נעכטן איז געווען א געפערליכע טאג. די שרעקליכע רציחות האבען צוטרייסעלט גאנץ כלל ישראל. וואו מ'איז נאר געגאנגען האט מען געשמועסט דערפון. מיט פרעמדע מענטשען און מיט די בני בית. מ'האט נישט געקענט קומען צן זיך. ס'איז שווער געווען צולייגען קאפ צו דער ארבעט. אידן וועלכע זאגען עדות אויף זיך אז זיי גלייבען ר"ל נישט אין תורה מסיני האבען אראפגענומען די תפלין פון די הויכע פאליצע און געלאזט טרערן ביים דאווענען. גאנץ כלל ישראל. כמעט גאנץ כלל ישראל. איין גרופע אידן האט אנשטאט קרעכצן און וויינען נאר געוויזען מיטן פינגער און געזאגט "אהא!" מיר האבען אייך געווארענט! אונזער רבי איז גערעכט! איר זענט אליין שולדיג! איר רייצט אהן די אראבער! איר צווינגט זיי צו שחט'ן אידען! הר הבית. שטחים. עזה. בלאה. בלאה. בלאה. שומו שמים. ווי קען א בן אברהם יצחק ויעקב נישט וויינען פאר די טויטע. פאר די אלמנות. פאר די יתומים. מיטאמאל איז נישטא קיין שכר ועונש. קיין התעוררות לתשובה. קיין פשפש במעשיו. נאר אונזער שיטה הקדושה. נאר די נצחנות. ס'איז נאר דא טבע און פאליטיק. פלוצלים איז נישטא קיין בעל הבית לבירה זו. עזה ה' את הארץ, ח"ו. און דוקא זיי פארשטייען די מצב דארט. נאר זיי ווייסען ווי די אראבישע קאפ פונקציאנירט. און מ'רעדט נישט דא נאר פון די ווילדע קנאים אנשי משה בער בעק. דא רעדט מען אויך פון ביזנעסלייט וואס לויפען נאכען דאלאר ווי א הונט נאך א ביין, איר זאלט מיר אנטשולדיגען. דא רעדט מען פון אידן וואס פארשטייען צו א גוט שטיקל פלייש. צו א וואך אין פלארידע אהן די קינדער. צו א "פער קאוט" פאר די אידענע, און א דריי פיסיגע מנורה. זיי האבען אויך געטייטעלט מיט'ן פינגער. קיין קרעכץ האט מען פון זיי געהערט. קיין תהלים זאגען. קיין קבלה טובה אויף זיך גענומען לעילוי נשמתם. נאר נצחנות מלובש באיצטלא של קנאות. וויזוי איז דאס געווארען? מ'איז אייך מוחל די ביקור חולים און די איחוד העסקנים. לאזט א טרער פאר א צווייטען איד! הערט אויף מיט די נארישע פאליטיק, און הערט אויף צו ווייזען מיט די פינגער אויף יענעם. אה, אנטשולדיגט, נישט נאר איין גרופע. די לינקע שונאי ישראל האבען אויך אזוי געזאגט. נישט נאר די שיטה הקדושה'ניקקעס. וכדי בזיון וקצף.
זאל דער אייבערשטער, וואס ער איז א כל-יכול, אריינבלאזען אין זיי א רוח טהרה, און זאלען זיי זיך משתתף זיין בצערן של ישראל אהן קיינע פניות. מי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרותינו די. ומחה ה"א דמעה מעל כל פנים ונאמר אמן
of course these people are wrong!
all the issues are due to the lack of shleimus haaretz!
typical introspection of a Satmori
and the not learning enough chassiduss is also a cause for all issues!
we need to tell zali to give a very long sicha kedosha on the topic of shleimus haaretz and learning chassiduss and then the tzig will be happy.
הלכה בידוע עשו שונא את יעקב.
No excuse is needed to kill the Jews.
On the other hand, provoking the goyim is simple cause and effect. They will react when provoked. It does not excuse the reaction but you can not say that you didn't know it is coming.
These kedoshim died in the name of Hashem, for being yidden. Those who ascend har habayis cannot say
ידינו לא שפחו את הדם הזה.
The great Moshe Montefiore was put in cherem for going on the har habayis.
It's a militant expression of vapid zionistic pride and is אסור.
שטויות במיץ עגבניות
why שטויות?
because it has nothing to do with HH. You going to the Kotel is just as opgefregt to Mr. Mohammedan. Don't believe the lies.
I agree, this has nothing to with the HH, its all about shleimus haaretz!!
The shita of therebezchisiyugenulaini about the kosel was more about being appreciative of the zionisit conquest, which I am fine with, rather than אנרייצין the Arabs.
The Arabs are always looking to kill us. We don't have to fan the flames. I don't davka assume a correlation between the recent רציחות and people violating קדושת הר הבית. But the possibility is quite likely and cannot be denied.
Tzig regrets posting this dumb post!!!!!!
I see your personally insulted.
I guess the blog thing aint for you
I guess you're a Johnny-come-lately if you think that
Not A Harry
"On the other hand, provoking the goyim is simple cause and effect. They will react when provoked. It does not excuse the reaction but you can not say that you didn't know it is coming. "
was the 10,000 rockets done because of the Har Habais?
All the bus bombings after Oslo,when Shliemus Horetz was killed to the glee of the Jews Asher Loi Koryi..were done because of the Har Habais?
The 3 Bucherim were killed because of the Har habis?
Why are you so gullible? get suckered in this lie?
Not Harry
"The great Moshe Montefiore was put in cherem for going on the har habayis."
was it because of zionism??? or his ignorance?
Not Satmar
"and the not learning enough chassiduss is also a cause for all issues!"
Not learning Penimius hatorah is holding back the geulah, was not invented in 770,
Its in Zohar and all mekubolim.. you can make fun of it, and choose to make fun of the Zohar, you have very good company on that matter.
Not a Harry
"The great Moshe Montefiore was put in cherem for going on the har habayis."
is Zichron Moshe not build by him? was it money that he gave before the Har Habis Cherem? or after?
Why did Rav YY Fischer not change the name of his Rabunass?
Maybe I am mistaking its not named Moshe on him?
No, he did teshuva and they were mattir the cherem.
More people got killed one day in Auschwits then all the israelis put together.
i wish my grandfather woud have been pro israel he would have left Satu-mare for Israel and would have not been killed like a dog.
SATMARS wake up! look the Truth in the eyes.
Our Doir is blessed with 2 Satmar Rebbes with drop death looking Shtrimels and Kaftans. Until 1979 we had only 1 Satmar rebbe. Now we are blessed that on every incident and mishap they are the jumping the gun and performing as articulate spokespeople for all issues pertaining Israel.
By the Killing of the 3 Bucherim Reb Aron was definite(obviously with Ruach Hakodesh) that it happened because they lived in the territories and he accused the parents of endangering their Children. Which is a lie from the Satmar point of view, since the Satmarer have the same qualms on the whole existence of Israel even on the other side of the 67 borders, maybe Reb Aron doesn't know it because he was not a real Sands street boy.Which btw, he gives legitimay for anything bad happening in his fiefdom of KJ, where massive hisgarus is going on for 30 years.Reb Aron is a genius in Leshitosois....
Now the killings happened on people with no relations to the occupied territories and in a shul in proper Israel.The 2nd brother got now a hisgalus of ruach hakodesh. He is definite it happened because other Jews were transgressing on a issur Koras....
When in his backyard he has some roshie kehila transgressing Issurie Kurress...by trampling on a Balas Habais (not har Habayis). He also jumps to the nearest microphone with his hollow crying voice to decry the Matzav? or he gives them Bentching by his Lechtige Tish in rodney>
Are not all Isser Kurress the same?
I am always happy to hear that a yid did teshuva
The following is the Satmer Rebbes opinion why Advocating Herzl’s plan to establish a Jewish government without Messiach is in violation with 2 of the 13 principles of the Jewish Religion A) Hashem punishes, B). Waiting for Meshiach,
1) It is important to remember that Jewish Sovereignty over Eretz Yisroel is CONDITIONAL!!!!
2) It so happened that in the covenant of Hashem with our father Abraham it was agreed that the punishment for violating the Jewish faith, would be Exile/Gules,
3) Hashem told us thru our NeVeim that the redemption of the Jewish people will be by Mesihach.
4) The Amoira Shmuel the biggest Poisek in his Generation says: That Hashems decree on us to WAIT for Meshiach, is meant for Mesihachs SOLE ACTION to Restore A Jewish Sovereignty and to reestablish a Jewish Government ,""All other attributes to Meshiach can be (and are)disputed"",
5) The Rambam brings down LeHalucha the words of Shmuel as impartial: “Umri Chacumim” and states that whoever does not WAIT for Meshiach (as described by Shmuel) is an Apikoires
6) The ReShab Writes a warning for our days: "That even if the Hertzel plan would achieve their goal, we must not listen to them in this matter "to make our redemption with our own power"
7) So any one who is ONLY in the OPINION that Meshiachs JOB may be achieved without him, is JUST
Not Waiting for Him and is an Apikoires , and The punishment for contemplating the Herzel plan is pre warned,
To illustrate the above, envision yourself with the following Mushel:
You see a group of people waiting at a bus stop, it is assumed that these people are waiting for a bus to arrive and to take them to a certain destination,
A taxi drives by, and yells out: You people are waiting for noting, no bus will arrive and the bus shelter will collapse on your head, hop into my taxi,
First group of Non Waiters
A few people pass by and say we have been waiting at another stop, and the bus broke down in front of our nose so we started to walk, join us
Second group of Non Waiters
Another group of people come by and say: Come help to push the broken bus
Third group of Non Waiters
A cyclist drives by, his Device blaring: we want the bus now we don't want to wait
Fourth group of Non Waiters
A horse and buggy passes by and yells out, I am a professional mechanic, if the bus will ever be fixed you won’t we be able to afford the fare, hop
unto my buggy,
Fifth group of Non Waiters
As the group of Waiters dwindle one Waiter says to the fellow next to him, I know the bus manufacturer and his product, even I will be here by myself I will remain Waiting , the fellow next to him replies , but explain me why did the bus manufacturer tell us to wait for a bus when he also manufactures planes trains, ships, tanks cars, bike, scooters?, and why such lousy shelter?
The first Waiter replies, I do not understand the logic behind His plan, but HE said when the bus will arrive the plan will be self-understood
WAITING is a stage of a resolute inactive passive behavior,
WAITING when decreed by a SUPER BEING, has to become a frame of mind, Like it or not, practical or not,
Jews have to wait for Meshiach to create a Jewish State, creating a Jewish state without him, one becomes a Non Waiter, which the Rambam calls
In the beginning of the Common Era the Amoire Shmuel formulated his successful campaign against early Christians and devised a slogan that said "" The ONLY difference between before Meshiach and after Meshiach is HIM establishing of a Jewish Independent Government""" , which Yoshke failed to accomplish ,
Bavli prods 5 times the soundness and scope of Shmuels slogan by analyzing 5 statements that broadens the scope of Meshiachs Actions/Era , but all 5 statements agree that the reestablishing of a Jewish government is exclusively Meshiachs role for the Jewish people,(V”Yoel Moshe) and the Rambam Codifies this as Halacha by Proclaiming for us today :
1) Jews wait for Meshiach to be free of non Jewish governments, by Meshiach Himself establishing a Jewish sovereignty,
2) All other objectives that might result at the era of Meshiach does not necessarily have to happen by Meshiach Personally,
3) Do Not Talk about the OTHER OBJECTIVES when highlighting Meshiachs Objective (as Shmuel has done in his campaign),
4) Whoever does not believe the above or does not WAIT for Meshiach to do the creation of the Jewish State is an A P I K O R E S
Please be open minded by joining the Satmers in prayers, that Hashem should not punish us again, because of those who are actively Non-Waiters
moshiach now!
who said they did not cry to hashem in private ?
the satmer guy who brought food to the hospital i am sounded devastated he said tha t the zionist are holding up the geula
The am horetz kofetz beroish is back...
" Whoever does not believe the above or does not WAIT for Meshiach to do the creation of the Jewish State is an A P I K O R E S"
who are you a apikores exactly?
Non Satmarer
"all the issues are due to the lack of shleimus haaretz!"
Which is better sourced in Halacha
Siman 329 in Hilchas shabos, or some midrash in Shir Harabim?
Thank you for making my day by publicizing that average satmers are proud to repeat their rebbes words even when the beneficiaries’ of the Zionists say otherwise
You krechts that satmerers listen to their rebbes directive not to cry or rejoice with the Zionists, but the lubavithers were embarrassed yesterday even to mention their rebbes pointer to Hilchos Shabbos S, 329 “ gentiles who gang up on Jews YOU go out against them with weapons” let alone act on it and join tzhal
Yesterday should have been your day to campaign lubavitchers should sign up to tzhal, as per Hilchos Shabbos Halacha, not just highlighting לאזט א טרער פאר א צווייטען אידמשתתף זיין בצערן של ישראל אהן קיינע פניות.
Even the lubavitcher rebbe himself was quiet about this Halacha when there was the pogrom in crown heights he only used it to promote Zionism
If you will learn the words of the samerer rebbe you will find out that Emphasizing השגחה פרטית is ideally correct, but Hashem manages a separate portfolio on Hasgacaha Klulis of Am Yisroel With totally different rules and considerations ,
1) ביזנעסלייט וואס לויפען נאכען דאלאר ווי א הונט נאך א ביין
2) פארשטייען צו א גוט שטיקל פלייש.
3) א וואך אין פלארידע אהן די קינדער
4) א "פער קאוט" פאר די אידענע
5) , און א דריי פיסיגע מנורה
Neither are relevant to the peace process or to Zionism.
But thanks anyway.
I am surprised no one blamed it on Shmittah issues.
or tznius.
Thank you for making my day by publicizing that average satmers are proud to repeat their rebbes words even when the beneficiaries’ of the Zionists say otherwise
You krechts that satmerers listen to their rebbes directive not to cry or rejoice with the Zionists, but the lubavithers were embarrassed yesterday even to mention their rebbes pointer to Hilchos Shabbos S, 329 “ gentiles who gang up on Jews YOU go out against them with weapons” let alone act on it and join tzhal
Yesterday should have been your day to campaign lubavitchers should sign up to tzhal, as per Hilchos Shabbos Halacha, not just highlighting לאזט א טרער פאר א צווייטען אידמשתתף זיין בצערן של ישראל אהן קיינע פניות.
If you will learn the words of the samerer rebbe you will find out that Emphasizing השגחה פרטית is ideally correct, but Hashem manages a separate portfolio on Hasgacaha Klulis of Am Yisroel With totally different rules and considerations ,
1) ביזנעסלייט וואס לויפען נאכען דאלאר ווי א הונט נאך א ביין
2) פארשטייען צו א גוט שטיקל פלייש.
3) א וואך אין פלארידע אהן די קינדער
4) א "פער קאוט" פאר די אידענע
5) , און א דריי פיסיגע מנורה
"You krechts that satmerers listen to their rebbes directive not to cry or rejoice with the Zionists, but the lubavithers were embarrassed yesterday even to mention their rebbes pointer to Hilchos Shabbos S, 329 “ gentiles who gang up on Jews YOU go out against them with weapons” let alone act on it and join tzhal
Yesterday should have been your day to campaign lubavitchers should sign up to tzhal, as per Hilchos Shabbos Halacha, not just highlighting לאזט א טרער פאר א צווייטען אידמשתתף זיין בצערן של ישראל אהן קיינע פניות."
No normal human being is that low to be Roikad al HaDam(dancing on blood) as the 2 Titelbaum brothers.They are extremely cynical guys that nothing stops them of spewing their nonsense as long the masses that are filling their coffers get the red meat.Unfortunately they are pulling our kids in this low level of ruthless behaviour. Having said that I dont think that it was human and correct for no body to preach your ideology.
No lubavicher is embarrassed with his Rebbes Shitah especially after seeing what happened after Gush Katif and Oslo...
Just look at a country as Egypt, Ssisi is leading a no nonsense government with a much more powerful enemy within, and so far he is winning.
But don"t forget Orech Chaim 329 is not a Midrash in shir Hashirim, its a halacha in shulcha orech...
By ridiculing it saying it is FUNNY it will not go away..
Hashem does not kill Jews for something that is not in Halacha.A midrash did not kill this 4 yiden and definitely not the 6 million including my fathers family. the joke is on the person that said it after the Shoah.
Gut gezogt!!
Even if their is merit to the argument about Har Habayis, now is not the time to say it.
I fully agree with you Hirshel.
Aron is a total hypocrite when it comes to hisgaros..... Look at any Satmarer in Willie and especially KJ. Talk about making goyim hate you. B'H his krumkiet is hanging out for all people with brains to see. Now if only the Lakewood people would finally catch on.....
papers publish the pictures from Har Nof massacre
One of the prophets of this new religion, A M Golberger claims it happened in Har Noif since Reb Moshe Sterbuch lives there, and he gave a Heter for building in Beth Shemesh.
so it a machlokas haposkim
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