We've got an array of groups within Charedism, and they conduct themselves quite differently on Erev Pesach. One runs to bake Matzos, while the other says that it's Chometz Gomur. One runs to the Hardware store, while the other runs around distributing Matzos to those that do not have their own. We may consider ourselves to be the same, but we sure do have different priorities.
I plan to be more patient with my kids this Pesach, even if there's grape juice all over the floor. I also plan to visit the Chulent seder tonight, to report back to the donors, and to see what these chulenters are made of. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. Many of the attendees told that were it not for chulent they would not attend the seder, so that makes me feel good. I also would like to see the reaction by the neighbors; seeing such a crowd in Boro Park is not an everyday occurence.
I also realize that for those who are alone for whatever reason, Yomim Tovim are THE most difficult times. They dread them like the plague, and wish that they would just go away. You can do your part: Invite a lonely young man or woman, or multiples of them, and make them feel at home, maybe even at the expense of spending more time with your kiddies. After all, what more valuable lesson can you teach your kids than to live his life caring for other Yidden?
חג הפסח כשר ושמח
To all friends and enemies: A Kosher un Freilichen Pesach, let us all fight together this year in Yerushalayim.
noo lomir shoyn heren vegen der chulenter seder
NOBODY claims erev pesach Matzah is chometz. Litvish don't use it becuase it is more LIKELY to be chametz
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