"Moshe converted, Moshe was insane", blah, blah blah.
"Rayatz lied, Rayatz saved his books", blah blah blah.
"Leibel was a Communist, "Leibel was a Trotskyite" blah blah blah.
"Barry was a Tzaddik", "Barry was the 8th Rebbe", blah blah blah.
Please stop, the noises in my head, they're just too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF G-D no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One word for you:Shoiteh.
Tzigaleh,I am wondering for a long time why you still bother to have a dialogue with the mentalblock guy.He has shown again and again that he is a קליפה שבקליפה and it's futile to try to argue with him.His main problem is simply,that he has an utter lack of ביטול .That's why he spits into the well he drank from and takes a sick pleasure in bashmutzigen Yiddishkeit in general and Chabad in particular.He has embarked on a journey of no return and falls in my humble opinion into the category of those one is exempt of showing them אהבת ישרא-ל (cf Tanya ch. 32).He has been like this since I remember him from his stint at Morristown.I only wish he'd keep his promise and stop blogging and go to all di schwartz yuhr...But his ego won't let him.
Again,just ignore him.
you are hearing theses voices because the company and agenda you keep on your blog is almost all nuts.
Come now, really, whats got you all worked up?
Have a seat on the couch my friend and explain to me what's got you so worked up.
The AR had a son. The son clearly had his problems - so?
The Rayatz's accounts generally often are not compatable with the historical evidence. Therefore?
Leibel had his problems, and so...?
Barry was barry. Unfortunate tale.
This is driving you nuts???
Now that I have your attention:
no, my friends, it's not driving me nuts, I can handle adversity, believe me. It's just that this has spread far beyond the Rabbeyim of Chabad, which proves that the intentions are anything but pure.
So then waht was the point of your post?
The fact is that all this stuff is pretty silly and meaningless. It is interesting from a historic (read: waste of time and mere curiousity) perspective, but it shouldnt get anyone too excited.
Of course, the haters eat this stuff up as if it matters somehow (and the irrational defenders get likewise equally worked up).
You're funnier each time...
Tzigaleh,I am wondering for a long time why you still bother to have a dialogue with the mentalblock guy.He has shown again and again that he is a קליפה שבקליפה
I would not go that far. He is a rachmones case, as is Failed Shmarya. The problem is that those 2 attract a lot of fellow travelers from all parts of the underbelly of the Internet.
Nevertheless, the voices coming from all of these fellow travelers' heads, from the pseudo-intellectual modern barely Orthodox who are dismayed at the right turn in "Orthodoxy" as well as the success of Chabad post Gimmel Tammuz, to the Thorazinians, Geodonians and Haldolites who spew hateful rants on the comment pages have no influence on anything and are best just ignored.
itzik_s,that's exactly my point to just ignore them,but Tzig seems to be sort of a masochist,otherwise he wouldn't come back to the mentally blocked all the time and have himself berated.
A first step should be to have him removed from the blog - list.
The thing is that when Tzig started, Mentalblog was a bit more dangerous than he is now.
Lately, Mentalblog has been so disjointed that he does not make any point other than demonstrating that he is of Geodonian provenance.
I also suggested that it is perhaps time for Tzig to change the blog name, as this blog is now far more than a refutation of a misken who has unraveled to the point that he is incomprehensible.
"The Rayatz's accounts generally often are not compatable with the historical evidence. Therefore?"
The historical "evidence" (i.e., forged documents from the Chabad haters) is not usually compatible with the facts. Anyway, the Rebbe Rayatz heard these stories from people who witnessed them.
You need to be a (----) to believe that the Rebbe lied, CH"V.
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