Pop Quiz:
Who's missing from this book?
Is it
a) The Gerrer Rebbe
b) The Vizhnitzer Rebbe
c) The Belzer Rebbe
d) The Lubavitcher Rebbe
If you guessed a, b, or c you're way out of touch with the "Torah World." Then again maybe it's better we don't include the Rebbe in that category....
e)Rabbi Soloviechik
TZig, its time for you to get a life. This has nothing to do with Feldheim. The photographer is not a fan of Lubavitch. So what? is that a reason Feldheim shouldn't publish his book; a book that is sure to be a money maker.
Secondly, why are you so surprised when Lubavitch is not included. Did they ever include themselves in umbrella organizations that feature others. Yes, they will invite others to their events and organizations but rarely do they show up at other events. At the event a few months ago in Los Angeles when the Gerrer Rebbe and rav steinman came, look at the crowd, there were many thousands but no lubavitchers. ok, i understand that they would not want to come for rav steinman, but at least for the gerrer rebbe, whom the rebbe walked to his car from 770, should have deserved the presence of some lubavitcher chassidim.
R. Menashe hakoton is in there, he is close to Lubavitch, meets with lubavitcher talmidim, has been at melava malka of tzetzoei admor hazoken, vechulei.
I know Mattis Goldberg. I know him from when he learned in Telshe Yeshiva and I know him because he lives in my neighborhood in Israel.
He has been working on this book for a little while now (though I only found out about it a few weeks ago).
I would guess the reason he did not include either the Lubavitcher Rebbe or Rv Soloveitchik is probably because he did not photograph them, being that they were no longer alive while he was photographing for the book.
That is just a guess. If I see him maybe I will ask him.
and also, just because they are not on the cover collage does not mean they are not in the book.. shouild be checked..
As far as I'm concerned, when Lubavitch start publishing anything which also features non Lubavitchers, they can start criticizing others, till then put up or shut up.
Thanks Rafi
I realize that, but it's very indicative of the prevailing nature of today's publishing industry. Do ask him, please.
What would the commenters say if I told them there's a fine old yid who published his biography with a Flatbush-based publishing house, which proceeded to remove many references to the L. Rebbe (including the previous one). The author is not a Lubavitcher, just someone who had much respect and was helped by the L. Rebbes, so the references were an integral part of his life story. Years later, the family wanted to issue a reprint of the book, and the old yid wanted to include a poignant letter he received from the L. Rebbe many years ago. The publishers adamantly refused and the yid, upset, can't take the book elsewhere because of the contract. Petty, eh?
The fact that Lubavitch has removed itself from the rest of Frum Klal Yisroel is old news. The news is that Chabadskers now have the audacity to kvetch about it as if the rest of Klal Yisroel is picking on them for no earthly reason. When you figure out why the rest of Frum Klal Yisroel hold of each other, but do not hold of chabad you can work on fixing the problem. Until then, quit making believe that it is some silly petty quibble.
You dont like it? Go fix the issues within Chabad which cause this.
bluecollar, this bubemaise keeps on being brought up by robot morons like you. Go snag yourself.
Blue collar has reported something widely known by any traveller:No other nusach siddurim, very few non Lubavitch seforim.But why should you be bothered by facts??
I guess even Gurarie's had some less than intelligent relatives. After all, you can't choose your relatives, can you?
Repeat a lie often enough and the masses will believe it, sorta like the Jews control the world.
Mississippi Fred Macdowell has more on Artscroll revisionism and exclusion
snag relative, bluecollar statement was repudiated previously here (or on mentalblock, same thing) by someone not Chabad. And any traveler can tell you the opposite. Go snag yourself.
I have never seen an ArtScroll siddur in a Lubavitch shul though I have seen plenty of Tehillas Hashem siddurim in Young Israel and other shuls (possibly planted by Lubavitchers -- but not removed from the shelves)
Funny Toby, I have. Would you care to list the specific shuls, and whether you asked the Shliach for an Artscroll Siddur or just assumed there was none?
toby, you are welcome to visit my father's chabad house where the primary siddur is an artscroll. why? because that's what people are used to.
shliach son, och un vey.
anon, sometimes a Shliach takes over a pre-existing shul...
bluecollar's comment is true for every nussach sefard shtiebel
ever walk into satmer or vizhnits and try finding one ashkenaz siddur
I personally know Mattis Goldberg and was with him while he took many of the pictures in this book, the only reason he excluded any Rabbonim is because he did not photograph them personally, every picture in the book was taken by him. He was too young to have taken picture of the Lubavitcher Rebbe or R' Soleveitchik
And he wasn't to young to photograph the 2nd Satmer Rebbe ? So how does he have a picture of the Skulener he claim's to have been taken in the 80's ?
In his second book Rav Chaim Kanievsky is not in it. Now that is questionable.
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