(Moyshe, se shteit gut?)
For those of you out of the loop, yesterday was Israeli Independence Day (observed). Most Frum Jews in Israel do not see this as a very auspicious day, at least as far as Aschalta DeGeulah goes, and rather just go about their business, as they should, and try not to hurt anybody's feelings who may be celebrating. Some, however, need to make noise, just like they need to make noise about everything else. Yerushalmi noise also is very unique, with a very "old-world" flavor to it, as handed down by generations of Yerushalmim. Add to that Hungarian/Toldos Aron creativity, and you've got yourself a nice show.
These Jews pictured here grew out out of the confinements of Meah Shearim, with the neighborhood literally bursting at the seams, and moved out to the city of Beit Shemesh, using land given to them by the "Zionist Government" I presume. The usual "We were here before they came" excuse would then not be applicable here, which is what they usually say when asked why they live in a place where everything you do, from riding Eged buses to paying your electric bill is associated with "Avodeh Zoroh" and "revolt against G-d." So if I were in their shoes I'd stick my tail between my legs and scurry on home with my head down,, Mita'am not to spit in the proverbial well that I drink from, but I guess some people just have no sense of right and wrong, and have no problem living life to the fullest, including public displays of hypocriticism.

(Mayday!, Mayday!)

(he looks constipated)
And so, on the 59th annual Independence Day these Jews took to the streets and proclaimed their "sorrow," but not before doing what they do best and calling the local Jew-loving news agencies like the AP and AFP. They also donned their sackclothes, being that their pain is so great, and they so long for G-d's glory to be revealed in his land. I know that most people may not be 100 percent sincere about all their actions, especially when it comes to serving Hashem, but even that has a limit. How anybody can take these silly sack parades seriously; as if these shnooks are really bothered by Tziyoinim, is beyond me. When Reb Amrom Blau was around we knew that he was serious because he was serious about everything he did in life. We didn't agree with his tactics but we respected his sincerity. These clowns look like they're just passing time marching around instead of sipping coffee. I just wish they wouldn't give the rest of us a bad name.

(Yankel macht morgen tzen azeyger a bris in di Shtieblach)
Did they have sack races? Color war? Was a good time had by all?
Ahhhh, springtime...
Hard to have color war with just black.... Although the Toldot people do bring a dash of color to the competition.
Isn't the point a sackcloth (Sak voEyfer) that it should be worn against the skin?
I am glad they also put on their sack clothes to lament the expulsion from Gaza or after terrorist attacks where other Jews were killed...
The difference is only that Reb Amrom Blau was a serious Meshugener, he was taken serious only in willietown, If you think I am extreme, ask the normal side of the family Reb Moshes grandchildren.
what about Tzitzes?
It does seem like they round the corners, so Tzitzis would not required. Remember, many of them wear round collared jackets so as not to be required to attach Tzitzis, so they're pretty keen about the requirement.
As far as Reb Amrom being a meshugener: It's true that he never spoke to his brother again after leaving the Agudah. And he was even more extreme than Reb Velevel Brisker, of whom he was a bog adherent. But supposedly the Rebbe liked him.
The pictures you show are not very scary, had I done the same with your Chnabadsker meshugoim showing off their/your craziness, you'd be screaming.
check this out for a perspective on Israel Independence
I think the point about wearing sackcloth is that it's uncomfortable and undignified. If you're going to do it you're supposed to be wearing it INSTEAD of your regular clothes, not as a fashion accessory.
Also, why is their banner in Ivrit?
The Brisker rav Reb Velvele is reported to have remarked that the very fact that the NK and others demonstrate in Jslm without fear is being "modeh" in Zionism ; as would any religious Jews demonstrate lets say in Moscow during the Communsit rule. Of course not they would be scared, but the etzem fact that the NK is not scared is being modeh in the Chesed of the Zionistin.
the Rebbe had ahavas yisroel, he liked meshgoim too.
Truly a wonderful country- even the crazies get their own parade!!
Here is my Yom Ha'Atzamois video, in honor of all the sack paraders:
The shtreimel is on Ebay with a starting bid of five cents!
Zoom in on the first picture (click on it) and you will see the sign is re-used from last year. They just change the number.
I guess the budget is tight.
I cant think of anyone who would enjoy this more than you
I think its worthy of its own post
Hirshel Tzig said...
As far as Reb Amrom being a meshugener: It's true that he never spoke to his brother again after leaving the Agudah. .. But supposedly the Rebbe liked him.
And that of course is what counts.
OTOH the rebbe was surrounded by so many useless and ignorant meshugoim that Reb Amrom zt'l was a true gem in his eyes.
Anonymous said...
The difference is only that Reb Amrom Blau was a serious Meshugener, he was taken serious only in willietown,
Reb Amrom was a Yid a Tzaddik who had true mesiras nefesh in his Avodas Hashem.
His personal chesed with Jews of every stripe was renowned. Hi slife was Torah, Tefeila Chesed and mesiras nefesh for HKBH and his Torah.
Joe in Australia said...
Also, why is their banner in Ivrit?
Have you heard of Loshon Hakodesh?
schneur said...
The Brisker rav Reb Velvele is reported to have remarked that the very fact that the NK and others demonstrate in Jslm without fear is being "modeh" in Zionism ; as would any religious Jews demonstrate lets say in Moscow during the Communsit rule. Of course not they would be scared, but the etzem fact that the NK is not scared is being modeh in the Chesed of the Zionistin.
Not exactly what he said. What he said was, that the fact that Reb Amrom protests against Chilul Shabbos every week - knowing that the Israeli Charedi-hating police will inflict him brutal makkos retzach - shows that Reb Amrom doesn't believe that they are capable of retizcheh(wich the Brisker Rav was convinced that they ARE. Thus the 'zionist' stab.
And BTW very shortly afterwards the Brisker Rav was proven right when at an anti-chilul Shabbos protest the zionist stormtroopers murdered a protester - Reb Pinchos Segalov HYD - a Lubavithcer chosid.
Anonymous said...
the Rebbe had ahavas yisroel, he liked meshgoim too.
True. The problem however is that too many meshugoim like Lubavitch...
hey, what can we do, meshugoyim like Lubavitch, is that so bad? That's the only place that'll deal with them.
Rest assured that the comment about Reb Amrom being a "meshugener" didn't come from a Lubavitcher.
thought this was interesting contrast to your pictures
It is interesting, but you see what can be made of it, excuses. He didn't mean it, it isn't flown proudly, only flown etc.
Why don't they wear a sack on Tisha B'av?
At least R. Amram was no fool. He married a young French actress after his first wife died. (Alright, I know that was a cheap shot and that he had to marry a giyoris, blah, blah, but I couldn't resist).
I know that the next sentence will prevent my comments from being posted, but the fact that the Rebbe liked R. Amram, is part of the game that Lubavitch played in the dor hashviei, calling themselvers kanoim but expounding extreme zionist right wing shitos. You can explain it a million times, but it makes no sense.
Anonymous said...
The difference is only that Reb Amrom Blau was a serious Meshugener, he was taken serious only in willietown, If you think I am extreme, ask the normal side of the family Reb Moshes grandchildren.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:00:00 PM
Have you met R' Moishe's aineklach? The Schlesingers? R' Yeshaya Yakov of the Badatz Eidah HaChareidis?
schneur said...
The Brisker rav Reb Velvele is reported to have remarked that the very fact that the NK and others demonstrate in Jslm without fear is being "modeh" in Zionism ; as would any religious Jews demonstrate lets say in Moscow during the Communsit rule. Of course not they would be scared, but the etzem fact that the NK is not scared is being modeh in the Chesed of the Zionistin.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:51:00 PM
The Brisker Rov was by nature a pachdan. The NK are not.
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