אמאל פלעגן דאס טוהן נאר ליובאוויטשע, ספרדישע בעלי תשובה, אדער לכה"פ אזוי האבן זיך די "ערליכע אידן" איינגערעדט, אבער היינט זעהט מען שוין אז דער משוגעת און נאך אנדערע ענדלעכע סגולות אשר לא שערום אבותינו שפרייטן זיך, און זענען חודר אפילו לתוך המבצר הקדוש בספרינג וואלי, עיה"ק סקווירא תובב"א
מי אני ומה אני צו רעדן אויף קדושי עליון ווי דער הייליקער בעלזער רב זצ"ל, אבער דאס איז נישט וואס איר ליינט דא. קיינער לאכט נישט פון קיין צדיקים. לאכן לאכט מען די וואס זוכן עצות ווי צו מאכן געלט. איך גלייב נישט אז ער האט געוואלט אז מ'זאל איבער 50 יאר נאך זיין הסתלקות זיך באנוצן מיט די שטרוי פון אונטער זיינע הייליקע פיס, כאטש דאס געלט גייט פאר גוטע און וויכטיקע צוועקן
הערשעלע, מיר דוכט זיך אז עס וואלט געפאסט צו פיטערן דער הייליגע ציג מיט א ביסעלע הייליגע שטרוי
פיר און פופציג פאר שטרוי? ניין! איך וועל נישט צאלן! בשום איין אופן
אזא אנשיקעניש
what makes you thing that the Belzer Rov Z"L is against it.It is like buying straw from Matan Torah, this is like straw of Har Hamoriah, Plz don"t be a Mai Yoffisnik for the snags.
well, maybe he wasn't against it, and maybe it's like straw from Matan Torah, but let them use a better expression than "heilikke shtroy"
הערשעלע, שטרוי איז אויך אמאל ווערט געלט
The heilege straw reminds me of the heilige pipik joke...
Where the rov of a town left his not yet worldly talmid as his substitute to pasken shaylos in his absence, a shochet brought a pipik with a needle in it for the talmid to pasken if the chicken was kosher or a trefa. The talmid responded "oyb dos iz the heilige kirkevan (pipik) the halacha iz ....
Nebach nebach.
Someone once stole the satmer ruvs gatches in the mikva to use for his tachrichim, the sr told him "in himmel ven meshmassed, tzit men arup di hoizen" akl"k.
What a bunch of ingarishe narunim.
was that Joke not said on Reb Boruch Ber?
Please,Big scale Hiskashrus to Tzadikim was not invented in Hungary, they are latecomers to the game
Who created this flyer? Mad magazine?
It's satire. Right? Right?
Please tell me it's a joke.
in a perfect world it would be...
I get it. It's a joke.
We're not that swift out here.
It doesn't say which moisod.
Belz, what?
$54.00 is inexpensive for 60 year old hay. Cooked date water? It's a joke. I get it. All three for $72.00 devalued dollars. Tzig, it's farce.
how come no post abut the guy n Flatbush with the dream from hell (literaly) and he gotta get ten people to be moichel the dead guy, because he used to cheper them, while he was alive. You got nothing to say about that! Is it because Lubabs don't believe in hell and purgatory as long as they "believe"?
which Yiddish dialect has a r for the word Chepe?
what makes you think that Lubavihers don"t believe in Gehinom?
they believe in learning Rieshis Chochma(you probably never opened that sefer in your life)the Rebbe recommends it for every Chosen.
please,do your self a favor go back to your cave with your Ipod listening to the Krohn Yente
The Rebbe davened on straw? isn't this more likely to be straw from the stable?
פארוואס נישט געבען קרעדיט פונוואנעט דאס בלעטל איז קאפירט געווארן?
עס קומט פון ר' נחום ראזענבערג'ס בלאגץ דא איז דער לינק וועט איר זעהן אז עס איז קאפירט פון דארטן: http://nochemrosenberg.blogspot.com/2010/12/laugh-it-is-healthy-to-laugh.html
Reb Ahron would stand on straw on Yom Kippur as he would stand at the omud for long periods. Rebbes of course don't wear sneakers, that's for us ba'alei aveire, so is geven the minheg in belz that the rebbe stood on straw to cushion his feet.
I hope Nuchem is not putting the site on his black list and start hurling his accusations, on him chazal said Harchiek Min Hakiur....
אפשר אויף אזא שטרוי האט פעטער עשו געפרעגט האיך מתקנין
Nuchem contacted me demanding credit. The problem is I never took it from his blog, although the one who sent it to me may have seen it there.
Hershel, You posted in the evening according to my RSS reader while Nuchem posted in the afternoon. So obviously he didn't copy it from you. The scanning for both of your posting is identical, down to the creaes and defects. So either both of you got it from a third source or your source copied it from nuchem. Why not check with the source to determine if he did the scanning himself. If not, why not be a big guy and give Nuchem credit. We will all understand that crediting him for a flyer being scanned is not an haskamah for him in other matters.
PS- for something of much more substantial signficace see the letter by R. Mordechai Stauber of Satmar Bais Rochel in Antwerp to the bais din of R. Wosner in Monsey. Also involves R. Weiss in Antwerp and others. http://wp.me/pFbfD-pf
Feel free to copy it to this site. Just credit me for the posting and for the translation.
I did not take it from him, and I didn't necessarily post it as soon as I got it, so to credit NR now, is sort of silly, don't you think. I have no problem giving credit when I take from another site.
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