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The Loshon "Moreinu" was used in the 1930s by many of the New York bachurim who were under the tutelage of Reb Yisroel Jacobson, a"h to address him in letters they wrote to him. I used that as a basis for using the term on Reb Yoel as well. Please try not to confuse that with Maureinu Jacob Rosenheim, nisht dos meint men. My connection to RYK goes back to the tanya shiurim in Tzemach Tzedek shul in Boro Park, when you could still choke on the Marlboro Reds that went on one after the other.
May the Eibershter bentsh him mit lange gezunte yohren.
was chabad into birthdays before this Rebbe?
which other gezeh is into b-days? is in unshtut noy succah?
The shot at MJR was unwarranted and unfair. It is shots like these that make people believe you are bitter for no reason. It's not like he called himself that. For whatever reason the name stuck (70 years later it is hard to know where it came from). He was a good Yekkishe Yid who did a lot for Klal Yisoel, why the personal shot? It is really unbecoming.
1. I guess its too late now after the by pass, but why bother with Marlboros, the way to go is balkan Sobronies the best cigarette in the world, I too got ill, but at least the smoke had some taam a emeser Russicher taam. To Yoel as they say in Lita biz a hundret und FUFTZIG !!!
2. Reb Yaakov Rosenheim was awarded the title Moreinu by the Knesiah Gedolah of the Aguds israel with the endorsement of all its gedolim. before World war 2. He wasa dedicated askan, a Talmid Chacham and a dedicated worker for orthodox causes. In German orthodoxy the title Moreinu is an honorific and is still used awarded to resepcted people. Reb Yaakov did not claim to be a gadol etc , he was a modest man and dedicated to orthodoxy. see the new book by his grandson Reb Zeev Schlesinger of Kew garden Hills. One gets a feel for the man in this book. He was also an eynikle of the baal Shem of Michelstadt just about th elst baal meyfes in Germany.
When is his exact birthday?.....his nephew in natanya is a fine baal koray.....
First Anon,
The FR in his kesovim writes that it was a old chabad family custom, and Noy Sukka didn't start by the Rebbe, its a old chabad custom so go start trash the old Rebiem
what is a Chabad family custom? Not Chabad, just the family of the Rebbeim?
Did they make public birthday celebrations before the current Rebbe? Know one remembered it, you had to go to a letter?
They speak about Moreinu, but don't call him that...
number 0ne for a ignoramous like you it was a custom in Visnitz and in Ruzhin etc.. to celebrate the Ymei Holedes with xchasidim,
Number two, the Rebbe has big Plietzes to create a new Minhag from scratch even with no precedent from Visnitz,Krechnif,Premishllien and Ruzhin,Farshtantooo? Kapish?
How do you know that the Rebbe had pleitzus to make a minhag from scratch? Without any hasidic precedent for birthdays, all he had was the Pharoh? In how many aspects did he prover zich gutlich?
I really liked the article, and the very cool blog
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