----- I don't. The silence is deafening. Tragedy after tragedy in the Chabad community and nothing. No direction from any group. No Rabbonim, no shluchim, no askonim, no baaleibatim. Nothing. All you'll see is morons on COL's comments section telling G-d to stop it already and for the Rebbe to "reveal himself" already, because they can't take it anymore. If you do see some calls for introspection and reflection it's always about Ahavas Yisroel, or something feel-good like that. Let's all of us just love each other forever. Never any serious calls for change. What gives? What happened to all those years of learning RaMBaM and seeing what he says to do when tragedy strikes? Why is there no real call for improvement? Where has the collective seyechel gone in Crown Heights and in the greater Chabad world? I realize that it's hard to improve, and that people would much rather just go back to their normal lives, believing that no harm will ever befall them, c"v, but there still needs to be SOME movement! Even if nobody heeds the call, even if nobody shows up at the Kinus Hisorerus that you'll make, there still needs to be some shuffling of the cards up top. How many more such tragedies r"l will it take for people to change - not their ways, but - their manner of thinking?
And I don't mean just blaming the women, but a real, thorough, cheshbon haNefesh, a chassidisher cheshbon haNefesh. No pointing fingers at the BTs or some other under represented minority, and no "are we doing what the Rebbe wants," either. That just leads to way too many arguments and then the whole thing just falls apart. No seder niggunim or Niggunim of the Rabbeyim either, just serious talk, without talking down to anybody. Talk about what's going and what needs a tikkun. Get the conversation started and take upon yourselves hachlotos tovos. If this sounds too "snaggy" for you go find another group that suits you better, or stop smoking whatever it is you smoke for relaxation. If you that all it takes is demanding that G-d send Moshiach then you missed the point. Even the Rebbe's point. (That point was totally lost on people at the time of the Holtsberg tragedy as well, derech agav, with the "talking to G-d" demanding this and that.) Just demanding gets you nowhere; in life and when it comes to Bein Odom LaMokom. At least show him that you care while the iron is still hot, while the families still mourn. Then you can prove to the world that you were shaken by the events, that you trust that all this is from Hashem and that he runs the world. Otherwise people will c"v think that you don't believe in Hashgocoh Protis, otherwise you'd respond differntly.
This and the 10 Teves eaters; the Rabbonim sure have their hands full now...
You haven't stated which spokesmen you wish to speak up about this, and what exactly you want them to say.
The tragedy itself, as well as the take of Rebetzyn Holtzberg hy"d's uncle on the first Posuk in Ki Sisa have been enough to shake me even without colorful signs on the Shul bulletin boards.
Eli Rosenfeld raising $17,000 for Zalman Liberow from fellow Shluchim is the best way to react to this tragedy
that IS a very good deed. But in this case I don't think it's all that's needed now.
Liberow will IYH have a refuah sheleimah and will soon be back on his feet.
You can't just be Yotzeh with a few dollars...
To me it seems that chabadsker have a major problem with making כינוסי התעוררות.
Namely, here the rebbe has anounced that we are even beyond the point which the אדמו"ח נשיא דורנו announced that: מ'דארף נאר צופוצן די קנעפעלאך
and we already did the:
לאלתר לתשובה ולאלתר לגאולה
So how could you even dare say that in שכונת כאן צוה ה' את הברכה
there are multitudes of ענינים הצריכים תיקון
"This and the 10 Teves eaters; the Rabbonim sure have their hands full now.."
What Rabbonim???
I see the Shenste un di Beste of CH, sitting in BP all the time. I guess the BP shtreimlach have more pnimius and yiras shomayim. Maybe they're just mevakshim and normal?
I se now there's something scheduled for tomorrow night in 770
The Rabbonim in CH are too busט at their own Din Torah, they have no time...
What Rabbonim???
I see the Shenste un di Beste of CH, sitting in BP all the time. I guess the BP shtreimlach have more pnimius and yiras shomayim. Maybe they're just mevakshim and normal?
OY zogt ir nebach gut. Sometimes I also feel better by the Galicianer/Ingerishe Chassidim in BP. Unzere kinder kuken epes ois Young 'Israel'ish. Nisht the 'Israel' fun the BESHT.
It's never too late, if we start now.
Kpeida on Chabad for not doing for Rubashkin.
Serious question:
How is anyone in the Chabad World able to give tochacha when you always hear: "It's not our way to speak of the negative", over and over again?
I am sitting here typing in utter shock at your last two posts (this may be why i said in a previous comment that you are schizo). For the first time in my lifetime i think there is some hope for the thousands of Yidden caught in the Chabad web (I can't believe I just called you guys Yidden). Wow! I don't even know what to say. I am still in shock. Are you sure this wasn't a guest post? Well, Halevi Vaiter and in all Kreizer they should fix what needs fixing without R'L any more Karbonos. Amen.
Bnei Beraq is a web. Chabad is not.
" (I can't believe I just called you guys Yidden)"
if you are a Mamin in Schar veonesh? how big is the Gehinem for talking this kind of language, the Onesh is much bigger then believing in a dead Moshiach, this is what torah has to say on Machlokas it kills adults and kids, don't jump like a Tipesh you are playing with fire.
A good החלטה for every one. Thinking what we say while making ברכות, and not just saying them haphazardly out of habit. I think this is why דוד המלך made the תקנה of 100 ברכות a day or something like that because 100 deaths a day.
Not the fault of the common Chabad guy that is fed a steady diet of tracht gut and moshiach is coming etc so the party goes on.
They were fed too many maaselach about screaming at the RBS'O to be serious people.
They are, nebach, a community of leitzanim, through no fault of their own.
This, just like the Sho'a, is just another brick in the path to vidor hashivei yashavu...
tzig your optimism is hopelessly naive, it's 15 years too late. there was only one person chabad ever listened to, b'shitta, and now there is nobody left.
Excellent post, Hirshel. May I ask what you are going to do in response?
Ok, who are you and what have you done with Tzig!
I'm gonna check all the lettuce I consume from now on....
you owe me an apology - or a Brochoh.
So, how do you suggest getting a group who's shitta is never to deal with internal problems to sit down and talk seriously about what needs tikkun?
קוק אין שיחה פון עשרה בטבת תשנ"א וועסטו פארשטיין פארוואס מען זאגט ניט אז די מאורעות הכי מבהילים קומען צוליב א סיבה פרטית. ווייל ווער קאן זאגן פארוואס דער אויבערשטער טוט וואס ער טוט.
מצד השני איז דא די באוואוסטע שיחה ווען ש.ח. ע"ה איז געווען אין א עקסידענט און דער רבי האט געזאגט אז דאס איז צוליב מחלוקת, אשר על כן איז פארשטאנדיק די אלע וואס רעדן וועגן אהבת ישראל.
ולענ"ד די פרטיותדיקע פראבלעמען אין ליובאוויטש נעמען זיך פון מחלוקת, ווייל ווען די וואס זיינען בראש וואלטן זיך פארנומען מיט די קהילות אנשטאט פירן מחלוקת וואלט זיין גאר אנדערש. ומסיימים בטוב.
Since I hold of course that Brochos come a the province of the Eisbishter and not Bosor VeDom, you will have to make do with my apology.
Mendel is right and he is a Kluger Yid, the Rebbe had his official hanhoga on every tragedy to be moisif Lichtikiet, it seems that you are too megushem to fathom his derech,and just shut up, but as Chasidim you can not tell Chabad to change the derech of the Rebbe. In the letters and Tzetlech and by many Farbrengens,you will see a different approach of saying mussar to people. If you will follow all the major tragedies in Chabad, the Rebbe had his unique style of asking for Hosofa in torah umitzvahs and ahavas Yisroel, Nistorim Darkie Rabieni.
I disagree with your approach of Nosain Yad Lapoishim, for the Shaidoin Deyuda that are thriving on the oppurtunity to degrade Ribeni Oru Shel Olem, and chant that Shach was right, You don"t have to stand behind the Crazies of Australia, but you don"t have to be holier then Reb Elye Ber Wachtfogel, look how he acts when he has a ugly scandal on his hand with the Noiaf Troper, that put to shame the whole misnagdishe right wing, He is not a little crazyout of nowhere, he was the Zach, and Wachtfogrel acts like business as usual, the misnadgdim will not love you now more. Don"t get drunk by your own Koolaid.
men darf lebn mit der tsayt: in this weeks parshe they strike the tsfardeya and it becomes 2 then 4 then 8 un azey vayter. if you ignre theh crazies they will be less kentik. if you will scream at them, put them in niduy,trike them they will multiply
to Rabbi Shteineman's mussar to be learned as reported in the Hamodia
What did they say at that Kinnus last voche?
since you are asking, you probably have some priorities, so please spill it for us
Any idea about the letter of R'Akselrod againt R'Zimroni Tzik?
I thought R'Tzik was accepted, though he is a Meshichist.Interesting to note that R'Akselrod is a Dayan and a mechaber seforim and also, like R'Telsner a meshichist.I always thought of him as being a real vocal meshichist.Maybe he is back tracking now?
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