anybody know who this is???
Motze Rosh Hashono - 28th Sep '54
Dear Parents,
This letter will probably not be finished this evening as one still has to rise early for
Selichos tomorrow, but just having spent two days
Rosh Hashonoh in
Yerushlaim, I must try to put down in words how fortunate I feel being
zocheh to spend another
Yomim Noiroim in
E.Y. How different it is from
kalter England..........I had some difficulty in deciding where to
Daven. Y'm with its 300 plus
Botey Knesiot ........ spoilt for choice. The first night I was at the
Breslover (Toiter) Chassidim. They make a
kinnus of all their
Chassidim in E.Y. on
Rosh Hashonoh and there is a great
Hisorerus [soul-stirring]. Special pamphlets are distributed for the occasion and they have many peculiar
minhogim. The
Tefilloh there was very satisfying, so I was there for
Shacharis as well and was able to buy an
Aliyoh very cheaply. For
Tekias Shofar I went to
Brisk, where a select
olam of about 25 were
davening. The
Rov Shlita came back from Switzerland last Thursday. Before the
Tekios he gave a short talk, all about technical instructions such as
Kavonos, and not to say the
Yehi Rotzon between the
Tekios and so on. The scene of the actual blowing deserves a picture to preserve it for posterity. The
Rov in his old dressing gown with a look of utmost strain on his face, leaning over with his ear only some inches from the actual
Shofar. The
[Chassidishe] Baal Tokea almost scared out of his wits lest he should slip on any of the technicalities. The sons all standing round with the same tense mien and the little grandchildren wondering what it's all about. The
Rov has his own system of sometimes three sometimes five
Shevorim, to be
Yotzay all
[Whilst writing about
Brisk, I will add a bit more. It was all, I am sure in a mislaid letter, but I am now describing it from memory. Most of my several visits to the
Rov's house in
Rehov Yehoshua Yellin took place during the last hour of
Shabbos. The
Rov sat in his chair looking serene. In the dim light of the “lux” kerosene lamp his sons stood reverently. There was usually a handful of
bachurim watching in awe. Frequently, a contemporary or two of the
Rov came
“Tzu Schmussen in lernen” The
Kharkover Rav, a noted expert on
Talmud Yurshalmi, was a regular interlocutor. He more than once came primed with a “
Shverer Rambam”. Occasionally he came up with a novel solution. I remember in particular one exchange between the two. A resolution to a difficult
Rambam propounded by the
Kharkover was not received with enthusiasm by the Rov. The
Kharkover was unhappy, “
Ober der Rambam is doch Shver”; he pleaded. “
Der Rambam is Shver”, responded the
Rov soothingly. These solemn sessions were occasionally lightened with the arrival of the
Rov's personal physician. (I think he was called Dr.
Aronson). He was a jolly
Chabad Chosid to whom the
Rov demonstrated gratitude. He liked to
daven Maariv at the
Omed and often asked the Rov's permission to do so. I recollect the Rov agreeing, but stipulating that he should not say “
Veyatzmach Perkunay” in
Kaddish. Nevertheless, the doctor had the temerity to adhere to the
Chassidishe Nusach and the
Rov smiled indulgently. ]

Minchah I was at the
Yeshivah. There being no rivers or lake in our part of Jerusalem,
Tashlich is said over wells. In
Tel Aviv the thousands at the seaside are supposed to be a wonderful sight. For the second night
Maariv I went to
Reb Ahrele's (Shomray Emunim). You have been there, Daddy, on
Pesach, so you can imagine the din raised and the energy expended in
Shokling on
Rosh Hashonoh. The "
Yehay Shmay Rabboh" is still ringing in my ears. There was still time after ending there to go to
Karlin, whose
Rebbe is at present here from the States. After
Karlin is in members the most powerful
Chassidus in Jerusalem and is one of the few on the rise, having a well organised youth. The present
Rebbe is quite young and of unremarkable appearance, but like all
Rebbes countless
Mofsim are told about him. He certainly has great organising capabilities. The noise in
Karlin vies with that of
Reb Ahrele's. After
davenning it was a pleasant sight to watch hundreds of
Chassidim singing and dancing around the
Rebbe in an escort home. I managed to give him
Sholem etc. He has a very sharp look, reminding me of the
Gerer [Rebbe] , whom I went to see before
YomTov for a
KVT. He said (the
Gerer Rebbe) “
Nee Elozor Pyg'e ,
vus machst dee” and many more things...........
On the second day
Shacharis I tried out the [
Chevron] Yeshiva, which was not too bad after all. The main trouble is that so many
Baaley Battim come to Daven, leaving very little space. They started, half an hour later than
Breslov. During the day I made a short tour of
Sephardi Botey Knesiot, where the chanting to my Western untrained ears seems to be the same as that of
Tisha B'av and
Krias Megilloh. I also visited some
Chassidisher Shtieblach including the
Modzhitzer, where the
Chazoras Hashatz is one series of inspiring marches, but too little
davenning to my taste. For
Mussaf I was back at
Brisk, where we finished before two. Generally, far less
Piyutim are said here compared to England; the
Minhogim being mainly those of the
Gro. During mealtimes at the
Yeshivah it was very
YomTovdik with the most leberdike singing etc. After dinner I left for
Katamon, i.e.
Belz. Arriving at the other end of Jerusalem at 3.45 I found them up to
Krias Hatorah. There was a crowd of seven to nine hundred packed in a very small outhouse, and the pressure was indescribable. I managed to get to the centre by the old technique of holding on to someone getting an
Aliyoh. The day was very hot and the temperature there about thirty degrees higher, but the
Rov Shlita was still wearing his heavy fur coat. The
Rov was
Baal Kore and afterwards
Sandik at a
Bris and later
Baal Tokea. I stayed until after
Mussaf, when it was getting late for
Minchoh. On returning at nightfall, I waited thirty minutes for
Kiddush [of
Shacharis] followed by
Minchoh. There I met
Pinny [Pinchos Adler, a cousin]. He now wears a
Kapota and has adapted himself to the minor inconveniences of late hours, lack of cutlery and space. There are many other visitors from England, many of whom I know. Also present were
Chassidim from both North & South America and South Africa. After
Minchoh it was about an hour after
YomTov and I got the bus back.
Tzom GedaliahJust this minute I received your letter written last Thursday. One misses the post here on
Shabbos and even more on
YomTov. Chaim Steinberg, the new
Choson of
Reb Favish [
Feingold], I know very well from Gateshead. The new British arrivals at Chevron from Gateshead you inquire about are aged about eighteen. Why they all come is understandable, but not always advisable............
Wishing you all a
Gmar Chasimoh Tova. I shall try to write again before
Yom Kippur, but...........
ElozorPrevious "Dear Mum" letters: Please not that the numbers were recently changed. "Parts" were taken out, meaning no more Part I and Part II, only numbers.
Dear Mum - 1
Dear Mum - 2
Dear Mum - 3
Dear Mum - 4
Dear Mum - 5Dear Mum - 6Dear Mum - 7Dear Mum - 8Dear Mum - 9Dear Mum - 10