Anonymous Campus Shliach has heard enough. He responds to the vicious lies spread about campus Chabad Houses by a supposed "college student" in Circus Tent: Nice going, Mishpachah.
[edited for grammar and clarity]
"It is so amazing that people can write and have an opinion about something they know nothing about. Visit a campus and see what is actually happening there, you'll be amazed. I am a shliach on Campus and have been here for a very long time. I live in the middle of nowhere, with no frum families near us. There are no Jewish families near us. I live on a campus with 1500 Jewish students. There are many places that these students could get food, and many places that these students could get alchohol. Lubavitch on campus has a strict alchohol policy in place. At my Chabad House we only serve wine, and even that is in limited quantities. I would love to turn in the high paying fundraising salary that "I pay myself" for a federation type gig. Let's look at the reality - I have no retirement plan, no health insurance, no money to pay for chinuch of my children, the last 5 years of tuition was put on credit card, Chabad activities have been put on personal credit card. Do you have any idea what it is like to wake up with over 100,000 in credit card debt? Especially when that debt was used solely to pay for Shabbos and Chinuch? I have visited UNC and UMiami. Anonymous's complaints are not warranted. The reality is that today Hakaros Hatov is a foreign concept."
עד כאן דבריו הקדושים
Did we ever suspect otherwise; i.e. that the life of a campus shliach is a party, and where he gets to hang out with college kids as those nasty comments insinuated? no, we never did. But I do know that these comments reach a variety of people from different walks of life and sometimes shake their belief and trust in a very good thing. That's why comments from shluchim like the ones made here are so important to set the record straight. For those of you who think that there may be some truth to those vicious statements, let me remind you that what he writes sounds very much like what a secular or anti-kolel Jew would write the life of a Kolel Yungerman in Israel or anywhere else in the world. Things about waking up at 8am, soaking in the Mikveh, drinking coffee, and discussing the news and politics of the day. You get the picture.
spineless comment #1
To the anon-campus 'rabbi',
How about being brave enough and telling us who you are and where you are a 'rabbi'.
Oh, I knew you wouldn't............
Your story lacks any credence.
You see the problem here? This stupid fellow cannot believe that a person would go into debt to do " Kiruv, so it must be a lie. This is the world we live in.
I know of sheluchim who had to abandon their chabad house due to lack of funds. thank g-d they returned to NY where their kids could have normal friends and education
I don't consider Lubavitch to be 'kiruv'.
It's all about bringing people closer to Lubavitch.As it stands today, Lubavitch with their Christian 'second coming' idea of Rabbi Schneerson as the reincarnated messiah is not Jewish.
The more extreme elements such as those that claim he did not die or others that he is divine are beyond being debated about
I am sure the Rebbe's approach would have been "thank g-d they returned to NY".
Hey spineless, how about anonymous college student appearing here to deride campus shluchim? You think shleck like you deserve identification? Go snag yourself.
I had to link to this.
I can ignore Mentalblock. I can ignore Snags. I can ignore dumb fellow Lubavitchers. I can keep on going, because there is a non Jewish black man somewhere who is comforted by the knowledge that a rabbi gave him the time of day, and there is a young man who can appreciate that, and there is a young lady who can weave the story for us.
i hereby proclaim all Snags to be non-Kosher converts to Judaism from the Lithuanian Lap tribes. They are no longer part of the Jewish people, and no love should accordingly shown them.
The Tzig
I say -- a solution to Campus Shliachs problems... petition for even more Shluchim to be dumped in your area so the Heads can be written up in USA Today as the "most powerful" Organization on the face of the planet.
What a bunch of BS. As you say, the Average Shliach is struggling and all he needs is more competition for the politics within.
What happened to Roars $350,000 to buy a house? for campus shluchim? What Happened to Shemtovs initiative? How about Kotlarsky who claims to be the savior of the Campus Shluchim?
What happened to all the hoopla in the press, that your average Shliach just stays qiuet to all the garbage coming out from the top.
By the way if you think the most recent e-mail going out from Kaplan will bear any fruit ( a Multi million dollar fund ready to give out bucket loads of money to every Shliach anywhere, just send in your info to us, so we have more info to take further control and pretend we represant everyone, I got the Brooklyn bridge for you for sale.)
when was the last time of all the e-mails and requests for info from HEADQUARTERS did anyone get any follow up and expalnation to whats going on?
Don't get dupped again and its about time Mr. Campus Shliach who reads this blog, instead of crying stand up and do something.
Ma. "shliach"
Is there something bugging you? Who said anything about dumping more shluchim?
That's also the first time I've heard someone complain that there are too many Shluchim. Usually it's the other way around; complaints about parents keeping the seats warm for their kids.
Hirshel Tzig,
your intentions are noble but you know nothing of what's going on inside.
I dare any shliach to confront me on your blog. They would never, because, they're afraid of their own shadow and they know better than anyone the revenge that is brought on those who open their mouths.
Like puppets, publicly they go along with the program and privately they suffer the consequences.
Who said anything about dumping? I did, as a response to the poor unfortunate Shliach who complains of his nebach situation.
If instead of looking to claim more numbers, headquarters did something to bring honesty, integrity, and cohesiveness to a group of people who share the same name ( I won't even call it an organization, because it isn't one at all)
maybe then Poor campus Shliach wouldn't have to struggel and become a day trader or real estate investor to make ends meet.
Maybe he would get a reasonable salary like the Hillel Rabbi because the Hillel Rabbi works for an ORGANIZATION.
when you'll be brave to come forth using your real name then we'll talk about daring others to come forth.
You'll admit that this system was not instituted by those evil Shemtovs after 3 Tamuz 5754, correct? so at whose feet do you lay the blame?
Rohr does provide salaries for couples going to campuses, and you know it. So why lie about it?
Ahh Moshiach is already here for me.
Melachtom Naasim al yedai Acheirim. Finally someone else who is frustrated with the "system". I can use a break for a while.
Campus Shliach sounds like the guy who kills his parents and then cries he is an orphan.
I agree with Ma. Shliach. If you want to see a change then you need to consider a change in what leaves you in your present situation.As long as you accept where you ar i.e. the environment of the ones who placed you and are over you on Shlichus, don't complain for what you have.
and by the way I hope you are brave enough to answer Ma. shliach You cry poverty when all the sites seem to claim so much wealth and programs for the campus Shluchim.
another spineless "shliach" afraid to blame he who really is to "blame."
Hirshel Tzig,
I don't follow your line of logic.
Number one, the Campus Shliach was asked to identify himself on your blog previously if he is to have any credibility for what he said. Anyone can claim things that are just not the case.
Number two, who lied about anything? The Nebach Campus Shliach said he is up to his nose in debt, so I said, what's with all the money Rohr gives for campus Shluchim..$350,000 to buy a house and as you say salaries.. so my question is, this guy must be a phoney, why is he crying wolf?
Number three, I didn't ask any other Shliach to identify themselves to have a nice healthy debate. So why would I have to identify myself?
Number four, there was always plenty problems before Gimmel Tammuz but somehow they were under control, Today, you try telling Lazaroff what to do, Cunin, or any of the Head guys what to do.
They'll share some of their choice Russian or even maybe some English vocabulary on you.
the Present situation is deplorable and so the blame is on the present people in positions of responsibility.
Ma. shliach
1) would you identify yourself as living under his conditions? no. you just dish out dirt without naming yourself, so why expect more of him?
2) AFAIK Rohr funds new projects, I would imagine this shliach doesn't fall under that category. I heard that Rohr funds salaries, not 350k for a house.
4) the problems were under control because the only person to blame was the Rebbe, which of course nobody did. Now you can blame Krinsky and Shemtov. Good for you.
I would be happy to anounce myself to anyone that leaves an email. I am not hiding anything. Just don't think it acheives anything to be carved into the ether.
The Rohr's are amazing people. Their generosity is truly breathtaking. There are funds available to build or purchase a center. Money is also available to new Campus Chabad Houses. Thankfully today campus shluchim can start on a solid financial foundation. Unfortunately that was not always the case. When I started there were just a few campus houses. BH' now there are a lot. Chabad with all the warts is still the best organization. The dedication of the shluchim make it a very inspiring place to work. How long does regular staff stay in a place today? At a small school, the staff is always turning over. In the time I have been here we have had 7 Hillel directors. Dedication to a place, a job, a mission, is sorely lacking in the larger world.
Ma Shliach, you have not identified yourself. supposed college student hasn't identified himself. I haven't. Tzig hasn't. This is the minhag hamakom of the blogosphere. No one need take the accusation seriously, or the response. But you cannot afford anonymity to one and none to the other.
Ma. shliach:
so what exactly is not believable with the campus shliach? that he went into debt, or that Rohr came through with the monies promised?
Hirshel Tzig,
I told you, you mean well but you don't have the facts straight. Connect with your sources and find out wether Rohr gives this kind of money or not and you are welcome to get back to me.
Are you saying you want me to blame the Rebbe???????
The Rebbe is Kodesh Kodshim, it's his people who are letting him down.
Campus Shliach.
Shluchim are moving around quite frequently lately.
The main reason Shluchim stay on their job is because there is no opportunity to move on or to anywhere else. Veharayeh, give a Shliach an opportunity to become a Mashgiach and off he is, give him an opportunity for another income producing job and off he is, so don't sell me the crap of dedication.
For the most part Shlichus is an excuse to have a money producing job and it's a fraternity to feel you belong to something.
Offer anyone in Kolel a Job as a Rabbi Of Young Israel a principal of a school, or any other shteleh and off they are. And so is the metzius. If its Shlichus of the Rebbe that propels them, it sure didn't take long to change their outlook.
As far as your debt issues, my response was, don't cry poverty..do something about it. Vasimeim beroishehem, if Chabad had a better reputation instead of its down spiraling trend maybe you wouldn't have to struggle so much.
If Chabad was the organization they want everyone to believe they are maybe you would have someone to turn to for help instead of crying on a blog.
But there is unfortunatly no one who cares or runs Chabad today. I will not begin on the politics of Ma. at this time.
c'mon now, you expect me to get a financial statement from Rohr?
I expect you to blame the Rebbe because that's what you're doing essentially, you just don't have the nerve to do it. Just like in the old days when they blamed Chodakov.
I guess you went on shlichus with the noblest of intentions, right? it's only the Johnny-come-latelies that do it because they need jobs?
Hirshel Tzig,
Are you telling me I should blame the Rebbe for
Shemtov fighting with Krinsky
Krinsky fighting with Shemtov
Kotlarsky fighting with Shemtov
all of them fighting with 770 and every Rov who says anthing against them.
Cunin fighting with Lazar and being a total independant
and the chaos on Shlichus in general
the Rebbe is to blame for this?
and by the way when did the Rebbe nominate Krinsky for anything else but to be a Chauffer and Shemtov to be an executor of a Will ......
Tzig, Are you agreeing with Ma. Shliach, that everyone goes out with an ulterior motive,
well said.
Ma shliach
Well, you just confirmed my suspicions: This has nothing to do with the campus shliach living in debt, but it has everything to do with blaming Shemtov. For what I don't know. You totally avoided my point about the Rebbe setting up the system of every shliach fending for himself, yet you make as if Krinsky's to blame that he struggles!
Also, not blaming the Rabbonim of CH or the Menahalei HaMosdos the world over for the current situation in Lubavitch really shows your objectivity....
You're slowly giving away your true intentions....
anonymous 12:19
in the words of Tzemach:
And well done in drawing them out, Tzig.
Hey Ma. Shliach.
I hope you don't take all of this seriously and to heart I've gone through all of this.
Check back a little.
What does this MA. guy want?
Without Krinsky fighting he will get more cash?
Without Shemtov fighting he will get more cash?
Without Kotlarsky fighting he will get more cash?
You have a deep animosity against them as I can see in your lines not between the lines, the fact is the rebbe sent for shlichus before there was Rohr Fondations or Leviev and people were succesful, and some coudn"t take the heat so they left the kitchen. Get out of your misery and get a life, there is a big life in Likutei Torah or Samech Vov
Anon 8:30
why don't you tell the Rebbe your advice. and you are probably one of the sick minded current liberal minded Shluchim who take the position, don't say anything about Moshiach, Giur Kahalochoh, Shleimus Hooretz, Shmiras Shabbos....etc... because it may rub someone the wrong way and chase them away from Chassidus.
So Now the goal is to have goyim and lehavdil Jews learning Chassidus who couldn't give a hoot for Torah??
Maybe you're one of the guys who told the Rebbe not to talk too much on the above issues because it's making it difficult for the Shluchim to raise money.
Things don't happen when people, get out of the kitchen to avoid the heat.
Things happen when people get into the kitchen to make things happen. GOT IT?
Campus Shliach has ALL his problems because Chabad lacks any kind of leadership. They are ALL rotten to the core.
I care about it, you seem to enjoy status quo. By the way is your name Shemtov, Krinsky, or one of the other Loi Yutzlochs?
Ma shliach
you're sounding more and more like a crown heights guy at noontime in 770 who never held down a job. Shliach in Massachusetts? I think not.
Ma Shliach, is your name Reich, Shpritzer, Rapp or another Lo Yutzlach?
I would rather think its Pruss,
I am no shaliach or cousin of a shaliach
I never said campus shluchim don't do anything. Of course they do!
The at my school:
-buys cheap liquor for people to get completely 'wasted' at his Shabbos table
-ambles around the quad 'doing outreach' (aka: talking on his cell phone to G-d knows who) without ever acknowledging any student
-goes on vacation during yontef to see his family at their various Chabad houses, thus leaving all the students behind to fend for themselves
-builds a website and fills it with events that have never taken place
-spreads sheker about the other Orthodox rabbi on campus (this also happens if the other rabbi is Chassidish as at UGa)
-spreads sheker about students associated with the other Orthodox rabbi
-files false reports about the new Orthodox rabbi to campus administration...and then gets caught
It's a busy day!
Just so you know a little about me, let me explain. I was very involved in Chabad and am a chozer b'tshuvah. I sat on the board and all that jazz. However once a new Orthodox rabbi came to campus, our shliach basically went bezerk. He informed everyone at Chabad that they 'weren't allowed' to go learn with this rav, that he only wanted to make people charedi, and was an anti-zionist. All very amusing considering that our shliach never met the guy and given that the new rav actually served in the IDF. Anyway as the year has progressed the shliach has gone so far as to harass any students affiliated with this new rabbi and continues to 'ban' any contact with him. For his part, the new rav has taken the stance of not fighting back, which works for him in making the shliach seem like a nut.
The last straw for me was when the new rav was banned from the 'community minyan' by the shliach. After protesting that such behavior wasn't right, I was told to get out, banned from minyan (the only one in town), and before Pesach informed that I was not allowed at the seder. So much for ahavat yisrael. You'll thus have to excuse me if I become nauseated at vignettes about how wonderful campus Chabad is and how Chabad 'loves every Jew'. Sadly it's just not true.
we're really sorry that you had a bad experience, yet judging from your noble response, and your intent on spreading the word about your guy, I can see that you're truly a stand-up guy who's really grateful for all that he got. I see that the Tshuvah you did is really shining through. I'm sure Aish is happy to have you on the team. maybe you can run the PR arm for them.
Mordechai Deluca -
You are infamous - we all know who you are and on what college you are- You have simply bit the hand that fed you and now pose as a "concerned college student"-
I know your whole story and what that Shliach did for you and what they did in your hometown for you - ever thought of the Jewish concept called hakaros hatov -
Sorry - no one buys your lies..
Chozer Btshuva ???!
Heh aish, that's a good one. Hakaros hatov goes both ways partner.
Oh yes the old refrain of "all they did". I don't think attempting to ruin people and their reputations is something to be appreciated.(Let's not even get on the topic of bad conversions presided over by Chabad's Litvak beit din point man). Thank G-d the university managed to put a stop to the shliach's wonderful actions. What a great kiddush Hashem that is (along with of course the head of Lubavitch in this state calling students and telling them to 'stay away' from the new rav). Just beautiful. I'm sure Rebbe thought the whole point of shlichus was fighting with other rabbis to the point of having to have secular non-Jewish authorities step in.
Not everyone is always so bowled over by incessant lying, which makes everyone look stupid. But it all goes back to this same premise, either you are 'for' or 'against' Chabad. For of course meaning becoming Chabad and against meaning not becoming completely Chabad. G-d forbid you ever speak to another rabbi, then you are simply a rasha.
At least on campuses, students aren't interested in playing this game. Unfortunately the shluchim haven't figured that out yet.
The Lubab are such cynical bastards, it is impossible to criticize them them without them pulling as pesonal assasination attempt.Feh.This blog again proves why we frumeh keep away from the Lubab loons with a ten foot pole
I must say I am also enamored with all the 'anonymous' comments coming from the rav and his teenage children.
Shouldn't you all be learning or loving other Jews or whatever it is you all do in Lubavitch when you're not attacking other people?
Since everyone knows this type of behavior gets out into public (and it does), you'd think it may prove to be a moderating effect. Apparently not though. I'm not sure what mental hoops one must jump through to think that a group of grown 'rabbis' attempting to smear a college student is a good idea.
I guess then according to your logic, Mr. College Student, that your current circles are no better, since there's been much impropriety, of a much worse variety, going on in your current hallowed Orthodox circles. I mean, if we're supposed to condemn Chabad based on allegations made by you, a disgruntled know-it-all, then how much more so when it comes to destroying people's lives, no?
get my drift?
Have you ever heard of the phrase "two wrongs don't make a right"?
Who cares what's going on in other circles? Those are for blogs dealing with other circles. Go to google and type in AISH/Ohr Somayach/Mercaz HaRav/Yeshiva University/Machon Shlomo if you want to read all about those things.
Yet your preferred course of action is to point and scream "but those (insert Sephardi/Litvak/Modern Orthodox/whatever) do bad things too!" instead of actually addressing any issues brought up. I've yet to hear anyone claim that there are any other Orthodox groups that never do wrong.
The idea that 'everything Chabad does is 100% correct' is childlike and bizarre. Humans do bad things and last I checked, Chabadnikim were humans.
Git gezoogt!
I can't believe this! I just posted a similar idea on another issue on this blog, but with a similar theme.Chbdskers see themselves as perfect, no critcism allowed.Not constructive.Nuttin'. I learned this the 'hard' way, this young man has picked it up at a tender young age!
Tzig, stop 'defending ' yourself by attacking others.Open your eyes inwards!
Funny, Tzig is one of the 'open-minded' Chbdsker, he has 'realized' that the Rebbe is no longer here, he does not promote the 'long- live-the king' meshigass,YET, he is just as shortsighted as all the other Chbdsker meshiguem and so called normaler (Re:The Rebbe Shlit'a thingy:I guess it helps him accept reality that the Tzig apparently did not even know the Rebbe!!!Apparently he converted around the time the Rebbe was ill, so use that perspective before you take this yold to seriously)
מצא מין את מינו
ענבי הגפן בענבי הגפן
You two losers know nothing about me, yet ramble on about what I "hold" and where and when I came to Lubavitch, and what I think about situations although I've never written about them. FYI I arrived in Lubavitch waaaay before the Rebbe had the stroke. I saw plenty and heard plenty, so I would advise you to keep your mouth shut.
As far as college student goes: I see your tone changed drastically after you were shown the error of your way; i.e. that generalizing and about all campus Shluchim based on YOUR bad experience is nothing short of juvenille.
Willy: you give the smart ones in your neighborhood a bad name.
'Waaay before the Rebbe had the stroke'
Dosen't sound like it.Way to defensive for that, even by Chbdsker standards.
Helloooo there btw, your fellow Lubabs even the obnoxious know it all from Crown Heights have decried your defensiveness and paranoia.Go to them if you have a problem.
Oh, btw, care to tell us when you became part of the 'Chosen Yidden' from the dateline of your blog, I picked up that you are a relative recent 'convert'.
when you'll grow up and stop using that Satmarer Cheyder Yingel talk maybe we'll discuss me. Until then beware of stereotyping other people, there are plenty of those that can be attached to your ethnic group and neighborhood.....
You mean as juvenile as referring to all non Chabadnikim as 'snags'?
Or maybe as juvenile as Chabad shluchim attacking other rabbis/Jews on campus/in general?
My shliach isn't special and there's nothing special about my state, this goes on all over the country with other college students as well. (See UMiami and UGa). (Unlike some I won't name names since a. that's lashon harah and b. it's just uncouth).
I still 'hold' that most shluchim are only about ahavat Chabad and are interested mainly in money and power along with getting their face in the paper. I've yet to be proven incorrect, certainly not by the posts and comments on this blog.
I suppose I should take it as a compliment that I'm 'infamous' in circles where this behavior is seen as a normal expression of Judaism.
Interesting, Mr. couth, how you know the true intentions of shluchim, and the pure-as-the wind-driven-snow intentions of other "Orthodox Rabbis" who only go to cities and campuses with a Chabad presence. After all, how dare Chabad of trying to not lose what their hard work produced! But G-d forbid that Chabad come to a city with an Orthodox Minyan and 10000 unaffiliated Jews, The humanity! They've come to destroy our non-existant town! Shame on Chabad!
I guess it's fair of me to accuse all Kolel guys and Roshei Yeshiva of only staying in Kolel to pump up their ego, right? all those years of living below the poverty line? It's all for the Kovod they get from us. I guess that must be the reason after all. Sound good to you?
At first I wondered why a good-natured guy like yourself would ever be banished (allegedly) from a Chabad House. I can now see that you really overstayed your welcome. There's only so much that a person needs to accept from his ungrateful guests.
You seem to not posess a sense of humor, my friend. Try and find one for yourself. "Snags" are written in jest. Most adults would see that after a while.
College student:
I'm surprised that I'm defending Lubab a bit here, but here goes:This blog and the Tzig do not represent all of Lubavitch.There are decent caring people there,people who are Lubavitch because of its positives, not recent converts or nasty evil people.They are albeit a minority but do exist.
To keep the critiscm honest a word has to be said here about Mentalblog, the site that caused Tzig to open up:He is quite critical of Lubavitch, rightfully so many times but also an emotionally disturbed individual, so when he attacks Lubavitch for not helping him, it's just not realistic:How are you going to help a disturbed person, non medicated, who always turns on you, and knows everything, despite many times being flat out ignorant?That is not Lubavichs' fault.This is a real question:Can you fault Lubavitch for being mekarev emotionally disturbed people?I don't know, they probably should only do it if they have the tools
Snag is NOT used in jest!!!Snags reading the blog don't find it funny
(liar or baal dimyon??)
when you people will stop using terms like "Lubabs" "converts" and such then maybe I'll stop. If you can't take it stop dishing it out. It's very simple.
Your little senario depicts exactly just what occurred here. Except it was the Chabad who went bezerk at the idea that another Orthodox minyan would begin in a town with over 2,000 Jews, most of whom were unaffiliated. The humanity! Runs both ways my friend. Chabad in some places is hardly the anti-establishment. So, supposedly Orthodox rabbis have 'ulterior motives' when showing up in a town that has a Chabad house, however all shluchim who show up in a town that already has a minyan are simply there to spread love and happiness? Right. Where can I find these shluchim who come riding into town on unicorns?
Kollel men don't spend most of their days on cellphones slandering other rabbis and balei batim, so no, that analogy doesn't fly. If they did however, then it'd be a different story.
Yes it is always ungrateful to speak to other rabbis and protest when they're being slandered to the point that the former shliach even protests such behavior. Good Jews would know it's okay to do those things if the other rabbi isn't Chabad! Please. Once again an example of Chabad's 'famous' (or dare I say infamous) ahavas yisrael. Ask mr. anon above if I was banned, he seems to know the story.
Ah yes, all these posts are just your sense of humor going into overdrive. People must be a riot in Brooklyn.
Don't say you say it in jest, that's all.Don't be a liar.
You don't and the hate you have for snags you learned in Lubavitch AFTER you converted.
Lubavitch, spreading lies about 'ahavas yisroel'.They like themselves, they like rich people, they like people who kiss up to them.THEY DISLIKE TRUTH
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I don't know mentalblog personally, but some of his posts do seem the products of someone possibly disturbed. No one should/is asking Chabad to take care of him, as he should be sent to seek help from professionals.
However, I don't see what this has to do with the outright bizarre behavior put out on display on campuses where guerrilla wars are fought between Jewish groups. Perhaps its just me, but I disagree with the apparently prevailing premise that the first frum group in a city 'owns' that town and can control all who go there.
Baalei batim aren't chattel to be traded and fought over.
Anonymous 4:01pm
I learned in Chassidishe Yeshivos before Lubavitch and in Litvishe Yeshivos before Lubavitch too. So you might say that the dislike I have for some in the Mitnagdic community comes from falling victim to their ways. Lubavitchers like rich people just like snags do. Just check all those dinners and parlor meetings, who gets honored and praised, schnorrers like me and you? I don't think so.
If you were screwed over by snags or your family or whatever that is your private issue, with those specific people, not an ideological debate.
Work those issues out, cuz badmouthing every snag here won't bring you closure and, maybe worse, makes you sound like Mental on his bad days.
I discuss issues here, and statements by Roshei Yeshivah and Rabbonim. Yes, sometimes I'll disagree and criticize, but never like the Lubavitch bashers. If you're so bothered by the lack of Kovod Hatorah then it's others you need to criticize, not me.
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