.
I have what to write, but it might be in different format. Besides CE tells me I shouldn't do anything that is not related to parnosa.
I have also followed the jewish blogoshpere. There is nothing to read really. Two years ago there was an excitement the new possibilities, cathartic conversations. Alas, I see non of that today and I look for it.
P.S. you can't even sell a hat with this crowd.
Speaking of Grade. I think for Grade his book was the way of getting Tzemach Atlas out of his system.
Speaking of hats. I think there is an aesthetic ugliness to the contemporary jewish life that is hard to accept.
Delineating a psychological portage of the Rebbe is still a valid task. I have been thinking about the isolation he lived in. And how thew wheels came off when his Rebbetzin died. The tragic century. I know it affect me. The loss and separation from the family. The ideological divide with his brother. The separation and death of his father. The gulag. Volunteer isolation from the jewish community that lasted decades (he run away from Monsey as far as he possible could by choice and despite his shver's objections). Civilization lost in the Shoa.
And the sad legacy that is today. The checkmate of history.
The Rebbe ran away from Monsey?!
I often hear about the Holacoust and how it affected the jewihs community. But look again at the photo of the Russian Rabbonim. There where other 6 million in Russia, who perished or survived as emotionally broken and mortally scarred. Both wounds where never repaired and they bleed today.
That and the the wound of being controlled by the narrow minded survialsit culture of the Rabbinic Judaism for centuries.
Jews can recover from this genetically but the culture is doomed. You can not overcome these blows. There are Greeks by the Creek culture is dead. There are Jews but the Jewish culture is dead.
i think French say: "revolution devours its own children"
I an convinced that was used to be called Chassidus disappeared after the death of the Maggid. Or perhaps even with the departure of MM Horodoker to Tzfas. So by the time the tragedies rolled on it was already DOA.
reb bostoner mudilo, whatever you had to say on the defunct MB was occasionally interesting from the perspective of sisyphian necessity to dig for historical truth; do not flatter yourself that your pathological and misantropical graphomania had more the literary and otherwise appeal then a Britney Spears' roadkill. Frankly, just like tzig's Co, unless you're documenting the filth and the dark side, you can't produce; the "r" site proved to everyone what most already knew. so if you want to "write for parnoso", you better stick to the original set of topics or you'll follow the path of Grisha Klimov.
your true colors are slowly but surely rising to the top. I just got an education as to how vile you were in your comment above. None of this helps your baseless cause.
tzig, i'm not hiding my "true colors" , and if you'll take your muddies glasses you can sure see it all. i'm sorry for offending your bostoner namesake, but the reality is that his foray into "literature" outside of usual yo-sorbonna-nisht-sorbonna yo-gezhe-chicks-no-gezhe-chicks, plus a spit or two at Putin/Lazar, was pathetic. Tzig, how long will it take you to alread realize my true colors and STFU about them ?
Let's see now. Is that:
1)South Texas Federalist University
2) South Texas Female Undertakers
3) Southern Tblisi Farkakte Umivalnikoffs
4) Soviet TableTennis Female Umivalnikoffs
I need to know...........
by the way
I know your true colors, and you know that I know. So can I share that with the rest of our readers now.
פּותחין בכבוד אכסניא - tzigs first.
Many of my readers know me, so there's less to reveal. You on the other hand ----
If you'd like you can send me an e-mail and maybe we can set up a meeting with some of your favorite bloggers....
Tzig, more of your readers know me then you; the ones that matter, anyway. And the only interesting blogger is virtually dead since sept 01. so I doubt that you can set up anything of interest.
more of your readers know me then you; the ones that matter, anyway
"then" should be "than"
That's not true, to put it nicely, so why make up stories? I doubt anybody here knows you. C'mon, it'll be fun!
tzigele, there is nothing to hide and everybody knows who is who, so do post anything you feel like posting, even if it's your clients lists or your children's pictures.
this is not a question about revealing identities. what people say under a nickname tells you more about who they really are.
as the name of this blog, in a circus you can put teach a bear to dance but he is still a wild beast and better kept behind bars.
tzemachel, I manage to have kept a consistent set of opinions in real or blogial lifes. what's the point in fooling oneself ? i am unsure what made you jump out of the woods and attack me of all people, but I'm guessing that I must be a real thorn in the hairy eyeballs of the anuses of judenblogerei. may путин be with you.
Question for Tzemach: what's with the Reshimu blog? Hasn't moved for ages, not a single new post, and all it offers are alleged "today's favorite" which keep digging up long and forgotten gossiping - as if you insist on keping hurting those people mentioned (Leah Kleim, Rubashkin etc. etc.). Time to get a life and "doing" something
Tzemach Atlas said...
"I an convinced that was used to be called Chassidus disappeared after the death of the Maggid. Or perhaps even with the departure of MM Horodoker to Tzfas. So by the time the tragedies rolled on it was already DOA."
I believe firmly that what we state about the world says nothing about the world and everything about ourselves. That applies to myself as well, of course.
Tzemach's blog Reshimu has disappeared!
I am both happy and sad: happy because the worthless and vicious gossip hurting private individuals - as well as the ridiculous and shameful attacks against great personalities and movements - is gone; yet sad because Tzemach is a talented guy who often presented insightful and interesting posts.
Tzemach made teshuvah
maybe now he becomes a Satmar Chossid
The hat is now at $29!
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