"what? no more?!"
Ted Kennedy died last night. I only found out this morning. Turned in early last night. What can I say; the press is tripping over its shoelaces trying to make some kind of saint out of him. Some sort of Camelot they make of him, when he was something of a bully who pushed his policies on the poor and middle class whites. Like immigration, for instance. He never had to worry about the masses from Asia and Africa coming into his neighborhood, he lived in very exclusive neighborhoods, where those dirty, colored people could never dream of living. It was the blue collars who had their neighborhoods destroyed and their jobs taken. It was the Jewish neighborhoods that quickly emptied out, not the Palm Beach compounds, nor the Hyannisports of the world. No Asian ever did anything more than serve him his many drinks, and no African ever came close, unless he shone his shoes or served him more, hiccup, drinks.
But, wait! lest you think I'm an ingrate who takes and doesn't thank those who give, listen to this. We're supposed to love the man - by "we" I mean frum people - because he supposedly made our lives better by being instrumental in initiating all kinds of Federal programs. Such as: העדסטארט, וויק, פיינענשיל עיד וכדומה. OK. At least that's what the establishment, the Neo-Libs, will you tell you, since by definition, if you're frum you're on the take from the Feds, so you owe your good fortune to Teddy. So we're supposed to forget what kind of enemy of morality and religion he was, getting in the way of any decent man trying to educate his family without some screwball teacher telling her what she's supposed to believe. Making sure that G-d forbid little Johnny should pray in school, lest we offend some Lib who wants to live a guilt-free life. Yeah, I know he didn't serve on the Supreme Court, but we're talking mindset here, fighting against anything decent, unless it meant the Government spending money. What's that, you say? I should wait until he's buried to attack? I would, It may just take 2 weeks in this case until they have the whole funeral shindig, where he's hailed as the man that put food in our mouths. And I just don't have the patience to wait that long...
Did you see this?
yeah, I know, he loved Israel and the Jews. whatever.
'meila someone who spends time in Crown Heights dislikes blacks (not that I condone such views) but Asians? Mai hai?
Of all things, I'd never figure you for such a blatantly racist Rush-Levine conservaturd (rather dumb and ignorant one at it), spewing their nonsense without as much as a spell-check, not to mention looking for actual sense. Can you actually name a neighborhood that got destroyed and which jobs were taken (from you, I presume) by them dirty colored Asians and Africans who got here by Ted's magic wand ? And what exactly does the social welfare (without which, it's safe to assume, some 80% of frum population would be starving and the rest would be teetering on the brink, not to mention them having to live amongst even more hungry and aggressive poor "inner city" folk) have to do with morality and religion, other then the boring and obscenely ignorant demagoguery of the cheapest and lowest amongst radio hosts ? After this post, I'd never dare to venture assuming that you're capable of any intelligent discussion regarding place of church in State, but do amuse us and make the connection between section eight (the one stuffing Boymelgreens pockets and thus filling up the chulent pot on Kingston) and having Johnny kiss the crucifix every morning before classes ?
intersting to see that the Rush is your other Rebbe. Guess you and Lipshutz have a lot in common, after al.
was it the nightcap that twisted your mind in knots? Can you not read out of the box just for once? And next time you lecture about me being insensitive and stuff, try not to be spewing hate and intolerance your self. Oh, but you can't help yourself. I forgot. It's just the "European" utopia you grew up in.
Btw, Dovy, PL is Rush's Rebbe, not the other way around. And I thought you "Klal Yisroel" guys would love the fact that I disliked TK, since that's the mainstream Charedi way of thinking; that Conservatives are good since they also like G-d and try to be moral, no?
remember this: There are Jews outside of Rockland County too. They too had neighborhoods.
As jews, we have one thing in mind when it comes to plotics, and that is israel, other than that is of no importance, and that is what the Rebbe's view was. So was ted kennedy a good guy? Yes
and that is what the Rebbe's view was
That wasn't a very smart thing to write.
do religious jews not have the capacity for complexity and ambiguity?
Here was a guy that was very questionable as a human being,but was very supportive of Israel, Soviet Jewry, etc.
Maybe it all shtams from Yehoshua in Nach,"Ha'Lonu ata, oh Le'Tzurreinu"?
The world is a complicated place, humans are complicated beings.
Its the first time I heard yesterday that he was thrown out of Harvard for cheating his answers for a test . I cant imagine any person with a slightly conservative bend would ever get elected for even the sanitation commissioner with a record of cheating, bystanding a raping of his nephew while he is intoxicated and killing a woman in a lake.And we are all fed by the libs that Palin is stupid. This is Bolshevism at its best, fighting for the poor while reducing the whole country into a poor 1 party system with the rich living in their own secluded enclave
Where do you know the Rebbes views on politics? he liked Reagen for his rightwing views regarding Religion he was impressed from 1 of his speeches that he mentioned G-D multiple times
"Can you actually name a neighborhood that got destroyed and which jobs were taken (from you, I presume) by them dirty colored Asians and Africans who got here by Ted's magic wand ? "
Yes, a couple in Teddy's back yard; Roxbury and Dorchester. Those were majority Jewish areas of Boston until the 1960s when RE agents began block-busting the area with mostly shanty blacks in the name of "diversity". Today, those neighborhoods are known for their high unemployment, murder counts and despair. Interestingly, none of this ever happened in the Irish enclaves of Southie or Eastie. But nope, no Irish machine politics involved in that little piece of history. No Kennedy involvement here. Nothing to see, move along now...
Tzig , why don't you leave politics and commentary to those who understand it. Furthermore Ted Kennedy deservesa few days of rest a cease fire, can't you wait until afyer he is buried.
nit shein.
Epes klopt nit
Schneur gave you a good piece of advice; halevai you had the wits to stick to it.
What are you talking about, buddy ? What neighborhood, in any county - Rockland, Kings or freaking Maricopa, had Jews exiled because of "dirty" Asian and African immigrants, who got there with help of Ted Kennedy ? Can you actually answer just that accusation ?
With so much learning going on, I am surprised to read something so lacking in tact. The mean-spiritedness of the American talk show world have no place in a mind that learns torah. Kennedy fought for cancer research, civil rights, mental health benefits, and children's health insurance, among many other worthwhile causes. Clearly there is much in these decades of public service that we can admire and learn from, even if we wished it were done differently. If the prevailing cynical, aggressive, angry mindset of the mass media has crept in so completely here, then our golus is deep indeed. What a sad thing to read.
Adamchik - fortunately, retards blindly repeating what they heard on the Goebbels radio are few and far in between and their "opinion" is laughed upon by anyone familiar with the matter. Fact is that in average, Ted Kennedy did more on a single day then all these "pundits" will do in their lifetime, either for Jews or for society in general.
this isn't radio Moscow, you Commie.
Adamchik, you have a point. I want to remind everyone that the Rebbe called these United States 'medinas hahesed'. I posit it wasn't for the Horatio Algers rugged individualism...
Having said that, Rush Limbaugh is still a brilliantly creative man and UD is still a pinko-commie.
It is interesting how someone, when it comes to his personal life, can have an ostensible callous streak- drowning and the poor kid who got thrown out cheating for him in Harvard- yet takes the side of the week and helpless in many areas.
The only bit of creativity that Rush Limbaugh has he owes solely to the copious amounts of oxycodone in his bloodstream. And Roxbury with Dorchester are populated with "native" US blacks who have nothing to do with Ted Kennedy (other then the eagerness of local landlords to accept section 8 checks).
What remains is a gratuitous lie, perpetuated hereby by Tzig, towards a respectable figure who died just a few days ago. Tzig slandered him for no reason, with no basis and with just plain lies. At least if he brought up the car accident, there would be a bit of truth to it. But why would Tzig want to become yet another "conservative pundit" is beyond me - I guess President Street fired him from being their rep ...
"where those dirty, colored people..." and "It was the blue collars who had their neighborhoods destroyed and their jobs taken". How come that those words reminds me of how people in Europe and white people in the US have been talking about Jews moving in in there neighborhoods. Anti-semitism we call it when others say those things about us. What do we call it when Yidden, frum or not, say the same about other people?
In truth, Ted Kennedy and a number of other men in his family had very public records of abusing women, sometimes killing women, in the pursuit of carnal pleasure. We are supposed to accept that because these men represent to the semi-official media an American Royalty, and Britannia waives the rules. Let's remember a few obvious facts: (1) were it not for his name and his family's power, Ted Kennedy would have done time behind the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, (2) his colleagues say he was an effective legislator, so I accept that as a fact, but the results of the bills that he pushed through the Senate have not been good. He basically pushed the country along the road to socialist serfdom in a way which has weakened it, and rendered the American people less able to prosper and to defend themselves than they were before he started in on his program. (3) In public debate, he was vicious and unprincipled. More than any single other person, he was the Senator who was shameless enough to turn hearings on the appointment of Supreme Court Justices into circuses that resemble nothing more than left-wing show trials. (4) He is now dead, and his life will be judged impartially by his Creator, with Justice and with Mercy, knowing fully well how He created the man and with what challenges He confronted him. May Ted Kennedy enjoy the same mercy that we wish for ourselves! (5) It is not wrong to examine the public life and evident character of a public figure. Why should the truth be forgotten?
The story of how a neighborhood of 90,000 mainly working-class Jews was transformed into a black neighborhood (Roxbury, Dorchester in Boston) has been published (The Death of an American Jewish Community, Levine & Harmon, 1991). The Jewish neighborhoods were deliberately targeted because the developers and do-gooders thought the Irish & Italians would fight back (as happened decades later when the South Boston school integration fight occurred.) It was thought that the left-wing Jews (Nat Hentoff grew up there and says the FDR supporters were considered "conservative" compared to the socialists who dominated the political agora) would be more accomodating. The Jews felt besieged, and moved out. They were victimized by people like the Kennedys.
Tzig, Sorry but one more thought about the destruction of the Roxbury shtetl. The working-class Jews were driven out by the ultra-liberals, just as definitively as if they had been driven out by jackbooted oprichniks.
Destroying the old Jewish neighborhoods of Boston did nothing to help these working-class Jews.
Destroying the old Jewish neighborhoods of Boston did nothing to help the city of Boston.
Transforming Roxbury and Dorchester into a black slum did nothing to help the black people of Boston.
The only people helped were a few real estate operators, and the ultra-liberals, who could pat themselves on the back for doing something noble for poor, downtrodden people.
And that is the real danger of people like the Kennedys.
They are willing to destroy this entire country, for no more justification, than in order to feel that they have done something noble, to assuage the consciences that occasionally trouble them because of their own characters and crimes. That's where the hypocrisy of the Kennedys, and their imitators, like Al-G'ore, comes from. The politics of feeling good about yourself. Even though in reality, the do-fooder, feel-good policies you sweet-talk through the Congress, end up causing the American people misery and war.
Yimach shemo vezichro to Joe Kennedy, the man who ran FDR's presidential campaigns and who was appointed US ambassador to the United Kingdom on the eve of World War II. A devout Irish Catholic who idolized the Popes and fought to create an alliance between the USA and Nazi Germany because he was convinced that Hitler and the Nazis would conquer Europe so he backed Neville Chamberlain all the way, until SEVENTY years ago TODAY, on Sept 1st, 1939, the Nazis blitzkrieged into Poland shattering Kennedy's dream and forcing his recall to the USA when Churchill rose to lead Britain.
But wait, Joes Kennedy didn't stop there, when he got back home he ran around the country lobbying openly and speaking publicly to keep the USA out of joining Britain against the Nazis. But HKB"H had other ideas and Hitler did the "nutty" thing by declaring war on the USA after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
There went Joe Kennedy's career. But wait, he still had sons. The oldest one Joe Jnr. got himself blown up in a crazy air explosion, but JFK, with a Swedish lover who was once one of Hitler's girlfriends, was able to get his PT boat destroyed and instead of being thrown out of the US navy for having his boat rammed by a Jap destroyer, good old Joe had connections with the NY Times who wrote up "hero" stories about JFK and PT109, setting the stage for JFK's rise to the presidency with father Joe running the show from the way he had learned to do them for FDR.
Is it any wonder that there are so many stories in the frum world that this Kennedy was cursed that effected his family and sons?
When Ted went off the bridge that killed Mary Jo Copekne, he was guilty of manslaughter, yet he was able to serve in the US senate.
According to frum urban legend, the Kennedys were cursed by the rabbis, and rightly so, starting with old man Joe's open support of Hitler and the Nazis and for advocating an alliance between the USA and Nazi Germany that then perpetrated the tragedy and the horror of the Holocaust.
You are 100% right in your arguments,but there is a other hypocrisy that has to be emphasized, they preach for the average shmo that diversity and living green in housing and education is great for society while the live in gated or secluded communities in compounds as Hyannisport,and send their kids to Prep schools, but they can explain for you that we have abolish charter school, Or take for instance Teddy Kennedy's war against the wind turbines in Cape Cod since it will block his ocean front views, eventough its the cleanest energy we can get, Or Al Gore 16 bedroom mansion.This people are like Chachascou in Bucharast
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