Working on a hot tip from A Simple Jew I came across this Becher for sale. It's not just any Kiddush Cup, you see, it's a "Kaballah Becher" based on the writings of the Rashash zt"l. I know very little about the Segulos of Kaballah and whether or not laymen like myself can actually get them to work, but this seems a little much. People who bought these Bechers supposedly swear that it helps for everything from an easy childbirth to preventing kids from bedwetting. All you need to do is overpay for a silver cup and all your problems are solved? I once spoke to a guy who had this Kolel of a group of men in Israel who learned Kaballah half a day and produced these Bechers the other half. Supposedly they have very lofty Kavanos in mind while inscribing these cups, and produce them by hand one cup at a time. He was quite happy that there was such a market, and that people will pay anything if they think that their problems could be solved.
From the ad: The gilt (gold washed) interior of the cup is designed based on the writings of the 17th century Kabbalist - Rashash. It is engraved with sixty-four different words that are derived from the letters of the names of the four rivers that flowed through the Garden of Eden. One who drinks from this cup, according to Kabbalistic teachings, is granted the secrets and blessings of healing from any sicknesses, mental or physical, and infertility.
According to Kabbalistic tradition, King Solomon extracted these secrets from the Garden of Eden.
Get yours for only $199.00

Hashem is compelled to run the world in a way that honors a persons faith in him via such a becher or other seemingly non conventional avenues of 'interacting' with Him (as long as means and methods aren't inherently trief). And if you say that sometimes things work out for the becher believer solely because of the 'pyschological' effect of his emuna, then the upshot question is: does G-d not dwell everywhere? even within a persons mind so to speak? opening up channels for clarity and brocha?
i got a similar one for a gift, but instead of inscriptions on the cup its got luchos type panels welded to the inside of the perimeter of the cup... no matter how much you clean it there is alway debris in the cup..
I wouldn't call your gift similar only because it needs to have the Sheymos in order to be effective.
I'm not sure I understood the rest of your comment though.
it does have sheymos. they were cut out, stenciled in the lujos.
i'm just saying that its impossible to say something is foolish if a fool believes and the medium is unconventional. G-d is bigger than all of us, and our emuna trumps the substance of who we are and all mediums.......
Why must you say that all mediums are Ok since G-d is everywhere? That sounds like you can believe what you like just because G-d is greater than all beliefs?
rather than state with certainty that one must believe within certain guidelines, whats wrong with saying that one can beleive in any way that is not treif?
check out this kos http://jewishworker.blogspot.com/2007/04/quarter-of-million-dollar-seder-night.html
I recall seeing an ad in Kfar Chabad selling a becher with the Rebbe's likeness. I realize thats not an official matter. Does anyone know where I can purchase sucha becher as i collect these items.
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