"Shliach Roshi" Reb Zvi Grunblatt teeing off somewhere in the Argentine. photo by COL
Some of you may remember the thread on Shluchim running marathons, where I blasted Shliach Peretz Chein for running a marathon in Massachusetts looking like a space man. He supposedly did it to be Mekarev the youngsters at Brandeis U. So you're probably thinking that here I go again, about to blast a Shliach for a similar "offense." But here's the difference: Rabbi Grunblatt looks like he's totally out of place, which he is, if you know him at all, and there seems to be no Kiruv motive whatsoever. Nowhere is it written that a Shliach must become a monk, living a life of abstaining from all physical amusement, but please, mish nit arein di eigene Cheshbaynes. Don't convince yourself that somehow this is what the Rebbe - and therefore G-d - wanted from us; to bring Jews closer to Yiddishkeit by lowering our standards.
The Tzig has spoken.
A Gutten Mayed
"Don't convince yourself that somehow this is what the Rebbe - and therefore G-d - wanted from us"
yechi boreynu
yechi boreynu
and I thought that peabrains like yourself shut down for Chol HaMoed. My bad.
To me all Lubab are just 'beards'.I have learned the hard way that just because a guy has a nice long beard mean that he can even read Hebrew.
Most Lubab, including those frum from birth are what is known in the vernacular as 'grobbeh am'aratsim' who will miss no chance to prove this point.
Obviously there are a few learned men, but usually they are crazy or meshichists or both.I don't want to mention names but suffice to say that that some of their leading rabbis, what they call 'ziknei anash' were the promoters of the 'Rebbe as Moshiach' campaign, and quite a number of them also pushed the Rebbe is alive forever and ever 'campaign' .I remember with chagrin, how a respected Lubab rabbi, one that even I respected
(for his humility and decent character, not for his erudition, since as I said very few Lubab are learned)suddenly 'joined' the kool aid crowd and in front of thousands of people repeated the 'long live the Rebbe king messiah forever and ever' mantra (a number of years after the Rebbes passing).....
So what in heaven do you want from a 'guy with a beard' who is enjoying himself with a round of golf? I don't think there is anything wrong even for real rabbis to get a little exercise and relaxation,but for a Lubab???Let him enjoy himself gezunterheit! Like this he''ll be busy and not bother anybody, as the Lubab are want to do, shove all kinds of 'new' mitvos done peoples throats. Yikes!!!I just remembered that in my Lubavitch shul my rabbi will be pestering me about the seudas moshach and the 'five' cups of wine! Tzig, maybe you could get the address of a good kosher golf course near Miami??
to me all snags are overrated Ameratsim who parade as Talmidei Chachomim. They have the moves and a few catch phrases, but to know how to learn? Yechidim know. Yes, you have a few Jews in America and a few tens in Israel that can learn, but the rest have a hard time repeating a shtikkel drush without stepping over themselves. A Posuk Chumash to be repeated correctly is a once in a lifetime happening at a Yeshivishe gathering or Shmoooooz. That includes the biggest Roshei Yeshiva and Kolel Yungeleit of 10 or more years. So when a guy sitting in his backyard in N Miami who just stuffed his face all Pesach with KFP goodies and machine Matzoh, and heard from some Snag that "Lubabs are Ameratsim" comes here and deficates on this site, ver ich nit tsukratst.
א פרייליכן יום טוב
i dont get this post. Every lubavitcher is not a talmid chocham, rosh yeshiva, mashpia type or an old time chosid living a life of austerity. Of course there are ideals that a lubav aspires to or identifies with but our lives our not consistent with these ideals in every aspect both with and without intention. G-d only knows how we spend our time, you included Tzig. of all things you have a beef with golf?...Golf is a wholesome relaxing diversion for anyone.....even a real chosid....
you so totally missed the point here.
Tzig, i understand english, what is your point?
The Rayaatz had a chasid in Chicago called Mr. Plamer an undertaker, must have been related to Arnold Plamer.
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