?וואס טוט א איד אין גלות
?וואס טוט א איד אין גלות
?וואס טוט א איד אין גלות
מ'פארט צום רבי'ן כאפן שיריים
שעפן תורה מיט יראת שמים
מ'פארט צום רבי'ן כאפן שיריים
שעפן תורה מיט יראת שמים
מ'פארט צום רבי'ן און מ'הוליעט
און מ'טאנצט א קאראהאד
מ'פארט צום רבי'ן און מ'הוליעט
און מ'טאנצט א קאראהאד
a bit different different than the Lubavitcher Nusach, but then again, the Lubavitcher version has no mention of "Rebbe", while the Vizhnitzer does! Imagine that.
Can we talk a little more about what makes Chabad different from Viznitz? Is it because they have a Rebbe and we're basically Litvakes with some Chasidic flavor?
who's the "we" you speak of?
Any control over what goes on your blog, hershel?
sorry about that. I was away all evening.
BTW, the boyaner chasidim sing a very similar song.
i think, different versions of this song is more widespread than lub vizhnitz & ruzin.
whats the chabad version?
I wish I could type all those words for you, but I can't do it now. Have you ever heard Avrohom Fried sing "Sholom Aleichem A Yid?" that's the Chabad version.
Sorry about the delay in answering.
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