The pictures were actually taken in Israel in 1960, 20+ years after the Hermans of "All for the Boss" fame made aliyah to the Holy Land. How the East Side survived once they left is beyond me, since if we're to believe his daughter he was the only frum Jew in New York at the time... I wonder what he was telling thye American photographer at the time.
your such a "imfaginner" and bitter too!
all for the boss is an excellent book and is written from a childs perspective growing up in the herman home. its not for no reason he was the achsaniya of choice for many gedolei olam.
oh i forgot, they were all snags anyways
Hirshel and his ilk cannot handle that the first 'mesiras nefesh' yid presented to the American reading public wasnt one of theirs. Leider, it was this tzaddik whose eidems and sons were clean shaven.
Hirshel, you mean you aren't busy saying parshas haMan today?
What kind of frummeh Yid are you?
Isn't it disgraceful how certain people try to push that custom of some Chagas'ers on everyone?
Why the cynicism ???
its a great book!
She does not say anywhere in her book that he was the only frum Jew in New York.
Hey, while you are attacking check the Lubavitch text books that claim that America was a total "midbor" till Lubavitch bought a house on Eastern Parkway.
I thought you were letting up a bit on your silly partisan rants,but I see you again became shikker on kool-aid from Yud Shvat
The oilam is missing the point somewhat.
Rav Ya'akov Yosef was a great yid, unlike tzig's portrayal.
But All For The Boss, although its a great read, is full of lies and bubbeh meises.
Great pics, in any case.
Nothing wrong with All for the Boss. I hope my daughter writes a book about me like that also, even if it's not true.
also, don't forget that THE ONLY frum yidden in communist russia were the chabadskers :)
Tzig what's your problem.
It's ok for Lubavitch to ascribe all good things in the universe to one man, but a daughter writes a glowing portrayal of her father as a man of standing and influence in his neighborhood and you need to get all snarky?
East Side did not survive
So happened to crown heights when all the jews left in the late sixties
It sure helped his grandchildren in shiduchim, and they could probably use all the help that they can get.
Reb yakov yosef Hermans einiklech and ir einikilach are all frum shomer torah umitzvos we are speaking about a yid who was born in America around 1880 now find me someone else like this?
chabad has a problem the rebbe ryatz came to america in 1940-41 around 1950 ten years later lubavitch had a oilam(between them proper Chasidim also elders who saw the rebbe reshab bochurim with beards a yeshiva chasidisher yungerleit the whole chasidic set up that us Hungarians could only dream about
today sixty years later how do the Hungarians look they have a set up that chabad can only dream about thousands of children yeshivos of thousand of bochurims hundreds of kollel yungerleit thousands of chasidsher yungerleit (you must admit that when a chabad yungerman goes working it is not the same yungerman who you see in shul but the Hungarians it is the same yungerman who you see in shul nothing changes when he goes working now I ask is America different or not
Chabad people were not the only Jews to remain frum in Soviet Russia. There were tens of thousands of individual Jews maybe even more all over Russia who remained frum. These included rabbonim of all sorts, klei kodesh, Ashkenazim , Sefardim in Soviet Asia ( and not all of these were in any manner influenced by Chaabad) and Chassidim of many stripes including Ruzhiner, Twersky followers and above all Bratzlover. I just saw a kol Koreh signed by the rav and rebbes of Berdichev asking for support for taharas hamishpoche in Berdichev from local Jews and foreign jews that circulated in the 1930's.. Rabbonim including non Chabad (Rabbi Abramsky may be the most famous) were arrested throughout Russia. Until 1941 there were still Chassidic rebbes functioning in Soviet Russia. Even after World war 2 a number of Rebbes still functioned, the Makhnovker in Moscow, the Ribnitzer in Moldavia and there were others (Zinkover) elsewhere in Russia.. You are correct in that LUBAVITCH was the only ORGANIZED group of JEWS to proudly fly the banner of Yiddishkayt.As such they had more spiritual strength than the others.
In the begining Naroradok also remained organized but they left early. Bratzlov also had some form of organization , but much looser.
You are correct in giving Chabad credit for their work, but you must be mindful that other Jews also remained frum.
REB schneur writes... just saw a kol Koreh signed by the rav and rebbes of Berdichev asking for support for taharas hamishpoche in Berdichev from local Jews and foreign jews that circulated in the 1930's.
where did you see the kol koreh?
Until 1941 there were still Chassidic rebbes functioning in Soviet Russia DO YOU HAVE ANY NAMES
anon 10:26,
He was not born in the US. (See All For the Boss)
whatever you saying about Russia is off and i will tell you why.
All the good Jews you are talking about existed, BUT THEIR KIDS WENT OFF for various reasons, which none of you guys will understand. Chabad was the only one who kept the kimidiker doiros- and that's the most important.
Whio-ever was not Lubavitcher, but got preserved, was only with help of them.
Also, there were only 2 Rebbes functioning after the WW2 -Ribnitser and Makhnovker(ZHINKOVER and Korostchever did not officially functioned as Rebbes), but it was with great help of Lubavich.
also, keep in mind that i am not a Lubavicher, SO NO NEGIOS HERE. :)
Sefardim had also a lot of help from Lubavich, but with them is a different story- in the places they lived the Communism was fictional only.
The Machnovker and Ribnitzer were individuals that did local work with a lot of help of the Chabad infrastructure,(heard it my self from a family that live now in Willi, that were very close to the Ribnitzer) the Twerskies didn't do anything for the Masses before communism and definitely not after 1917,( I am chas vesholem not belittling their efforts they did in the outer spheres for the Klal) so please stop your nonsense. Your other nonsense I can not refute since I am not familiar.
so who are all the trimmed beards in KJ that the Satmar Rebbe is crying for? Rabonim ?or Kolel Yungeliet?
Difference is by the Hungarians the chassidish yingerman stays chassidish with a small percentage dropping out.
By chabad it is the small percentage staying frum and the masses fraying out.
Look at the 'best families' in chabad and see how many dress chassidish and are medakdek bmitzves like their parents.
Saying yechi and reading maamoring does not mean anything unless you understand it on an intellectual level. Isn't that what chabad is all about. All the hergesh of vodka and nigunim was only a side thing. Today that is all chabad has left......
Can you say any different about the average chabad MO who says chitas and understands nothing, let alone taking any of it to heart.
Chabad belittled the 'peylisher' because they didn't have 'havone' in chassidus and just read it like a newspaper.
Chabd taught that the learning was the iker of chasidus and not the maysim or 'chagas mishugasen'. Now they don't even have that anymore....
No hisbonenus or penimius by the masses, just by the few 'groise kep' which is why chabad must knock the other chassidim. Once upon a time they had a 'tayne'. That is why Reb Yoel could get kicked out of 770 and no one shed a tear or did anything about it....what he represents is no longer respected in chabad. Why should anyone else respect Chabad other than the shluchim who are moser nefesh ???
Now it is all jealousy and hatred of those who really do it for real....
The only saving grace is the amazing shluchim.
Lucky shluchim don't rely on fellow chabadskers to support them. They rely on non-chbad donations because the Rebbe only ever tought Lubavichers to give one dollar (and ususally they framed it rather than giving it to tzedaka anyway).
Who paid for the mikve in Shanhai - Satmer.....
Who stayed up all night saying tehillim last year when the boys got lost in the Hamptons...the Bobover Rebbe.....
not Reb Yoel Kahn....
East Side did not survive
So happened to crown heights when all the jews left in the late sixties
I do not wish to repeat my point , but I will that there were tens of thousands of Jews in Russia - maybe more - who remained frum. besides Chabad people.Remember Russia had thousands of klei Kdesh after 1918 did they all abandon Judaism ? That their children left , well that was true in Poland, the USA , Palestine and other places as well,(of course for completely different reasons) and that has little importance in the fact that the parents remained frum. As I noted Chabad was the only ORGANIZED group of Jews to continue to practice Yiddishkayt in Russia.After 1924 they were the sole providers of traditional jewish education in many regions.Truth be told Litvishe type yeshivas also continued to function in some places like Minsk led by Rav Zimbalist where rav Moshe Zvi Neriyah (Menkin) studied
You must understand that the average frum Jew in Minsk or Slutsk or Bobroisk or elsewhere did not just abandon his frumkayt and Lubavitch activities did not exist in a vacum, if they provided shochetim , they obviously shechted for someone , if they taught kids Yiddishkayt it was parents from all chugim who paid them and sent the kids to learn. Please note that many so called Russian Lubavitcher (assumed to be Geza families) actually joined habad yeshivos in Communsit Russia in the 1920's and 30's and came from families affiliated with other Chassidic groups.
I do not understand the need to claim that only lubavitcher remained frum , when the truth is that many Jews resisted the Communist ideology, but it was Lubavitch who offered an organized highly organzied resistance to the Communists
" chabad it is the small percentage staying frum and the masses fraying out"
so the Minyonim in 770 is from the leftover loser that are still frum?and the 1000's of shluchim are the Fray?
please give me your statistic sources.you are a big fat idiot
Nobody is arguing with you that the first generation were religious,but the Dor Haemshech wasn"t their by them
"not Reb Yoel Kahn...."
how do you know definitely that they told Reb Yoel the story and he didn't say tehilim, Reb Yoel is not a rebbe that is obligated for Klal Yisroel's well being, he is a simple chasidisher yid that knows well chasidas,thats why he is not on vacation in the richest piece of Real estate in the universe when all his employees back home didn"t get paid for 8 months.Please dont teach Reb Yoel Ahavas Yisroel from a wannabe Halberstam
So I see we have chassidim of Rabbi Benzion Halberstam on this blog too....
After growing up in Crown Heights he should at least learnt from Chabad about avodas hatefila and learning chassidus.....
If interested in avoda he would have been better becoming a Chabad chasid and leaving Bobov for his more worthy competition.....
I guess you can't please some people...if they daven for you when in trouble they get criticised...if not they have no aahavas yisroel......
The Bobover Rebbe had an uncle in Kvar Chabad named Roitblat.....
"Reb Yoel is not a rebbe that is obligated for Klal Yisroel's well being"
Please clarrify whether Reb Yoel is a tzedik or not. Is he the next Itche Der Masmid or not...... does one need to be appointed or elected with the title Rebbe to do be concerned with Klal Yisrael and work on their behalf?
Is he any less obligated than Shluchim charged with helping other yidden ???
If the Rebbe is still alive, I understand why Reb Yoel didn't do anything. He was leaving it all up the the Rebbe Shlita !!!
About the Rebbe being in charge of the world...just ask Rabbi Cunin of the Membai speach fame....
He was personally appointed to be head shliach to California and the West Coast. He is a reliable source and he declared....the Rebbe runs the world.
Be careful, don't do anything wrong.... the Aibishter sees everything ...and will tell the Rebbe......
Reb Yoel Is no oved like Reb Itche Masmid,and nobody will claim that, but he is a maskil and baal hasbora in chassidus like the early talmidim of the Alter Rebbe.And I am not no bobover chosid Thank G-D I have no bobover blood in my veins, In my family when a bochur wanted to go to Bobov they almost sat Shiva.The closest thing I have with Bobov that my great parents were big chasidim of the shinever rov. But I know many people that are employed by Rabbi Ungers Institutions and comlaining on his aloofness to their pain.He is using their money for traveling with a entourage first class.
"the 'peylisher' because they didn't have 'havone' in chassidus and just read it like a newspaper"
Noting changed in that aspect,(even the lubavicher bochur would wear a GAP T Shirt) the Peylisher chosid has no havona in chassidus, 99.99 of peylisher chasidim don"t have a havone in seforim like Noam Elimelech,Meor Einiem or Zera Kodesh, they dont understand the written text, they dont get the Message, it could be he becomes "VAREM", but no havona. But any bochur that is learning the chassidus Curriculum in a chabad yeshiva, has more Hasoga then RB"Z shiur in Divrei Chaim on Shaboss Morning. Which is a disgrace,he is using the shiur for a platform for some "Torelech and Masielech" a field that he is doing great. Or listen to the big Mashpia Reb Tzvi Meirs shmussen, its a big kugel with many Marei Mekomos, he would never learn a Sugya in Nigla in that style, he father would kill him.
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