"HaMevaser," Erev Shavuos, 5770 (courtesy of Shturem.net)
Even something as simple as a few generations of a recent Rabbinic family is difficult to copy paste correctly! The family tree is difficult to read, but the mistakes are in the written parts. See the Tzemach Tzedek's descendants for one example; Reb Yisroel Noach was NOT connected to Ovrutch, it was his brother, Reb Yosef Yitzchok, the Rebbe Rashab's shver, who left his father and traveled to Ovrutch to become it's Rov, as per the request of his shver, Reb Yaakov Yisroel of Tcherkas, son in law of the Mitteler Rebbe, N"E. That too was embroiled in controversy, as the Tcherkaser's brother, Reb Aron Tcherbobler, also had a candidate for that city's Rabbonus.
It's hard to read.
BTW What families today are ben achar ben from the Baal Hatanya?
yes please rescan and post so it can be read.
and please tell who got the yichus to be Rebbe
and why would you ever think it was the goal of a newspaper to ever tell the Emes?!
and please tell who got the yichus to be Rebbe
I do not understand the question. Please explain.
Also, I took it from Shturem.net, so I cannot rescan it.
tzig, we so picky, you know that leroy is right and no paper ever writes the emes.
but why not get it right? it's only a family tree, not some political issue!
I would say that Reb Levi Yitzchok Schneerson of QUEENS, who I'm not sure is alive, son of Reb Moshe'le Schneerson-Twersky, is a ben-achar-ben. Not sure off hand who else is.
tzig don't you mean leva shneerson, math professor at hunter college and the Rebbe's second cousin? (ben menachem mendel ben shmuel,brother of RLY)
Who cares?
Is there any value to this information other that for trivia games? Does knowing some family tree increase one's yiras shomayim, ahavas hashem, ahavas yisroel or any other middah tovah?
Levi Yitzchok Schneersohn-Twersky isa son of the Koidenover rebbe Reb Moshe Schneersohn -Twersky who was a direct desc of the Mitteler rebbe ben acher ben despite the name Twersky.
Tell me more about the professor at Hunter College. But the real Yichus in Lubavitch if from the Zemach Zedek not ben acher ben from the Mittlerr rebbe (kevodo bemkomo munach kadosh kadosh )
by now we all know the Rebbe has a niece in israel who has 2 sons who are eyniklech of Reb levik.
anon 9:27am
the Rebbe - and his cousin - were not ben achar ben from the AR, only from the TT, who was a daughter's son.
Lakewood Guy,
for me personally it's very important that I should know exactly that I am not a Ben Geyrim and from frum zeides and bubbes.
The Tzemach Tzedek wasn't ben achar ben of the Maharal. The claim of Maharals descent from Beis David is well known. So that is my point of interest.
I saw the Hamevasser which is by the way an impressive Charadie paper,in its special magazine dedicated for the 250 of the Besht they had a long article regarding the Chersoner Genizah (which many Chabad haters on you blog love to discuss), Zilbershlag writes that the Ruzhiner Rebiem also bought articles and manuscripts of the Genizah. In Sadigure Israel their are some Zilbershlags, I assume he is from that family, he discuss it very respectful at length, he doesn't add much, its basically Hilmans criticism and the Rebbes lengthy responses.
the yiches to Marahal was discussed at length Yeshuruin by a genealogist Englard, currently fighting to become Radziner Rebbe
is not trivia the ikar?
Would you consider it important to know your own family tree? How about important dates in your family?
For chasidim the Rebbe is closer to us than mommy and tattie..
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