Monday, January 15, 2007

Pic of the Day

(At the wedding of Reb Nachman Yosef Twersky, son of Reb Yisroel Mordche of Rachmistrivke, and grandson of Reb Yochantshe, to the daughter of the recently deceased Reb Moshe Ashkenazy of Tel Aviv. R-L Reb Moshe, the Chosson, RYMT of R'strivke, and YBLCH"t his brother, Reb Itzikel Twersky of Boro Park.)

I imagine there were some uncomfortable moments at the wedding.

Also visible are Reb Hirshel Chitrik, a nephew(?) of Reb Moshe, and another of Reb Yochantshe's sons behind the Chosson. (Avrohom Dov? Velvel? Yeshoshua Heshel?)

Photo by Shturem


Anonymous said...

Moshe Ashkenazy, Nosson Gurary and (yblt"a) Hirschel Chitrik all married sisters, daughters of Leizer and Leah (Gurary) Karasik.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Thanks MIB. I remember now that Mrs. Chitrik sat Shivah r"l for her sister Mrs. Ashkenazy last year.

Anonymous said...

Uncomfortable moments? why?

Dont leave us all hanging!

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


don't jump out of your seat just yet. I said "I imagine", which means that it's based on the fact that the Rachmistrivke family was very upset when their son/grandson joined Lubavitch. They had big Rebbishe plans for him, and going to Lubavitch didn't help the situation. Marrying a non-Rebbishe Lubavitcher Girl didn't help the situation any.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how there is much sephardic/ashkenazic mixture here.

rachmatrivka rebbe himself is descended on his mothers side from Azulai (chida). the surname ashkenazi indicates a family that was once ashkenazic, lived among sefardim and -in some cases- rejoined Ashkenazic Jewry.

Chitruk sounds like a sefardic name though I'm not sure.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


Chitrik is a real Russian name, I doubt if there are other Jews with that name, like Marosov.

Ashkenazi denoted living amongst Sefardim centuries ago, not necessarily today.

The Twersky/Chida connection is from Reb Yochanan's wife, but the Chida's wife was an Ashkenazi.


i was good friends with shneur zalman twersky (sheleach Chicago).he told me he was named sz by his father to show that there was no returning to Chernobyl.

Anonymous said...

Two points:

1) Firstly, b'nogeia to the Rachmistrivka yachas to him becoming Lubavitch, there's a letter from the Rebbe to [R' Nachman Yosef's zeide - IIRC?], in one of the last k'rachim of Igros, in response. His letter is brought in the haoros there.

2) What does that mean - not returning to Chernobyl? - The Alter Rebbe's and the Chernobyler's eineklach were married to each other!

Please explain.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

I would guess "not returning to Tchernobyl" means that they're staying in Lubavitch, that's all. Maybe this is an exchange for the Ovrutcher - Reb Yosef Yitzchok the Tzemach Tzedek's son - going to Tchernobyl and becoming a Rebbe B'Derech Chagas?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the Chid'o's wife, but the Chid'o himself was half ashkenazi.I think it was his mother.hE WAS DESCENDED ON HIS MOTHERS SIDE FROM CHOSHUVE ASHKENAZI RABBONIM

Anonymous said...

What did Twersky gain from becoming a Lubab?
Got a third class job in Oholei Tora when he could have been Rachmastrivka Rebbe.You got to question the guys judgement

Anonymous said...

This is what is printed in Igros Kodesh from the Rebbe, Vol. 28;

מצילום כתי"ק, על גליון מכתב מו"ה נחמן יוסף טווערסקי, מג' מנ"א ה'תשל"ג, אודות העגמ"נ שיש לזקנו האדמו"ר ר' יוחנן מרחמסטריווקא, משהותו כתלמיד ב-770. וראה גם תורת מנחם ח"א ע' 131.

האומנם באם יעשה כפס"ד ברור בשו"ע יו"ד סו"ס ר"מ?!

[וכבר דובר בזה שנקבע פס"ד זה לא בהל' ת"ת, כ"א בהל' כבוד או"א. וק"ל].

אזכיר עה"צ.

Anonymous said...

anon snag, his judgement that one should be rodef min hakavod was excellent - at least in Torah's eyes, if not in those who have been deeply snagged.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

I guess in the snag world it's all position, and nothing about principle. No wonder they all become Rosh Yeshivas

Milhouse said...

Hagar made the same choice...

Anonymous said...

Anon. of 3:04, ever heard of doing what your neshomoh tells you to do?But for this you need a neshomoh to begin with...

Anonymous said...

So what do the latest Chabad Twersky kids look like?

Anything like their chasidish cousins in Jerusalem?

(I won't even ask about their Torah.)

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


it seems like since you've left Detroit you've just been wandering around aimlessly. Have you become something else, besides for an "ex?"

Anonymous said...

I dont think they are any less then their NY or Yerushalmi cousins, the majoirity of them are not the greatest masmidim or kedoshim.And most of the CH Twerskies are Talmidie Chachomim but unfortonatly dont own property

Anonymous said...

Doesn't being a TC in Chabad qualify a person for expulsion??

After all, it just shows that he spends his time learning rather than the more important things that Chabadniks are required to do..

Avremele said...

Do the CH Twerskys dress like thir cousins?