Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:00 PM ET
The Conservative movement’s highest legal body moved to allow commitment ceremonies for gays and the ordination of gay rabbis.
The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards endorsed three opinions Wednesday on homosexuality.
Two opinions upheld earlier prohibitions on homosexual activity, but the third endorsed commitment ceremonies and the ordination of gay rabbis, while retaining the biblical ban on male sodomy.
Two other opinions that were under consideration, which would have removed all restrictions on gay activity, were declared takanot, or substantial breaks from tradition that would require an absolute majority of the committee members for adoption.
They were defeated.
[ How can you maintain the ban while endorsing commitment ceremonies? G-d help us all - HT ]
Cognitive Dissonance. These folks should get a dictionary and look it up. They will find a picture of 3080 B'way (JTS' home address).
This is but another attempt by the movement to bridge irreconcilable opposites in a fitful attempt to please everyone. It dovetails perfectly with their attempt to save Shabbos 50 years ago by allowing driving to shul only - thereby supposedly satisfying the "sanctity of Shabbos"niks by limiting it to shul only. Here the result is to recognize the gay community and accept gays as legitimate BUT forbid them from engaging in Mishkovei Zochor. I.E., it's "look but don't touch". I see a contemptible endorsement of Tza'ar Leva'alei Chayyim here.
"I see a contemptible endorsement of Tza'ar Leva'alei Chayyim here."
That's a Keeper line, Camp.
It's a great line, that's why.
It's not "look but don't touch". It's do, but not that. MZ (the issur skilah) is only one particular act; it still leaves lots for a couple to do which may be ossur but it isn't that issur. Let's not get too explicit in a public forum, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
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