I was a child, yes, but I was there, amongst the thousands, on the 26th of Av, 5739. I held on to my father's hand for dear life. My older brother managed to get onto he porch of the
Groyse BesMedrish, I wonder how much of it he remembers. We didn't need to travel far; we were in the country just up the road, but I imagine my father would've gone anyway, even taken off a day of work and traveled from Brooklyn if need be. There were hours and hours of
hespedim, but I can't recall how long we stayed. VosIzNeias,
in their coverage, have this very silly obituary, where they basically single out many of what were the
Rebbetzin's accomplishments - such as
Bikur Cholim and
Hatzoloh - as what made him great. They just about miss the point, as usual. But they do have a link to some really great pictures, and they were nice enough not to kill the pictures by plastering their logo and emblems all over them, like that other site did, as if they were their pictures... Maybe if I was a bit more spontaneous I would've made the short trip from Monsey today. All day yesterday I was thinking about what I had seen in the book "שקיעת החמה" that was printed after his passing, where they bring a clip of the
Algemeiner Journal, where he speaks about the fact that the
"Rebbe hut nuch gebentshed Rosh Chodesh nechten bam Oomid." I was thinking that here we are 30 years later. Man! How the world has changed!

A young Yossel Ashkenazi, probably Switzerland
Final days - 21 Kislev, maybe?
"Shmiras Eynayim" by a wedding in the early days in America
Off the boat, Rebbetzin close behind...
Early Years in Orshive
Orshive or Krole

Leaving a shul in Boro Park
the Rebetzin????
Who doesnt remember Hershele Weber
To queens you'll shlep, but up the road is just too hard.
now ur trying to prove ur bonafides?!
Tzig, please tell your readers who you consider the great people of today's generation- it doesn't take much guts to attribute greatness to someone who has been gone these past thirty years.
On a related note, which of the great people alive today are sufficiently great to attract you to be their chosid? (not that you would choose another Rebbe, ch"v).
he always pulled his hat down to prevent photographers from capturing his image, not to because of 'shmiras ainayim'
He actually looked and talked to women in a normal way.
Over these 30 years - my copy of "Shkias Hachamo" has "disappeared". I have tried to find another copy. Perhaps one of your readers knows how to get a copy?
I can help Tzig,
BZ halberstam
Skver of BP and New Square
Tietelbaum brothers.
all 15 spinkers
6 krechnifs
and don't forget the holy Premislaner.
Pinter has copies from time to time
how come he did it only by Chupas and never by protests?
I'll shlep to Queens and pay $18 in tolls, yes, but that's different. To Monroe, especially on the Yohrtzeit, and especially since it may be פוגע אין התקשרות, is another matter, don't you think?
Also, the "shmiras eynayim" line was not mine. I saw those words describing that picture in a Satmar publication. I guess they were trying to inspire the "kelblach..."
kelblach aher, kelblach aheen, the rebbe z"l was pretty much into shmiras einayim, and if he ever needed to participate in a function where it might be an issue, he would pull his hat down to cover his eyes, this way he was there and also did not compromise his shmiras ha'einayim. totally nothing to do with kelblach, or rider, or eizlach for that matter.
i enjoy reading your blog, and i every so often lament the fact that such a bright guy was lost to heimishe chasidishkeit, becoming a lubab instead.
Heimishe Chasidishkeit - I guess - was not for me, eh?
I wrote Shmiras Eynayim and some guy rebutted me. So I said what was on my mind, that they wrote that line only to encourage the young'uns. I had no issue with it.
Lubavich has a huge chip on its shouler- how it measures up to the Snags. Part of the reason is because they have a lot of the Litivishe values, betzem, of learning teef, therefore they feel that they have to answer themselves and bash the snags.
Chabad is not like other Chadisus where they are happy with kugel and a hayseh mikveh. Therefore, they are more insecure and they were their insecurity on their sleave.
Are you a shrink and you saw by the vists that Lubavicher syptoms are Insecurity? How big was that Chip on the shoulder?
Is satmar Heimish only ? or Chasidish too? how about if Hirshel would stay a Nitra Chosid offical Heimish but not chasidish?
RE;the Satmar Rebbes anti pictures, its ironic that Satmar Benai Berak printed a letter to Moshe Gross in Switzerland by Yossel Ashkenazi that the Rebetzin is asking he should send all the photos that a certain photographer took from them on their stay in the swiss.
I assume she definitely had no idea on her husbands Anti picture stand since A Isha Keshiera Oisa Retzon Bailo.
"To Monroe, especially on the Yohrtzeit, and especially since it may be פוגע אין התקשרות, is another matter, don't you think?"
פוגע אין התקשרות
Remind me which one of the Tarya'g mitzvos that is?.
Showing once again that you are kool-aided
How many times did you go thru all the seforim of the Monie hamitzvois from the Resag Remabam Chinuch Semag Semak etc..? that you are asking, maybe its in there?
did you hear of a Tanoi that was darshening all the Eses Shebatorah?
Are you a shrink and you saw by the vists that Lubavicher syptoms are Insecurity? How big was that Chip on the shoulder?'
Are you kidding me? you don't see it or you are card-carrying member of that particular group?
So according to you, one may not go to the resting place of another rebbe because it is "pogea in hiskashrus"
Aha.Very good.
What I know is that one needs to respect talmidei chachomim.All talmidei chachomim.I never heard of "hiskashres to the dead" and I never heard that going to kivrei tzadikim is "pogea in hiskashres"
You seem to have a different torah
Tzig meant that it would be disrespectful to his Rebbe, to go to a pilimgrage of one of the many who didn't think highly of the Rebbe. Therefore, he can't go to the kever of most recent tzadikim, not just Satmar
Tzig was just trying to prove for the 'nth time that he is a big Chabadsker.
He is a big something else
to anon 1:20 pm
"heimish" means sticking to what you saw at home. in der heim.
if your father is a spinker chosid, then you just don't try to be smarter than him and get hung on some other gig. if you start going out on your own, h"y where you might end up. fortunately for our tzig, he ended up with yidden shomrei torah umitzvos.
a proven derech - one which seemed to have worked for your father and grandfather, should work for you as well, and if it doesn't then the problem is not with the chasidus but with you.
get it?
I would say the same thing if a Lubavicher became a Satmarer chosid. It's not heimish.
Anon 11:59 am
how much do u know bichlal? Diod u ever learn the Benai Yisoscher derech Eidviisecho about keeping hiskashrus after dead?
did you ever learn Mamar hishtatchus of the Miteler Rebbe?
anon 2:59
so a child born in America is bound to act the same way that his Hungarian-born father acted, despite the fact that his father is also only a product of HIS environment?!
Is my father not Heimish since he grew a beard, UNLIKE his Father, and switched to Nusach Sefard, unlike his father who davened Ashkenaz?
Are we forever bound to the Hungarian/Judaic culture of Krumpli, Rantotash, and Polotshintoh?
Nobody is a Spinker Chosid from Odum Horishon there was always someone that made a move and changed their belief custom dress code, so why is Hirshel Restricted?
also, The Holy Reb Chaim Brisker, as the Spinker Rebbe called him, who said that only his derech in Torah is true Amkus haTorah, was he also one of Katnus HaDaas?
Reb Moshe claims in a teshuva that in America you are not bound to the European dress codes
my father is not and was NEVER a Spinker Chossid. We only went to Yeshiva there, and later started davening in a different Spinker shul. That's not to say he doesn't respect them and admire them.
how much do u know bichlal? Diod u ever learn the Benai Yisoscher derech Eidviisecho about keeping hiskashrus after dead?
did you ever learn Mamar hishtatchus of the Miteler Rebbe?"
Go ahead and make up nonsense and blame the Bnei Yisoschor and Mitteler Rebbe for it.
Do me a favor and don't speak to me again
Were did you ever see that r' Chaim said only his derech wqas the truth?
He only said that Shitchiyus in learning was widespread and he brought back the iyun to klal Yisroel.
Limud hachasidus can be found today, perhaps even more than in the "glory days" of Kopust. The disconnect is when one tries to find someone who implements the learning; plainly put, hard work and histapkus bemuot won't get you far in frum (or any) society.
you're still waiting for an answer from me about which tzaddik I would go see?
If you're mekushar to the GUF of a tzaddik then you have bigger problems then believing in a different Torah.
Hiskashrus strengthens after a histalkus, not weakens. The MR's lhavin inyan hahishtatchus is recommended. Or Toras Menachem chelek alef where you can look at just about any of the Rebbe's sichos between yud shvat - yud shvat.
I have no intentions to talk you, I am only talking to the gullible audience that are getting influenced by every idiot that spews his hate lines, and nobody retorts them, you should stick to your ignorance and be proud about it.
If you're mekushar to the GUF of a tzaddik then you have bigger problems then believing in a different Torah.
Vos is der shaychus? You're mekusher to a tzadik when he's there, ans after he's shoin geshtorben, he's not there, for all intents and purposes. Maybe we shpuld never appoint a new Rebbe? Oh, wait...
by the way Tzigele,you don't have to feel bad for not going to monroe for the yohrzeit,because believe it or not the rebbe z'l writes in his AL HAGULO VAL HATMIRA
that he sees absolutely no inyan in going to kivrei zadikim,and he quotes a BACH that by going to a kever and being mispallel you might be trangressing issurei d'oraisa,by praying to the deceased
[as most people are prone to do]
therefore the rebbe advises you would be better off not going to kevarim
didn't the Sakmer Rov go to Rashbi kever? he didn't really mean what he wrote he just needed it to solidify his argument
At the risk of starting a flamewar, I state the following:
I think R Yoelish was a rabbinic thug who was and is undeserving of reverence, even as a daas yochid.
His milchomos were vile and were not mosif ahava or true yirah. I don't think the heter of kanoim pog'in bo is hutra to the chassidim of said kanoi. Yet that's what he created.
There is k'm'at not a thing the SR is quoted as saying (by his supporters!) that doesn't make me cringe.
That he is referred to as "Chassidish" betrays the very term. He was a Hungarian Rebbe, not a Chassidishe Rebbe. We know why misnagdim loved him so: BECAUSE HE WAS A MISNAGED in Chassidishe Levush. Not that there's anything wrong with being a misnaged,...
Zionism never excited me much, but his rants against Zionism were crude, flimsy and halachically farfetched. If he limited the taina to the Gimel Shevuos, he'd get at least partial credit. But his hundred other tainos are absurd.
As for the leadered of the Litvish world who spoke highly of him, I think they were poshut afraid of his thugs. They didn't want to be harrased like R Moshe was.
Just to be clear, and I know many will reject the claim I am about to make, but I'll say it because it's true: My expressed view has nothing to do with the whole Satmar-Lubavitch feud of the late 70's and early 80's.
Stories of his support of war orphans or widows does not change my view. All leaders of large "tribes" create support systems for their tribes' miskeinim. (sp?) Don Corleone helped people with parnoso problems too. I am speaking of his role in Inyanei Tzibbur, not private chasodim he might have performed.
ans after he's shoin geshtorben, he's not there, for all intents and purposes.
And that's the difference between someone who has learned pnimius hatorah and someone who has not. Any Lubavitcher in cheder can tell you that the truth is the very opposite.
the statement of "shoin geshtoirben" borders with Kefira in the emuna of Hasoras hanefesh
Did you have some road rage on your way back from work?
Menashe, i don't get what you're saying. all I'm saying's that You're not being mekusher to a "guf" by wanting a live Rebbe anymore than you're connecting to wood pulp by learning from a real gemara. Sometimes we like to move past cheder level.
Anon,as I said, for all intents and purposes, you won't be able to ask shailos, vechulu.
Lately you are attracting a much more intelegent crowd then before, people like Yoske realy enrich your blog, his crystal clear mind is unique. I am realy happy for you to get such profund thinkers.he is much more beyonf then Cheder Level, he admitted himself, but it was obvious early on.
I'm having a hard time understanding where Menashe and Yoske are coming from.
maybe it's me, or the late hour.
Maybe you can help me understand what they're saying?
I think they are some homeless intelectuals from a different website that closed shop.Maybe your neighbor Becherhoffer can house then on his site, and leave this site for laymen.
Tzig, you had a link to r y kahn answer to gimel shavaous a while ago. Can you post it again?
Satmar has done an unbelievable job at convinving Hungarian chareidim that their view was the prevelant view before the war.
Truth is they were the minority, even in the city of Satmar itself....
The Satmar Rebbe must have laughed all the way to the bank at how he hoodwinked all those kelbelach...
With your maligning of R'Yoel of Satmar you have opened a Pandora's box.Let me explain:Basically what you are saying is that someone like yourself with a few years of yeshiva under his belt and another couple of maamorim can be judge of others far greater.If so every young schnook will start attacking rabbonim and kovod harabonus and hatorah will all go down the drain.For example if a young bochur in your shul would disagree with you and call you a kool-aided thug.
So,even if what you say was right it behooves a ben torah to talk with a modicum of edelkait and respect so as not to tear the rug from under the foundation of Orthodoxy which is respect for talmidei chachomim.
However and this is a BIG "however" what you wrote is a baseless rant.Many rabbonim actually agreed with him.The Minchas Elozor was every much a konoi as R'Yoel was.The R'SHB of Lubavitch was to.Their were numerous others.In fact the basic chareidi ideology agreed with R'Yoelish's stance but did not take it as far as he did.
I must add that I felt a horrific stench of "yeshus" when you stated that "there is hardly a thing quoted in his name that does not make me cringe".Really now, so your "cringing" has become an arbiter for klal yisroels judging of a rov?!And what exactly is are your credentials and yichus?That's some ego you have!
If I might add,I am no Satmar chosid at all and am far from kanous but I greatly respect him.Unfortunately I never merited to see him but have heard from so many that to see him was to see a holy person and be in the presence of a giant of a man.When you say that quotes from him make you cringe I can tell you that his sayings are to me so astute and real.Anyone who knew him tells of what a sharp and witty man he was .His many talmidim loved him even if they were no longer dressed as hasidim and had no beards.
Btw, when you put down his amazing acts of kindness by comparing him to the imaginary Don Corleone or other leaders of tribes taking care of their own:But actually he was this way with everyone,not only his "own".
I want to believe that this hate laced rant was just because of a bad day or something similar and not your actual opinion.Additionally something tells me that you never studied his Vayoel Moshe.
About Lubavitch:I do believe that your explosion has nothing to do with the fued of the 70's and on
I have no intentions to talk you, I am only talking to the gullible audience that are getting influenced by every idiot that spews his hate lines, and nobody retorts them, you should stick to your ignorance and be proud about it."
Anon 625pm
If you think that your asinine and illiterate comments will influence anybody you are shikker vi Lot.Leig dech aroop schluffen
I am just a regular guy trying to raise a frum family trying to explain to my children that not all chassidim and their leaders are thieves, Chabad is not some sort of Jewish based Christian theology as expounded by many frum people, and not all Litvishe rosh hayeshivas are power hungry and that a majority of kollel people are actually learning and not just sitting around in coffee rooms.
I know that I sound like a very sarcastic person but I really am not. I try to tell my kids to look at each person as an individual and not immediately label them based upon their alleigance to a certain group.
I am not a Satmar chossid by any stretch of the imagination. However, your totally destructive summary of him is horrifying. I do not know which group you identify with and I do not care. It is comments like yours which denigrate someone who pieced together the tattered remains of the Holocaust and who also was a universally accepted talmid chochom bar none that prolong the golus. R'Moshe zt"l had tremendous respect for him.
My friend, you should take upon yourself a voluntary fast day for the comments you have written.
The worst thing you can do is transmit your cynicism to your kids.
What you should do is inculcate them with true Torah values so that they can determine for themselves when they get older what derech is for them.
the statement of "shoin geshtoirben" borders with Kefira in the emuna of Hasoras hanefesh
Someone please help me quickly! I am unclear about what emuna in hasoras hanefesh means. The problem is that I poured myself a glass of wine just before I read this comment and I'm trying to figure out if I can drink it now or maybe I am c"v a kofer and the wine is yayin nesech.
Aderaba, I thought that death is davka shayech to the nefesh. Ki hadom hu hanefesh, etc.
I think we're confusing נפש with נשמה here
Lkwd guy
Are you sober? then we can talk?
making fun of his lack of English education, calling him "illiterate" especially since it happened only because he's Heimish, which you surely love, is beyond the pale. Stick to the substance, if you please. OK?
"accepted talmid chochom bar none" as a regular guy how can you state a statement like this ?
words can not describe the sickness of your spirit and the disease that sunk to the depths of your soul. you are a small minded person who makes vaybisheh small minded arguments. woe to the woman who gave birth to you, woe to the ears who hear you speak, woe to the eyes that must read your comments on this blog. woe to the yeshivas who were michanceh you and woe to your children who have you as a father. woe to this nation who has you as its member and woe to Chabad for not taking you in
Amazing that some Russian bt gets away calling one of the indisputable greats a "rabbinic thug"
Was the commenter doing the dirty work for the more p.r savvy?
Quite the indignation!
Yet somehow, I am certain all the indignant commenters know exactly where I'm coming from.
I know I don't come to the SR's toes in learning. I can accept as a given that all of us here and the other "back of the Beis Medrash" blogs and real venues are unworthy to state our opinions of big Talmidei Chachomim. Yet we all state our views anyway, positive and negative, because we are all really saying how these people appear to us.
I have no personal animosity towards the SR. The lovefest of comments here made me feel like I should articulate the opposing view, which I share with many people unrepresented on this blog's "committee" of regular commenters.
If when you learn gemara you belive you are mekushar to HKBH's chochma as it's mislabish in the divrei tahara of the tonnoim, amaoroim, vchu'. then I agree with you 100%. On this anyway.
"think R Yoelish was ... who was an daas yochid"
Yehupitz is 100% right with his point that the satmar rov was a daas yochid on his anti Bechirous,6 day war was a miracle of Sitra Achra, taking money from the Israeli government,even the Brisker Rov that they claim was shoulder to shoulder with him on his anti Zionist stance didn't agree on non of the above,
The Brisker Rov claimed that all miracles are God giving and there is no other miracle producer in our universe.(according to Lorencz in his book)didn't approve his rage on the Voting, he said he doesn't see as the big sin that he to pick himself up and come to Israel( Shimi Meler in his book)
The Stipler in Krieno Digrosa writes against the SR philosophy,The holy Beirech Moshe was mad(he had to perform Kanoies to stay in the fold)on the publishers.
I don't like Yehupitz ranting since ranting is a satmar thing and I don't believe you learn from a community the bad stuff first.
does anybody know where are our nissim today in the state of israel why was ben gurion and his chaverim zochen to nissim while afterwards since yom kippur war we are not zocheh to nissim
Yehupitz has bought himself a one way ticket, has taken the proverbial road paved with good intentions (even though his intentions are far from nobel-fech)there is a special place in hell for those who speak brazenly about Talmedi Chachumim; he will be in good company.
Interessant that on a Lubavitcher's blog, people write with charon af and degrade and spit on the Lubavitcher Rebbe with regularity and nobody says boo. Then one negative comment about the Satmar Rov is written and OH! the fury!
The LR is obviously fair game but the SR is sacrosanct.
Hopefully someone here can provide us with a copy of a letter R' Yaakov Kaminetzky wrote about the Vayoel Moshe.
1. Reb yoelish allowed individual to take govt. money and even german reparations. 2.no-one ever answered the arguments of SR except for some pathetic HARDAL pamplets. on crosscurrents 6 weeks ago that RAV D S said hallel after the 6 day war. Lahadam,sheker.my havrusa was there.3 lorinsz is completly unreliable. I have many examples.
Where exactly is the letter from the stipler???
Anon 8;24,
these question can be asked on the 2nd temple, how come no miracles happened after chanukah? or how come only Satmar rov had a miracle on Chof Alef Kislev? and the 6 Million didnt , when you will answer me these questions, I will gladly answered
Kriena Deigrasa vol 1
A friend of mine spoke lately to Reb Mayer the Griz son, about Lorencz stories, he said its all true but he is a yente and shouldn't printed.
Nobody believes that a Issur that purely based on Agadda and no base in Shulchan Oruch has to be answered, especialy when you have goons to beat the .... out of you.
which Kamenitzky Letter?
"Interessant that on a Lubavitcher's blog, people write with charon af and degrade and spit on the Lubavitcher Rebbe with regularity and nobody says boo. Then one negative comment about the Satmar Rov is written and OH! the fury!"
Twisted logic if I ever saw it!
Totally not true either!
Did anybody on this blog ever call the Lubavitcher Rebbe anything close to what you called the Satmar?
Even if they did (which you know is mute because Hirschel would not let comments like that through anyway),nobody said boo??What are you talking about?
I'm very disappointed wit you.
"Interessant that on a Lubavitcher's blog, people write with charon af and degrade and spit on the Lubavitcher Rebbe with regularity and nobody says boo. Then one negative comment about the Satmar Rov is written and OH! the fury!"
Does a Lubvitcher listen to a Lubavitcher Rov?
does anybody know where are our nissim today in the state of israel why was ben gurion and his chaverim zochen to nissim while afterwards since yom kippur war we are not zocheh to nissim
David Ben Gurion never ordered an area made Judenrein. A better question is why Begin was zocheh.
Fakewood: Your a kofer according to the more machmir shittos and therefore as a Lakewood dweller should not drink the wine. Instead give it to a mekil if you can find one in your home town.
henoch, People on this blog have called the LR far worse. Tzig might moderate, but he has still let far worse about LR through than what I wrote about the SR.
I leave it to a certain anonymous blogger who knows I am talking to him to post details of the RYK letter, whose contents I am only aware of secondhand. I didn't say more because I heard it only as a vague rumor.
Because 1-The view is in any case so well-known and so accepted to rov minyan u'binyan of non-Hungarian Klal Yisroel and 2-Even though I stand by my assessment, I don't care that much about the SR anyway, I therefore feel no need to defend myself further.
As was recently pointed out, I usually take great offence at personal blog attacks. In this case, the jibes have been so over-the-top and absurd that they don't hurt.
Just to clarify, my perspective on the SR is as regards his public role, and not on his private persona.
BTW, IMHO it is possible to hold that the 48 war was maseh nisim and still think that 67 was mayseh satan. Arguably, 48 was more of a defensive war (even from a POV that 67 was aggresive).
I made a passing reference to it on my blog.
Anyways, can someone have the decency to explain to a Litvak what the significance of the number 30?
"Just to clarify, my perspective on the SR is as regards his public role, and not on his private persona."
both of those are immutable. you know that.
I don't think immutable means what you think it means.
I meant that I was not commenting on e.g. what sort of husband or father he was.
I spoke to rav meir,he said some of the stories are lo dovim and lo yaar.
then Rav Meir needs a doctor what do you want from me,
but the great Rabbi AJ in his chumash rashi political laced shiurim, also said the stuff is true but he his a Naar, he didnt say it explicit, buts its exactly what he meant from the know it all peope that understand his lingo.
Mr Anon
I would appreciate if you give us the quotes (false or thru) of Brisker rov since he had good sources from chazal that you can not say nissin come from reshoim,
the great Shita Minister Menashe Fulop couldnt refute it.
The Stiepler against the SR??????? You are halucinating!!!! what page? The great posek AM HABANIM SAMACHA (page 223) holds the gimel shavoas halacha lamiasa.
Ish shacol mistafinen minae...the belzer reb didn't run after the tzionim until after S.R. Was nifter.
One has to believe that we went in golus because that was the rotzon hashem also we have to believe what our previous zadikim said foremost the rebbe reshab that the Zionist will be metama eretz yisroel and that’s what they are doing
Zionism to have a state a army is kefirah because we yiden cannot take our destiny in our hands we are in golus because hashem sent us there
we are the am nivchar the proof is should a yid no matter in what state he is regarding his religious observance eat chometz in pesach he has done a averioh should the president of the US eat chometz he has done nothing that is our emunah and for this we are prepared to die Zionism and the state of Israel is a direct contradiction to our this belief
if chas vesholom hashem decides that another Hitler yemach shmoy should rise up we yiden (with a army navy ) will not be able to do anything about it
Whoever does not believe this is a kofer in the basics of Judaism now one has to ask if ben gurion vechavreov who caused hundred of thousands of yiden to shmad and were kofrim and who did not believe in the so called nissim of 48 & 56 & 67 they were zocheh to nissim that they themselves did not belive in
Please give the chazal quote right, its Gavra demistafina..
the Belzer Rov didnt run after the Tziyonim then and he is not running after them now, he just tried to work with the Eida Hacaradis to be part of it, he was the biggest Kehila then with no Rep in there. Obviously the reasons were that he goes to vote and he takes govt. money. He had no choice but to leave. Today the Eida would never have him leave since they are not dependent on the Satmar Money of NY, the Hashgocha brings them millions, and all the big Machers are not intersted in the Willi nonsense the last one died lately. Its just Minhag Avoiseini to give the anti bechiros kol korei, its the opposite the Rov Wiess was davening in Antwerp in Belsz and in Gur, and he has gerer kids and the Ravad Sternbuch has kids in Litvisher Yeshivois that take govt. money and go vote. so its all a farce. Reb yakov Blau never had a interest in all the Willi Nonsense. It looks look like you are spoonfed the willi nonsense on a weekly basis,
Minhag avosanu???? 80 years belz was against aguda. Of course they needed money to build jerusalem's biggest shul on land they took fromPachad Yitzak. And then the terror was released.
Anon 10:30
I had to laugh when I read your criticism of another anon quote of Chazal.It's funny because every comment YOU post is so full of errors that sometimes I think they are written by a ten year old chaider yingel.
You have a good sense of smelling
it s a cheder yingel that is not in Cheder so I think its below you dignity you should even answer me.
How old is the Agudah? that it was by the War already 80 years old,since after the 6 Million died the views on other Jews changed,
Gib a kook arein in shamayim... ;)
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