(Solomon Schechter)
You would think that a website that writes so much about Chabad history would know better, or would bother to find out if they didn't, but I guess they were in a rush to get the story out there before COL did, or something like that. Then again the article is from the Mizrachi daily HaTzofeh, so maybe they should take the blame for this one. The article is about the origins of the Schecter family of Lubavitcher Chassidim, based on the writings/memoirs of Solomon Schachter, founder of the Jewish Theological Seminary. It seems like the writer either knows ZERO about the Conservative Movement of America, which was founded by SS, or chooses to ignore it and focuses on the fact that he sorted through the Cairo Genizah and brought it to New York. He makes note of the fact that the first meeting of the Chovevei Tzion Organization was held in his town in 1881, and that his father was the Shochet of his town in Romania, hence the name Shechther. He davened in a Chabad shul, and had a Chabad Melamed. What I didn't know about SS was that he was a Talmid of Reb Yosef Shaul Natansohn, the Ba'al Shoy'el U'Meyshiv, Rov of Lemberg/Lvov, and Posek of his generation. The article continues to call SS "HaRav," as if he were a legitimate candidate for that term, which is literally painful to watch. Yoshe Kalb, a frequent (albeit less frequent of late) commenter here "called them on the carpet," and reminded the editors of Shturem that this is NOT a man we need to be proud of as being "MiGeza Chabad."
Our Media has finally reached the levels of secular media. Baruch Shehigianu. Aharon Dov only dreamt of such inaccuracies.
I agree with you.Prof Shecter need not be glorified by Chabad. But if thats the case how can present day Chabad honor people who lack basic moral scruples in their personal life (Perlman) who are merried to non Jews (Rudy Boschwitz and so on and so forth.
At least Schechter was commited to traditonal jewish life .
Schneur, because Rebbi Mechabed Ashirim. Period. They are not being honored for their behavior, they are being honored for their tzedakah.
Rudy Boschwitz is married to (the same) Jewish woman for 50 years!!! Choshed biksheyrim....
Shliach in MN
Shneur Zalman Schechter, in the introduction to his edition of Avos Derabbi Nosson, interestingly speaks highly of someone he considers his rebbe: Isaac Hirsch Weiss, author of Dor Dor Vedorshav, a historic work which has today been largely discredited in Orthodox circles. The Avos deRebbi Nosson was published in 1887, the Dor Dor VeDorshav was still being written.
Schechter studied at the Vienna Beth Midrash in 1875-1879, which presumably when he came into contact with Weiss, who was writing the DDvD from 1871-1891.
DDvD's major problem seems to be denial of Sinaitic origin of the Oral Torah, that is, it started with Moshe as his interpretations of the Torah, not as extra material given by God.
well whatever.
they may want to have these guys consider weather they want to be honored by Shemtov.
His two big guys one more hopeful then the other not doing very good.
Perlman just lost a billion and a half -- lost forever, and Shaya needs a groiseh yeshua. their goys Shayas promise for the bais rivkah.
Maybe hibodlu mitoich hoaiduh.
So its okay to amrry a shiksa and be honored by chassidim
Schneur, I cannot believe that was you commenting, that is the greatest straw man I have seen.
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