A newspaper in Eretz Yisroel printed the bottom picture this week. Nothing strange about that. It's a delegation headed by the Mayor of Bnei Beraq, Yaakov Asher, that visted R Aron Teitelbaum of Satmar. We see some of Boro Park's finest "askonim" joined him on the mission.... Then somebody went and posted the uncensored version. That's the one on top. And there was lots of hooting and hollering about censorship, and how silly it is to black out the Rebbetzin standing in the corner of the picture. The Rebbetzin here is the daughter of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Beraq, may he live and be well. I have no problem with taking her out. Newspapers have rules so they stick to them. OK. But we fail to see the broader story here; how the Rebbetzin saw it her business to leave the kitchen and listen in, house dress and all. This doesn't seem like a one-time deal either, it seems perfectly normal, nobody deemed it out of the ordinary. I wonder if she added her two cents to the discussion, her being from BB and all. I dare say this scene seems refreshing to me; no gabboyim hanging over the chair smiling like fools. No mounds of fruit and silver dishes either. It's just a group of people having a business-like meeting. A heavy tablecloth, lots of seforim on a conference table with a bunch of 500 dollar chairs.
And A Rebbetzin.
I've never been comfortable with photo editing like this. Is it not a form of deception?
There's also the famous photo of the Chofetz Chayyim sitting in a doorway with two women behind him. One erudite blogger found a copy in which they had been airbrushed out.
Someone with an agenda is now trying to give me a false version of history. Is this right?
Why don't you enlighten us on to the Satmar Rebbetzin showing up to tishen, etc
Even at the MSG thing, she was sitting oben un
Seen many non edited, professional photos. The rebbe looks like a malach in those photos
This was a guest post by The Bray of fundie, correct?
no, no guest post.
I'll have the Gimmel Tammuz post after Shabbos, iy"h.
She was there to translate between Yiddish and Ivrit. Besides, someone had to serve the coffee.
Ezra Friedlander at work again, trying to promote Bnei Brak foundation as was previously done for Beitar.
I asked because the writing style sounded like him especially since he likes transliterating ק as Q and mounds of fruit and silver dishes are a pet peeve of his.
Im I the only one noticing that Tzig has been getting very few hits over the last month?
Or is Tzig becoming a sensitive wimp and trashing all the the sharfer responses?
Are the Tzig days over?
those are meant for blog owners, not for unemployed losers, to keep stats of the stats like a statistician. Right?
you have niteyos to ritzechuh
This gives me an idea for a "Where's Zelda?" children's book series.
This reminds me of the Oorah poster of Birkas Kohanim at the Kosel. In that overhead picture every man has a black hat etched on his head (I've seen the original with mostly Kippot Serugot - Israeli Havarah here is intentional :-P).
Whoever you are, leave the original photos alone. We had enough problems with Goyish Tzenzers back in Zeropa!
Where is the Gimmel Tammuz post???
The comment about the rebbetzin of the DY coming into public is absoluteley right, AFT used to attend all major events in public including in Shul at tischen, the shouting of "Machtz platz for the Rebbetzin" can be heared on much of exisiting cassates from the DY.
What's news, she was in the room from day one....from when the 'Kuhul' came up to Monroe after they 'crowned' his father and tried to get R' Aron to ditch der Tzion'esta. Unfortunately I've forgoten the exchange that took place but she basically put the Judenrat in their place, straight away. They should have realized then that Aron was gonna be trouble.
Another thing they gained in their photo-op, is that the "cropping" also took out [partially] the grandiose clock on the table, and the chandelier altogether.
"the "cropping" also took out [partially] the grandiose clock on the table..."
That is a pushka. You can tell by the slot in the top. Look in all the advertising collateral for Kupat HaIr and other such orgs. All the "gedeylim" portrayed have similar ornate pushkaos in front of them as they stuff the slot with oversized envelopes. Why should anything less be expected of the SR?
Alas, these items fell victim to there being insufficient column-inches available to publish the full photo. The Rebbetzin's head, however, should be completely visible despite this cropping!
The bigger question is, why is a "Satmar Rebbe" which is world-reknown for not acknowledging the State of Israel, even sitting at the same table with an official elected representative of the Israeli government? What hypocricy!!! The Satmars sold their soul!!!
"no gabboyim hanging over the chair smiling like fools. No mounds of fruit and silver dishes either"
Maybe they cropped that out
I also find such editing distasteful and inappropriate. It, lehavdil, reminds me Bolsheviks, who edited out those who fell in disfavor from photos with Stalind y"sh and people around him.
If some papers have polices - let them not use these photos. And not mess them around to fit into their rules.
I remember Alte Feige standing by the door with a guy freund by the door on rodney for her fundraising, I have no problem with it, but I was allways thinking what Reb Yoelish would say if the shoe would be on someone elses shoe, they would ridicule it to death,
everybody knows that Chabad and Breslov didn't bend in to the commies and were moser nefesh more than the others.
must be the attachment to dead Rebbes. (siman not sibah, duh)
chabad and breslov, besides for the no replacement syndrom, got a lot of similarities: words on yarmulkes, substance abuse, dance in street, hand out pamphlets, preach Kabalah for dummies, blame the low par level on the new recruits while they preach love for the newbees, different factions all claiming they understand the true intent of their Rebbe, Tznius issues...
deep down they want to bow down to him with peyshut yudayim v'ragalim, but unfortunate to them, they think the Torah stops them. They fulfill their desires by making him a super hero. it is hard to ridicule those that view it as a form of idolatry.
"Another maaseh is that one Rosh Hashana night, someone made a mistake in the davening and instead of saying “HaMelech HaKadosh[16]” he said, “HaKel HaKadosh[17].” He came to the Rosh Yeshiva, we were by the Seudah already, and he asked him the shailah - does he have to daven over. The Chayei Adom[18] says you don’t have to, based on the view of R’ Aba Pasveler[19]. The Rosh Yeshiva brought this view, but he was cholek, and strongly viewed that he had to daven over.
And I remember afterwards, this was the only time I ever heard the Rosh Yeshiva saying over maasis on Rosh HaShana. He started telling over of the gevaldike bekiyus [20]of R’ Aba Pasveler. He was just speaking, without eimas hadin[21]So I always felt that perhaps he felt that he was pogai’ah the kavod[22] of R’ Aba Pasveler in the eyes of the bachurim and on Rosh Hashana he was more medakdek He davka felt that even if your cholek, but for a friedige dor[23] you have to have the derech eretz that we come nowhere near them. That was a very strong lesson of the Rosh Yeshiva how to look at a kasha in the Gemara, they’re much greater than us. We have to know that we’re an emes shalsheles[24] of them."
Snag jr,
Boruch habo,
A new Shemo in town,every half baked jew knows the reb Abele, Zevin has it in his hamoadim behalocho. Please get back with your Rosh in your hole, and you and him avoid talking the whole year, and we and human race will be saved.
In fact, someone photo-shopped out the mechitza in the top photo, which is why one can see the rebetzyn.
Mitzvo goreres mitzvo, someone then photo-shopped out the rebetzyn from the second picture.
The worst part is they didn't even do a good job. They put the filter on the entire photo so you can't miss it, and then when they went back to do the rebbitzin they didn't even double it enough. YOu can still make out her outline.
Jo Amar, what happened to the post?
Anon 6:49 PM yesterday
The DY also met with them
Snag jr,
Boruch habo,
"A new Shemo in town,every half baked jew knows the reb Abele, Zevin has it in his hamoadim behalocho."
true only the half baken are big into Zevin. you missed the point of the story as you miss many points in your life.you see the respect R'Ahron had for those greater than him. Contrast that, lihavdil, with others then living in the tri state are- this story could never have happened, Leader wouldn's show such sensitivity for not listening to someone greater than him. aderaba, he would scofe at the non chabad version, because after all, even if they are ehrliche yidden is is only a miracle, cuz they never learnt chasidus. they might have learnt Zoher, but since they didn't learn chasidus...
Gimmel Tammuz?
Need help with a post?
sure. what do you have in mind?
Snag Jr
go on, you are creating yourself into a laughing stock, no logical statements, it looks you just finished a Litvisher Kumzitz with Mashke,
You would never print what I have in mind...
But since you asked:I've met many Lubavitchers and a number of Head Shluchim.I''ll have to be honest that almost all these people have left me terribly underwhelmed.I want to focus for a second on the Head Shluchim .What I was struck by was the paucity of their intellectual skills and to be honest not very likable personalities.I.e quite poor people skills on the face of it.Ok, now I'm sure you have had enough and don't want to read the rest.WAIT! Despite this, these people have gone on to build successful and some of them very successful institutions!
I concede that this is the rebbes greatness, the ability to get people to build and use every ounce of their abilities!
The ability to make these mediocre people rise to heights of extreme mesirus nefesh.
You should know that this is no simple praise coming from someone like myself, who knows and detests Lubab.Still, I can fargin where I see greatness.
Obviously you don't want to hear or see what I think about the mess he got Lubavitch in bsof yomov that all Jews are suffering with.You also don't want to hear my opinion on many other aspects of Lubab and the REAL possibility that Lubavitch will leave the Jewish world.Yeah,I know you think it's crazy,but wait, did you believe that 15 years after his passing there would still be a sizable group claiming he is alive?A fringe group claiming he is god (with many Lubab sufficiently mixed up to not know exactly what the rebbe was, god or man).
Publishing my post may nix your Lubab p.r job!
I want to address another point,if yours truly may.
You claim as your blog header that you are here to "defend Lubavitch from all the bashing"
Let us actually have a reality check on that,k?
Actually,Lubavitch and the rebbe have managed to hold onto an amazing amount of goodwill despite things which would have totally brought any other group down.Let's not go into them now, but you know exactly what I mean.This again shows that the rebbe managed to touch something in the people who met with him.I have no idea what it was but he had something that made people who met him feel they were in a special presence.Nothing else can explain to me how a group like Lubavitch with it's baggage has managed to succeed
a pig in slop thinks he's at the pool at the Fountain Bleau in Miami Beach, that's why you think your silly little group is perfection
Now you are getting narish again.
Do you know what "group" I belong to at all?
But that has no relevance anyway.And you know it to.
Address issues,k?
Btw, don't mention Miami, cuz your Lubab chevreh are up against a foreclosure to the tune of 8 mil for another grandiose building.Have no fear, they''ll manage to bully some rich people to bail their folly out.Again and again
Are the shluchim good at there job or not? if they are total losers on the charisma fromnt, then can we say its some godly koches? If they will be bailed out in Miami by a yid then its again some siyato dishmayo.In matter of fact reb Avrohom Korf of Florida is a very Choshever Yid and Talmid Chochom
Admittedly most of the Lubavitchers I've learned with are bochurim (and the one married shliach relatively young) but they aren't such am ha'artzim as people here make them out to be. Just like heintige litvaks of similar ages, their knowledge of tanach is deplorable, but that's another story entirely. As far as gemara goes they are about average in most areas with the exception of "Rosh yeshiva's sforim". There they only know one and it is חיידושים וביאורים על הש"ס.
So much for anons complaint about their learning. All his other fallacies prove themselves from his own words so I'll leave them alone.
anon 2:08--your absolutely right, but you do have to learn to write in an English that non heimish people will consider respectable. "you create yourself into a laughing stock." should be make
Where exactly is klal yisroel suffering of the moshiachists? did they create skepticisim in of the 13 principles? or some other mitzva derabonon/Minhag Kal? or you are venting and ranting since you got lately a pink slip?
Modeh who was your rosh?
Does it make a difference? I don't like dropping names around.
Besides, I'm an "mo ignoramus"
"Besides, I'm an "mo ignoramus" "
That you are!
Dropping names???
Do we know who you are that you are showing your fake humility
You deserve an award for your inane posts
Snag Jr: Drop your jealousy towards Chabad and Breslov. Probably you also a big fan of kapachists? Better go and learn some Kabbolo.
explain what's fake humility. I said that chabad bochurim don't know rosh yeshivah's sforim. Some anon asked me who my rosh yeshiva was. I didn't answer because when I was in yeshiva I didn't really have a kesher with the rosh yeshiva, but only with some of my rebbeim, so mentioning I was in ploni's yeshiva is meaningless.
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