To Friday's Post - א דאנק דער צדיק וואס האט עס אונז צוגעשיקט
The Source
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
הרב ר' חיים יהושע בן אדמו"ר הרב ר' בנציון הלברשטאם הי"ד איז אוועק פון דער וועלט ביי דער קאמעדיאנט שמעון דזשיגאן אויף די הענט
נישט וואס איך בין אזא בקי [ווי די סאטמורים זאגען אז רבי זאלי ט"ב איז] אין די קאסעטען פון שמעונ'ען, נאר אביסל האב איך געהערט. זאגט נישט אויס פאר מיינע חדר רבי'ס. אין צוויי שטיקלעך - וואס איך ווייס און געדענק - דערמאנט ער דוקא באבאווער רבי און חסידים. מיר איז עס געווען מאדנע: א שטייגער, וואס עפעס באבאוו? שמעון איז א לאדזשער במקור, אויב שוין עפעס זאל ער רעדן פון גער, צי פון אלעקסאנדער. איז, קען מען בדוחק אפשר פארענטפערען מיט א שטיקל ביכל וואס כ'האב געזעהן אין "nor the moon by night,"
וואו עס רעדט זיך פון די פטירה פון הק' רבי חיים יהושע הלברשטאם, זוהן פון אדמו"ר רב"צ הראשון מבאבאוו און פאטער פון ר' יעקב יוסעלע הלברשטאם, וועלכע איז פארשיקט געווארען דורך די רוסען אין לעמבערג קיין סיביר אין יאר 1941 און איז אוועק ביי זיי אין טורמע אין סוף 1944. ובהקדם: כידוע איז דער באבאווער רבי גלייך נאך די דייטשען זענען אריין אין פולין אנטלאפען פון באבאוו און האט אנגעהויבען וואנדערען. ער האט געוואוסט וואס זייער שלעכטע פלאן איז און האט געוואלט וואס ווייטער פון זיי. ער מיט די משפחה האבען מצליח געווען אנצוקומען קיין לעמבערג, וואס האט ביז צום 22טען יוני 1941 באלאנגט פאר די רוסען, וועלכע האבען זיך צוטיילט מיט די דייטשען: אסט פולין פאר די רוסען, און וועסט פולין פאר די דייטשען. אויב געדענק איך גוט איז די משפחה פון ר' חיים יהושע פארכאפט געווארען פון די רוסען ווען די רוסען האבען געזוכט צו זעהן וועלכע פליטים אהן פאפירען פון אנדערע שטעט געפינען זיך אין לעמבערג. סתם רשעות, זעהט אויס. די באבאווער רב אליין, און אזוי אויך רוב פון זיינע קינדער און זייערע משפחות, האט זיך באהאלטען און זענען נישט אנדעקט געווארען. ר' חיים יהושע האט מען יא געכאפט און אים מיט די פרוי און צוויי קינדערלעך האט מען געשיקט קיין סיביר. נאך צווי יאר אומגעפער האט מען באפרייט אלע פוילישע בירגער, און ער מיט די קינדער זענען געפארען קיין קאזאחסטאן, וואו א קבוצה פרומע אידן האבען געוואוינט. ס'איז געווען א שטיקל מנוחה. מ'האט נישט געוואוינט אין קיין געטאס און אוודאי נישט דעפארטירט.
בקש יעקב לישב בשלוה: נאך א קורצע צייט איז געקומען א נייע גזירה פון די קאמוניסטישע רעגירונג, מ'האט געפאדערט אז אלע פולישע בירגער זאלען אוועקווארפען די אנדערע פאספארטען און ווערן רוסישע בירגער, און י"ל אז דערנאך זאלען די וואס קענען קעמפן פאר די רוסען קעגן די דייטשען. ר' חיים יהושע האט בשום אופן נישט געוואלט. טראץ דעם וואס מ'האט געסטראשעט די וואס וועלן נישט פאלגען מיט צוויי יאר טורמע. ער האט געזאגט אז די רוסען זענען געפערליכע חברה און מ'טאר עס נישט טוהן. אנדערע יחידים מעגן אפשר, אבער וויבאלד ער איז באבאווער רב'ס זון וועלו מענטשען זיך אפלערנען פון אים און מיינען אז די געפאר אין וועלכע אידישקייט וועט אריינגיין ווען מ'ווערט א רוסישע בירגער איז אוועק צו מאכען, און אז מ'דארף זיך כאילו נישט מוסר נפש זיין פאר אידישקייט. אין ביכל ברענגען זיי אז א איד, א ליובאוויטשער חסיד מיט'ן נאמען ר' משה קאפלאן, האט אים פראבירט איבער צו רעדן מיט שרעקליכע מעשיות פון אידן אין די רוסישע טורמעס, אבער רח"י האט נישט געוואלט הערן, און האט נישט געפאלגט. באלד דערנאך האט מען אים ארעסטירט. אזוי איז אריבער באלד צוויי יאר פון שווערע צוואנגס ארבעט און מסירות נפש אויף אידישקייט, נישט עסן א.א.וו. די הייליגע טעג האט מען געדאווענט מיט א מנין על אפם ועל חמתם פון די רוסען. צוביסלאך האט זיך זיין האקעלע קערפער אונטערגעבראכען און ער איז געווארען שטערבליך קראנק.
ווי באוואוסט זענען די צוויי קאמידיאנטען שמעון דזשיגאן און ישראל שוכמאכער אויך אריבער צו די רוסישע זייט זיך צו ראטעווען פון די דייטשען. פריער זענען זיי ארומגעפארען און האבען געפראוועט ליצנות, אבער אויך זיי זענען פארשיקט געווארען קיין סיביר. זעהט אויס מ'האט אויף זיי געמסר'ט אז זיי זענען אנטלאפען פון די רויטע ארמיי. שמעון איז געווען אינעם זעלבן ארבעטס לאגער ווי ר' חיים יהושע. ( שוכמאכער קען זיין אויך, נאר ער ווערט נישט דערמאנט אינעם ביכל) אין ביכל ברענגען זיי אז ר' חיים יהושע איז אוועק ביי אים די הענט, און אז א דאנק אים האט די משפחה צוריק באקומען די תפלין וואס זיי האבען אים אהין געשיקט, און האבען געוואוסט צו זאגען פונקטלעך ווען די יארצייט איז. די ווייב און קינדער זענען דאך נישט געווען מיט אין אין טורמע. א חבר מיינער , גאר א געלייענטער מענטש, זאגט מיר אז שמעון ברענגט טאקע אין זיינע זכרונות וועגן דער צדיק'ל וואס איז אוועק ביי אים די הענט. זעהט אויס אהן א נאמען אבער. לע"ע האב איך נאך נישט געטארפען דאס ביכל פון זכרונות. לדעתי זענען די מו"לים פון דיעזען באבאווער ביכל מקיים דעם ענין פון הכרת הטוב דורך דעם וואס זיי ברענגען שמעוןנ'ס נאמען, אהן זאגען אז ער איז דער באקאנטער קאמעדיאנט, כאטש ער האט מסתמא נישט געלייגט קיין ר"ת'ס תפלין און נישט געגעסן פערפל אום שבת................ אבער הכרת הטוב דארף מען האבען. כ'בין זיכער אז ר' חיים יהושע'ס מסירת נפש האט געפועל'ט אויף אידן אין סיביר - און אפשר גאר אויף שמעון און ישראל אויך - און האט זיי געברענגט נענטער צום אייבערשטען. השם ינקום דמו ודם כל הקדושים. תנצב"ה.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
How do these meeting minutes shtim with conventional Satmar wisdom re: what the Zionist leadership did and didn't do during WWII?
Yitzchak Gruenbaum, 1948
Minutes of Meeting May 25, 1944
I linked to the meeting minutes a few days ago but this deserves its own post
I have a hard time remembering all the rhetoric, but every Satmar kid knows the words "רק בדם תהיה לנו הארץ" which was said to have been said by Nathan Schwalbe, a low-level shnook in the Jewish Agency. The source was HaRav Michoel Ber Weissmandl in מן המצר. There is no other source. Which means that the Zionist leadership, David Ben-Gurion and friends, didn't care about the millions dying in Europe, since it would help them gain sympathy from the nations of the world and ultimately their coveted Jewish State. (Then there's the infamous Yitzchak Gruenbaum quote about a thousand Jews in Europe not being worth one cow in Palestine.) So therefore we need to oppose the מדינה. The problem is, that despite the fact that the Jewish Agency kept thousands and thousands of pages of minutes and other documents there is no mention of any such statement. But does the fact that there is no source for that statement keep thousands of otherwise semi-intelligent people from parroting it as the ultimate conspiracy? No. And if Schwalbe did say it, who is he anyway? From the minutes we see here it would seem that they acted pretty soon after the Nazis marched in to Hungary. We won't discuss whether or not the plan of giving trucks to Eichmann in exchange for Jews was a real and feasible one
Here's my predicament:
I'm not here to defend DBG or his buddies. Maybe if it was Begin I'd defend him. (just kidding) But what happens is that the other side, the zealots, start to believe the rhetoric, no matter the lack of sources or evidence. Not only do they believe it, but if YOU don't believe it you're a revisionist. You're somehow a traitor to the Jewish People. Read the Satmar Yiddish forums and you'll see the "כידוע האבען די ציונים געשטערט אז מ'זאל ראטעווען מיליאנען אידען און זענעם ערגער ווי כאמאס" discussions in abundance. Most of it based on R' Michoel Ber. It's not a question of if anymore. It's ידוע already. That would not be such a problem in and of itself, were it not for the fact that somehow wanting a strong Israel today is somehow dependent on what DBG did or didn't do some 70 years ago... or what Teddy Herzl had in mind over 100 years ago. Or the religious persuasion of TH's children. Or what Stephen Wise or Abba Hillel Silver did or didn't do. It almost sounds like those remind us every year what an awful country America is because of what Columbus did to the natives. It would be א האלבע צרה if al the quotes they attribute to them are true! But if they're the figment of somebody's imagination, am I required to believe it and act upon it? Am I missing something?
Nathan Schwalbe Source: USHMM
יארצייט הגאון ר' ברוך בער פון קאמעניץ זצ"ל - 75 שנה

Remember how Dos Yiddishe Vort would recycle the articles about the Holocaust at every interval? 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, etc. We'll do a מעין of that and post a few oldies. You can also use the search bar on the top left corner to find more posts about RBBL. I saw in di bletter that they've located his מקום מנוחה after all these years and are placing a מצבה there.
2 years ago's post
The ever-popular "?למה נקרא שמו ברוך דוב"
דאס ביסאלע חסידות
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
SO who did the Russian Refusenik better?
You may have noticed that the Agudah convention had a Russian Refusenik as its highlight, as did the Chabad Shluchim convention. Who came up with the idea first is anybody's guess. Yuli Edelstein may not be a Jew with a beard and peyos, and he may not have been in the gulags for 11 years, but he's an impressive story nonetheless. Besides, what connection does Mendelevitch have to the Agudah? Maybe you can fill me in on the details. I asked a friend of mine who tolerates Lubavitch what he thought: who "did" Russian Refusenik better, Chabad or the Agudah? So he gave me a self-righteous "Mendelevitch is a real frum Jew," so of course the Agudah convention is a better place for a frum Jew. The kinus haShluchim was all pump. Whatever. I suppose if maybe Rabbi Kotlarsky or Rabbi Krinsky would've knocked those who go up to the har haBayis he'd be happy. Or if we spoke about the tuition crisis, which is THIS close to being solved, as we know. To compare the two conventions is to compare ----- you fill in the blank. Apples, oranges, whatever. Although both conventions may be looked at as self-congratulatory events, the comparisons basically end there. One congratulates the work of shluchim, the other can be looked at as a way to spend some of the money salting away in the bank. Sorry, I couldn't help myself there. But why do we bicker and fight like children here? There's enough to go around.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
הרה"ק ר' שלומ'קע זוועהילער זצוק"ל חלק על החזו"א בענין קו התאריך
From the sefer יסוד צדיק
This may not be the greatest articulation of an argument. I'll admit that much. But if Reb Shlom'ke said so איז אזוי. And besides, we'll try and get the shtikkel קובץ באו"י , cited in הערה ע"ה, to buffer the argument. Not that it's REALLY Necessary.
"אל תפחד מן האריה, הצדק אתך"
This may not be the greatest articulation of an argument. I'll admit that much. But if Reb Shlom'ke said so איז אזוי. And besides, we'll try and get the shtikkel קובץ באו"י , cited in הערה ע"ה, to buffer the argument. Not that it's REALLY Necessary.
"אל תפחד מן האריה, הצדק אתך"
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
אחב"י בעלי ה"אמונה הטהורה" זענען כנראה נישט מודה אין השגחה פרטית העליונה
זאל דער אייבערשטער, וואס ער איז א כל-יכול, אריינבלאזען אין זיי א רוח טהרה, און זאלען זיי זיך משתתף זיין בצערן של ישראל אהן קיינע פניות. מי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרותינו די. ומחה ה"א דמעה מעל כל פנים ונאמר אמן
How to put on a Tallis Koton and other Wednesday Morning Links
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The absolutism of מרן החזו"א when it came to other opinions
Photo Courtesy of Yeshiva Eitz Chaim
We bring you a shtikkel from the latest volume of גנזים ושו"ת חזון איש, courtesy of a devoted and kind reader הרוצה בעילום שמו, where a copy of a שער בלאט of a sefer by the late R. Yechiel Michel Tuktchinski (who married a granddaughter of Reb Shmuel Salant) on the issue of the International Dateline (קו התאריך) is shown. The Chaz"I wrote a small but very poignant inscription at the very top of the page, which some say was indicative of his opinion of those who disagreed with him; - such as Reb Chaim Noe - namely, that they were treif. The CI doesn't say exactly in his own script why he wrote that the sefer is "neged Chazal," but Reb Shmerel Greineman quotes him as saying that RYMT writes נגד חז"ל והראשונים and bases his opinions on the Maskil and Apikores Hayyim Zalman Slominski, who wrote a book/sefer on Astronomy and such. I don't know if RYMT admits to him being the source, or if the CI smelled it on his own. Was טוקצינסקי the only one who used astronomy books etc. to pasken regarding complicated matters of astronomy? Why, even the Pupa Rov used a געבילדעטע מענטש to create a luach for him!
What I would like to know is whether or not this applies to all of RYMT's seforim, or at least to all of his zmanim? He would publish the "לוח ארץ ישראל", which is published by his grandson עד היום. That luach is used by most Jews in Eretz Israel who don't follow shitas Rabbeinu Tam. Obviously the Chazon Ish'nikkes and Briskers have their own zmanim and shiurim, but all other Prushim use that, as do some Chassidim, especially regarding zmanim like end of fasts, etc. But we do see a clear example of the absolutism that we mentioned in the header - which mind you, he wasn't the only one who was an absolutist, but he was an absolutist when it came to his OWN shittos, which is unique - I think. They say that the Rebbe Rashab was learning a Kamarner sefer when he saw how he disagrees with the Alter Rebbe, so he closed the sefer and never leaned Kamarna again. But that was the Alter Rebbe, not his own shittos. This that people like the Steipler were להשמיד ולהרג against anybody who disagreed with their Rebbe the CI, is also to be understood. In a way. But I speak of the CI alone.
ווי איך פארשטיי שיקען די בריסקער קינדער זייערע קינדער קיין עץ חיים, מיסודו של הרי"מ טוקצינסקי, ווייל דארט לערנט מען אויף אידיש, און ס'איז א חדר אויפ'ן אלטען דרך - כאילו. א חזון איש'ניק שיקט אויך אהין? כנראה אז נישט. איז די שאלה צו דאס איז ווייל ס'איז טוקצינסקי'ס מוסד? אדער סתם אזוי.
?וואס ווייס איך
Monday, November 17, 2014
לא לחנם הלך הזרזיר אצל העורב - יתד נאמן כותב על קבוצת "המלאכים" כאילו מ'האט אנדעקט אמעריקא
?אבער ווי שטימט עס מיט לעיקוואוד
ס'איז געווען אידישקייט אין אמעריקא פאר די קלעצקער זיינען געקומען אהערצו? דאס אז די יתד דרוקט עס איז נישט קיין חידוש, אפילו בזמנינו וואס זיי ווייזען אז היינט איז נישט ווי אמאל. אבער שרייבען אזא ארטיקל, מלא שגיאות און שטותים פאסט נישט פאר א צייטונג. נאר וואס דען? ביי זיי איז רעדן פון חב"ד ווי ביי מיר רעדן פון סאלוניקא פאר 200 יאר צוריק. צו אפשר נאך ווייניגער. ווי א האן אין די בני אדם. אבער, בכלל, דאס אז גערטנער וויל שרייבען וועגן זיין זיידען איז זייער א גלייכע זאך. און איצטער זאלען אלע קומען און נעמען פון דעם וועבזייטל און חלילה נישט געבן קיין קרעדיט
ס'איז געווען אידישקייט אין אמעריקא פאר די קלעצקער זיינען געקומען אהערצו? דאס אז די יתד דרוקט עס איז נישט קיין חידוש, אפילו בזמנינו וואס זיי ווייזען אז היינט איז נישט ווי אמאל. אבער שרייבען אזא ארטיקל, מלא שגיאות און שטותים פאסט נישט פאר א צייטונג. נאר וואס דען? ביי זיי איז רעדן פון חב"ד ווי ביי מיר רעדן פון סאלוניקא פאר 200 יאר צוריק. צו אפשר נאך ווייניגער. ווי א האן אין די בני אדם. אבער, בכלל, דאס אז גערטנער וויל שרייבען וועגן זיין זיידען איז זייער א גלייכע זאך. און איצטער זאלען אלע קומען און נעמען פון דעם וועבזייטל און חלילה נישט געבן קיין קרעדיט
Agudath Israel pretends not to have a website
Let's see how many websites we can come up with that don't officially say AI:
1) Association to Preserve the Historical Legacy - דאס אידישע ווארט
2) Your Convention - not ours
3) 119 Agudah Videos
4) Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative
5) Chaim Aruchim
6) Legal Support Services, LLC
7) Home Program
8) The J.O.
9) AIA 2014 Dinner
10) Professional Career Services
11) Cope Institute
1) Association to Preserve the Historical Legacy - דאס אידישע ווארט
2) Your Convention - not ours
3) 119 Agudah Videos
4) Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative
5) Chaim Aruchim
6) Legal Support Services, LLC
7) Home Program
8) The J.O.
9) AIA 2014 Dinner
10) Professional Career Services
11) Cope Institute
Sunday, November 16, 2014
הגה"ח ר' יעקב דב הכהן כ"ץ - ראש ישיבת תומכי תמימים המרכזית כפר חב"ד
I must say that I was a bit surprised by the major amount of כבוד and coverage Reb Yankel ע"ה got upon his passing. Not chas vesholom that he didn't deserve it! farkert! It's just that by unz in Lubavitch we don't do grand levayas, don't do hespedim - which didn't happen here - and in today's day and age it's the big shluchim that get all the coverage. So it was nice to see. And to bring the niftar into shul I don't think was done by any other niftar other than by the Rabbeyim. So it raised some eyebrows, is all I'm saying. Reb Yankel was born in Chelm to a family of Radziner Chassidim and joined the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Poking, Germany, where such legendary mashpiyim like Reb Nissen Nemenov and Reb Yisroel (Neveler) Levin led the Yeshiva. He had been teaching for some sixty years, and had been Rosh Yeshiva for some 50, ever since Reb Yisroel Grossman left to start the Karliner Yeshiva in the early 60s.
נפרדים ■ תיעוד ראשון מהלווית הגה"ח הרב כ"ץ
ראשי הישיבה ותלמידיה מבכים את פטירת הרב כ"ץ
השווער ביקש לשבת ואמר תחנון. בדיעבד - זה היה וידוי
תיעוד: התינוק האחרון שזכה לסנדקאות של הראש-ישיבה
חב"ד און ליין
נכדו של הרב כ"ץ בטור פרידה מרגש ● בלעדי
נפרדים ■ תיעוד ראשון מהלווית הגה"ח הרב כ"ץ
ראשי הישיבה ותלמידיה מבכים את פטירת הרב כ"ץ
השווער ביקש לשבת ואמר תחנון. בדיעבד - זה היה וידוי
תיעוד: התינוק האחרון שזכה לסנדקאות של הראש-ישיבה
חב"ד און ליין
נכדו של הרב כ"ץ בטור פרידה מרגש ● בלעדי
Sunday Morning Links
They look at us like some never-before-seen tribe in the Amazon
$1800 gets you 2 double beds and boring speeches in Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik elected to the position of "Chairman of the National Executive" of the Agudath Israel of America (1940)
Listen from 17 minutes and so for like 2 minutes. Such foolishness. Rabbi Brog has an audience listening to his speeches? He doesn't really get his message across. I mean no disrespect, but it's poshut hard to listen to! Is he R' Avigdor Miller's grandson? Was this RAM's general view on Chassidus as well?
They look at us like some never-before-seen tribe in the Amazon
$1800 gets you 2 double beds and boring speeches in Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik elected to the position of "Chairman of the National Executive" of the Agudath Israel of America (1940)
Listen from 17 minutes and so for like 2 minutes. Such foolishness. Rabbi Brog has an audience listening to his speeches? He doesn't really get his message across. I mean no disrespect, but it's poshut hard to listen to! Is he R' Avigdor Miller's grandson? Was this RAM's general view on Chassidus as well?
Friday, November 14, 2014
Let me be the first one NOT to be excited about Mendy Pellin and him being featured in the WSJ
All the Chabad sites are very excited, as if this was another sort of כיבוש
See the article in the WSJ
WSJ Photo
אזא איינער פלעגט די באבע ע"ה רופען א "בעטיאר". וד"ל
It's somewhat funny to watch, his videos from years ago poking fun at Crown Heights and Lubavitch culture - or at least it was. You could do with keeping your young kids from watching it, even back then. Then for a few years he lay low. Now he seems to want to go further. Moves out to LA and wants to rub elbows with the Hollywood types. Wants to "bridge the gap." Where have we seen that before? Oh, yes. And that didn't end very well. I don't have talent he has, so I can't relate to the yetzer hoRah he has, but there are other ways to use talents. I've never been to Hollywood, but people that have been tell me that once you get involved with showbiz, even on a much less formal level, even only on the production side, not actually needing to act or sing, it's tough to maintain any standards you may previously have. No matter what kind of gap-bridging you may have originally wanted to do. At least don't shlep Lubavitch and the Rebbe into the discussion! I'm not here to give you mussar, chas vesholom. I mean, Lubavitch is all about positive reinforcement, right? Mussar is for snags, I know. But I would like to tell him, that before he gets too involved in that culture that he discuss it with a competent mashpia, maybe a mashpia that has better foresight and common sense than the other guy's mashpia, who was a bit naive, shall we say, about what a full-fledged singing career might do to a freshly-minted Baal Tshuveh, or any frum kid, for that matter! Other than that all I can say is lots of luck, Mr. Pellin!
See the article in the WSJ
WSJ Photo
אזא איינער פלעגט די באבע ע"ה רופען א "בעטיאר". וד"ל
It's somewhat funny to watch, his videos from years ago poking fun at Crown Heights and Lubavitch culture - or at least it was. You could do with keeping your young kids from watching it, even back then. Then for a few years he lay low. Now he seems to want to go further. Moves out to LA and wants to rub elbows with the Hollywood types. Wants to "bridge the gap." Where have we seen that before? Oh, yes. And that didn't end very well. I don't have talent he has, so I can't relate to the yetzer hoRah he has, but there are other ways to use talents. I've never been to Hollywood, but people that have been tell me that once you get involved with showbiz, even on a much less formal level, even only on the production side, not actually needing to act or sing, it's tough to maintain any standards you may previously have. No matter what kind of gap-bridging you may have originally wanted to do. At least don't shlep Lubavitch and the Rebbe into the discussion! I'm not here to give you mussar, chas vesholom. I mean, Lubavitch is all about positive reinforcement, right? Mussar is for snags, I know. But I would like to tell him, that before he gets too involved in that culture that he discuss it with a competent mashpia, maybe a mashpia that has better foresight and common sense than the other guy's mashpia, who was a bit naive, shall we say, about what a full-fledged singing career might do to a freshly-minted Baal Tshuveh, or any frum kid, for that matter! Other than that all I can say is lots of luck, Mr. Pellin!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
פוילישע פערל ווערטער
We sometimes forget that before Yiddishkeit was represented by the (wannabe) Litvaks and Hungarians there was something Peylishe Chassidus. That's "Polish," for those who have a hard time understanding accents other than their own. Most of them were born out the schools of Peshischa, and later Kotzk and Vorke. This sefer, aptly named "ימות עולם" - from the previous Amshinover Rebbe in New York, Reb Itzikel - gives us a glimpse into what was once a world of Jews, the likes of which G-d Almighty has ceased to create. We've referenced this sefer before, and again, here, and plan on doing so sporadically in the near future, be"H. Ignore the page numbers and the אותיות, they're in no specific order.
Recent news items regarding all kinds of leaders, באבות, and similar people getting into all kinds of trouble got us thinking about the current system, and how many people look elsewhere (outside the leaders of major yeshivos and chassidisen) for leadership and guidance BECAUSE they're so disgruntled by the mainstream Jewish leaders whose only claim is a famous last name and garments that are long out of style. Which is why you see Hungarian hats hanging out - front and center - by Sefardic so-called mekubalim, by the hundreds! Some of you have told me that it's time to go back to the old system of "semicha," where in order to become a member of the society of Admorim you need to be ordained by a current Rebbe. That would at least keep the charlatans from becoming leaders who take peoples' hard-earned money. Yet, here we see that the Rebbes themselves, the pure-breds, will have their own problems to contend with... and this goes back a ways...אוי וויי
The above page discusses the Rebbe R' Shmuel Shloime ליינער of Radzin, hy"d, and how he became Rebbe. He was married to the daughter of Reb Yosef (brother of Reb Shimme'le) of Amshinov. Pictured below is the Rebbe (c) with the black beard on the streets of Poland.
Recent news items regarding all kinds of leaders, באבות, and similar people getting into all kinds of trouble got us thinking about the current system, and how many people look elsewhere (outside the leaders of major yeshivos and chassidisen) for leadership and guidance BECAUSE they're so disgruntled by the mainstream Jewish leaders whose only claim is a famous last name and garments that are long out of style. Which is why you see Hungarian hats hanging out - front and center - by Sefardic so-called mekubalim, by the hundreds! Some of you have told me that it's time to go back to the old system of "semicha," where in order to become a member of the society of Admorim you need to be ordained by a current Rebbe. That would at least keep the charlatans from becoming leaders who take peoples' hard-earned money. Yet, here we see that the Rebbes themselves, the pure-breds, will have their own problems to contend with... and this goes back a ways...אוי וויי
The above page discusses the Rebbe R' Shmuel Shloime ליינער of Radzin, hy"d, and how he became Rebbe. He was married to the daughter of Reb Yosef (brother of Reb Shimme'le) of Amshinov. Pictured below is the Rebbe (c) with the black beard on the streets of Poland.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
מרים גיטל האלענדער-הלברשטאם'ס לעצטע ווערטער
Source:Kedem Auctions
Miriam Gittel הי"ד was a daughter of RYSS Hollander-Erlich. Her mother's father was Reb Naftoli Tzvi Unger, son-in-law of Reb Moishe Halberstam, son oif Reb Burech Gorlitzer, son of the Divrei Chaim. She, her parents, and 7 siblings were caught and sent to Auschwitz, where they perished. I cannot tell you if this was her own writing or not, or if it was written for her to say. In any case it's heart-wrenching, to say the very least. Below is a video clip of her sister Toby Bash's testimony to Yad Vashem - with a surprise ending...
יחוס משפחת אונגאר מבארדיוב
Friday, November 7, 2014
Shloimo'le did תשובה after all...
Shabbos is Shlomo's 20th Yohrtzeit.
An Excerpt from "The Real Shlomo" from JEP Press, by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin
To Purchase Click here link for non-Scribd users
An Excerpt from "The Real Shlomo" from JEP Press, by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin
To Purchase Click here link for non-Scribd users
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
אבל כבד: השליח הרב שמואל אזימוב ע"ה
The one who was responsible for the great revolution of Jews coming back to Torah and Yiddishkeit in France. A father figure to thousands of Jews in France who owe it all to him. What more can we say? A great loss. Period.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Read this book and you'll see why what's happening in Bobov today is a crying shame
We've written about Bobov and their accomplishments in Galicia before, but this is more like a book review than anything else. I borrowed this oldie but goodie from a family member and read some of it over Shabbos. It's even difficult to put down at times. So allow me to share some thoughts as to what Bobov was and what's happening in Bobov today; and why, like we say in the header, it's a crying shame.
Many other chassidim laugh at Bobov. Mostly for all the wrong reasons - but still, they laugh. ס'איז גרינג צו לאכען אויף יענעם. I know, I do it all the time. But read this book, written by a biased chossid, of course, and you'll get a true appreciation of what Bobov was before the war. Of what they accomplished in Galicia while others just thumbed their noses at them but did little to build Yiddishkeit. The story of survival during WWII is also a great lesson in hashgocha protis, as well as in emunah and bitachon, but that's not so much the point, although it's a as good a mussar sefer as any. This may sound like a bad cliche, but it does take you back to that time! You feel like you're there with the Ruv when he's attacked by the Hallerchiks in their post-War pogroms. You're there with him when he rebuilds his yeshiva and expands the network. You're there when he sees chassidim with real conundrums, such as do I do this shidduch or that one? do I go to Canada and make a living or stay here? how do I get out of the legal mess I'm in?! Besides for appreciating his persona and accomplishments you also grow fond of his family large family. The sons, the daughters, the sons-in-law, even the grandkids. If you'd met them on the street you'd think that you're best friends with them... The trials and tribulations during WW2, the ups and downs, the countless miracles, the hashgochoh protis that was with them every step of the way, even when the result was not good. The joy upon seeing those who managed to survive, the sadness of seeing those who did not --- you live through it, plain and simple.
At the end of the book, after seeing what the Nazis ימ"ש did to Bobov, we get to see what was rebuilt in the US, as well in the rest of the Jewish world. We see the familiar landmarks, the big buildings, the people who helped make it happen, and some of the people who are mentioned in the pre-War chapters of the book. We see how they survived the horrors and managed to build beautiful families as well as be active in the rebuilding of Bobov. Then it hits you! You see what was destroyed by the Nazis and what was rebuilt and you see what's happening now in Bobov, the years of fighting and a din torah that was a shande, first and foremost, and you grab your head in your hands! This isn't what people died for. They call themselves Bobov?! I have no skin in the game, I have no friends nor family in Bobov, but I do root for the underdog here, especially seeing the viciousness with which they've been treated since before Day 1, i.e. before the Ruv, Reb Naftul'che, passed away. They never agreed for him to be Ruv in the first place - him, the oldest son! He stood in the way of their little tchachkele, the kid from Krenitz, I mean קראנהייטס, mit di sheine gelokerte pay'alach.
ah, the din torah. Far be it from to sit here and criticize rabbonim who conduct dinei torah. I have no experience with dinei torah. I've never needed to take anybody to DT. But many of you have, and unfortunately, anybody that ever lost a DT swears that the Rabbonim were on the take. [otherwise there's no logical explanation why they'd lose...] Here, however, it's tough to say that the Rabbonim were on the take since BOTH sides made so much money! But nevertheless, anybody on the outside, who has no real dog in this race, will tell you that - with all due respect, of course - the psak stinks! It stinks because of all the hard work that the late Reb Naftul'che put in. The tears, sweat, blood and even threats to his life that he gave to build Bobov for his father and for the chassidim. It stinks that his descendants, who he definitely would have wanted to be in charge, only get the scraps that beis din threw them. And most of all because the צד שני did very little to deserve what beis din gave him. Did little to build the institutions, to carry the debt, to endure the sleepless nights and meetings with bank managers. Other than the hallowed Halberstam name, that is. In the end, after all is settled, the 45 people will probably grow bigger and stronger because of what was done to them. So says me, עפר ואפר. סינא טינא.
Monday, November 3, 2014
POTD - חתונה בבית הרב
Source h/t מורשת חכמי אמעריקא
There are pictures of the seudas haChasunah, but this seems to be the kabbolas ponim, and it seems like it's a פרסום ראשון - at least in the blogosphere. It's hard to be a פרסום ראשון when it's already online. Right, standing, is Reb Binyomin Levitin, o"h. Seated second from right is the Kopycznitzer Rebbe. Next to him is RaSHaG, the chosson, Reb Eli Chaim Carlebach speaking to his shver Reb Zalman Schneerson, The Rebbe, Reb Lazer Silver, Reb Moshe D. Rivkin, RY of Yeshivah Torah Vodaath. The bochur'l behind the Rebbe is Sholom Ber Gorodetzki. The bearded man second from left is Moshe Pesach Goldman. Seated across RMDR and RLS is Reb Mordche Groner, father of Rabbi Yitzchok Groner and יבלחט"א Leibel. Reb Zalman was a first cousin to the Rebbe's father. His father Reb Mendel was Reb Boruch Schneur's brother. The wedding took place, IIRC, on ט"ו אדר תש"ט in New York. The Ponovizher Rov also attended, as can be seen here:
r-l: the chosson, RZS, RaSHaG, The Ponovizher Rov, The Rebbe and RLS.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The great עטיפת טלית debate raging now in Lubavitch
There's a great debate raging in Lubavitch these days, and Boruch Hashem, it's not about shidduchim, tuition costs, Meshichism, or shluchim fighting! Truth be told neither Reb Berel Levin nor Reb Eli Landa refers to the other person's manner of atifah as "wrong" or incorrect, so the debate may be the creation of this blog... But controversy is what drives this business, and there ultimately is a debate, even if they don't argue with each other. For good measure, after seeing a "related" video on You Tube, we bring you Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov's version, which is basically the same as RSBL. I tried to embed the code from the Levin shiur here as well, but it just wouldn't show. So all we have is a link. You can sense that REL will have a different take on atifah just based on the beginning, where he rolls out the Chabad מיוחד - רש"ב tallis, that the Rebbe wore during Tishrei only. Levin and Dubov use the more standard tallis, and hence the more standard סדר העטיפה. Landa's atifah is difficult to do, but the end result is EXACTLY what an Ishmaeli in the desert would look like. What they all have in common is that atifas haTallis in Chabad is not as easy as in the rest of the Jewish world. The אלטער רבי, בעל התניא והשלחן ערוך, was very specific about atifas haTallis, just as he was with all other aspects of Jewish law and observance. You also learn something from RSBL about keeping the head covered with the tallis at all times; that the only way to be מקיים atifah is by having the head covered. Otherwise it's just a large tallis koton that you're wearing.
Rabbi Shlom Ber Levin's shiur on atifas haTallis (Yiddish)
Rabbi Shlom Ber Levin's shiur on atifas haTallis (Yiddish)
Saturday, November 1, 2014
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