The Tchebiner Rov zt"l. Passed away on 10 Cheshvon 5726.
The Tziyun, with his SIL Reb Boruch Shimon next to him
(for some reason the Matzeivoh makes no mention of his Yichus, maybe it was ע"פ צוואתו)
I've heard it said that the Rebbe once said that he'd like to go to Eretz Yisroel for one reason besides the inherent reasons: to see the Tchebiner Rov!
Even the Steipler for some reason had great respect for this Chasidishe גאון, and would write to him with titles such as "רבינו".
Isn't the Tchebiner Yeshiva now run by members of the Schneerson family (R' Boruch Shimon or his son)? If I am correct, what is the connection between them and the Tchebiner Rov? Marriage?
the Steipler always had great respect for chassidim...
Reb Borech Shimon was a SIL of the Tchebiner Rov. He passed away a few years ago, his sons now run the Yeshivah.
'Even the Steipler'
What are you implying??You know nothing about the Steipler if you meant what the above implies.
And than you are angry at the 'snags for 'making up stories'..
To the previous anonymous:
Have you ever heard of Rabbi Avrohom Chaim No'oh?
I didn't think so.
Vos Hackstu a Tcheinik - the Steipler was THE biggest lover of Chassidim, right?
Did you know Reb Yisroel Noach?
I'm not talking about love of Chassidim here, I'm speaking about respecting the knowledge and Ge'onos of non-Litvishe Rabbonim/Roshei Yeshiva.
The Steipler WAS Chassidish, jerk.
He wore a Spodik on certain times throughout the year.
Stop blogging and read the Orchois Rabeynu.
What airheads are on this blog.
the guy next door: Aren't you on this blog now...kind of ironic, 'eh?
How foolish people are! He wore a Spodik, woop dee doo! Are we speaking of the hat he wore on his head or of the general way of thinking IN his head. Yes, the Steipler did come from a family of Chassidim, but he learned in Novardik and raised his family as through and through Misnagdim. Just see what kind of Haskomos his son, his pride and joy Reb Chaim, writes about books that bash Chassidim and all of its leaders from Day 1!
How could I have known Reb Yisroel Noach? he lived in France and hardly ever visited New York.
What a lichtige Tzureh he had! a Hadras Ponim for the ages.
What has an halachik discussion/disagreement with R'Chaim Noe got to do with anything?
btw,Tzig are you started up with R'Chaim to?
We''ll add that to your long list of 'haters'
In "ארחות רבינו" he has a dilemna if chasidim make a Brochoh Levatoloh on the Sefer Torah since they dont have a kosher Tzadik.
Think about it: his father and his Rebbes the Hornestiepler and the Cherkaser were making Berochos Levatoloh!
If he is a chasidic admirer then who is not?
if you're a Satmarer Och Un Vey to them.
Please take your second grade education elsewhere, you're embarrassing to the rest of us.
we have to be objective on 1 thing, he writes to the Milwaukee Twerskeis, that he got his yiras shomaim from the sefer Emek Hatfila of the Cherkaser,unfortunatly I forgot the name of the sefer that the letter is printed,
he also writes that he would travel to the horensteiler rebbe if he could, and related a story when he was a very young child,
what's the name of the sefer?
2 big, big, BIG Yohrtzeits this week, let's see if the Tzig writes anything about them.....
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