(Illustration by Reb Dovid Sears ZGZ)
Ahavas Yisroel is ahava directed towards a Yisroel. Generic ahava includes feelings of affection, tenderness, patience, gratitude, esteem, trust, unconsciousness or marginalization of the love-objects faults and errors and, most of all, a desire to give to the love-object. When these feelings are directed towards a Yid, and in particular towards the Yiddishkeit/getlikhkeit of that yid that’s my definition of ahavas yisroel.
Now the chicken/ egg causality relationship between loving and giving is subtle and tricky. They are basically a cheerful cycle. But Rav Dessler z”l established that, in fact, we love those whom we give, not the other way around. As ahavas yisroel is a mitzvah, like any other mitzvah it takes a willful exercise of bechira and continued effort to fulfill and shtaig in. Also, as with other mitzvahs, certain people, based on how hard they work at it, their shorshei haNeshoma and T’chunos HaNefesh, have an easier time with it than do others. It IS hard, and as our continued golus testifies, perhaps harder than any other mitzvah, but it is not impossible. ain HKB”H buh B’Trunia im breyosov.
I’m hardly exemplary in this department so it’s not my place to write a primer. But I have an insight that might be helpful. The velt says that “familiarity breeds contempt”. Ever see the moshol in Gulliver’s Travels when the tiny Gulliver lands on a gigantic beauty’s face and sees the repulsive equivalent of a greasy, toxic lunar landscape? Sometimes we are too close to our brethrens pesho'im for ahava to be mechaseh. Many of us, especially Klei Kodesh, have no human relationships at all with nochrim. I don’t have a good eitzha but, paradoxically, our insular self-imposed ghettos that have kept so much goyishkeit out have also (owing to our lack of real interaction with those truly different, hateful towards and contemptible by, us) created an ambiance where we focus and harp on each others faults and the minutiae that divides us rather than on the Torah and laiv echod that unites us.
I have a Yeshivish friend who once interviewed for a high-school Rebbee’s job at an MO Yeshiva. After a good model lesson and towards the end of a long interview the Menahel asked him “So tell me. What are your feelings about Yom Ha'atzmaut?” he responded “Main tayara Menahel, based on our exchanges so far we are more or less in agreement on how to be mechanench the kids here the other 364 days of the year. Are you going to tell me we can’t work together because we disagree about how to handle ONE day?” Needless to say he did not get the job. But I think that this ma’aseh brings the phenomenon that I’ve been describing into sharp relief. I f we have any hopes ever being more than feuding Sunnis and Shi’ites absent the rifles and cut-throat proclivities, if we ever hope to get beyond the “Judaism-reduced-to-color-war” matzav that we find ourselves in we should give more davka to those yidden most different than us, and seeing the much that unites us instead of the klainikeitin that divide us, close ranks. This is what the Holocaust survivors had the good sense and survival instincts to do in the T’kufa immediately following the war.
Thank you for comment-mining to guest post me. It is a high compliment indeed. I do have a few beekores’n though:
A) If you had only told me you were planning on posting I would have edited out some grammatical and stylistic mistakes. I am a slow typist and rush my comments off pretty hastily. HaNosain Matonah L’Chavero Chayav L’Hodiiyoi
B) I know and esteem R’ Dovid Sears. However I must say that the choice of that particular graphic makes the post look a little childish and/or Pollyannaish. Or am I being too paranoid?
PS I tried the click shift alt. Didn’t work.
Generic ahava includes feelings of affection, tenderness, patience, gratitude
:) and I thought generic ahava was Dead Sea cosmetics whereas ahava under the Badatz of CH is cheese!
Seriously, good article!
Chaim G:
The pic came up while searching Ahavas Yisroel in Google Images. I know Dovid, so I was happy to use it, despite it not being his best work.
I did fix the mistakes I noticed in the post while italicizing the Hebrew. In the future I'll be sure to let you know.
I'll try and give you precise instructions as to how to add a language.
Chaim G
go to control panel
"regional and language options"
click on the "languages" tab
click "details"
"add" and add Hebrew to your list. The default way of switching between the languages is left shift+left alt (together)
A well known Breslover teacher was asked about the difficulty of being mekayem the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel, and he answered on a very practical level: The Rebbe (Reb Nachman), he pointed out, does not speak about Ahavas Yisroel as much as he does about rachmonus / compassion.
The mitzva of Ahavas Yisroel sounds great untill we figure out that were talking about loving another Jew, not another Jew loving us. So, let's define love here: Is love on an intimate level - or is this love more of a compassion?
1. Can't be; it's simply impossible
2. I can do that.
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