(picture is for illustration purposes only, Found Here)
Dear Hirshel,
I know that you are a person who appreciates a person's roots and where he comes from. I too have this appreciation. Not too many people today have this in them. I want to share with you a bit about my Bubbeh, I think you'll like this.
My grandmother Zelda Nemes (Kaminetzky) was born in Klimovitch White Russia in 5695/1935. She was the youngest of 5 children born to Hachosid Reb Moshe Zalman Kaminetzky. Her mother Risha Rivkin was the 6th generation descendent from Horav Hagoan Mordechai Baruchovitch the brother of the Alter Rebbe. Her father Moshe Zalman Kaminetzky was known to be an exceptional Chossid totally dedicated to the cause of the Frierdiker Rebbe. He was a baal nigleh with a razor sharp mind and tongue that could rip one to shreds. My grandmother inherited both these traits from her father.
Her mother passed away Simchas Torah when she was eight years old. She once described to me the experience of sitting next to her mother’s body on the
cold floor in Samarkand while the other Lubavitcher Chassidim were dancing away in a Simchas Torah bliss outside her house, oblivious to their situation. Living such a life usually produces tough character and my Grandmother sure fit that profile. No one ever got the best of her.
She began teaching when she was 17 years old and taught for 54 years until a few months ago when her body didn’t let her continue. Even after she was well into chemotherapy she insisted on teaching although we all tried to discourage her. She told me a month and a half ago that she wants to live for two things, her
grandchildren, and to teach again. Teaching was her life. She was a master educator who sometimes taught 3 generations of the same family. She taught many
teachers and principals, many who applied her method of education to their own classes and schools. She taught in both Bais Rivka in Lubavitch and Bais Yaakovas well as Manhattan School for Girls.She taught THOUSANDS of girls, bli guzmah.
She had a very special relationship with the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana. She used to buy her hats for her and she was often called by Rebbetzin Chana to help her get dressed for weddings and outings.
She had permission from the Rebbe to attend college after she got married but was told specifically that she was only to study subjects that pertained to teaching. When she wanted to study law the Rebbe told her not to but did permit her to study research psychology which she had a masters in. She and my grandfather have MANY amazing stories with the Rebbe that I hope to tell you about another time. I will
tell you this, there are at least 4 occasions that the Rebbe sent people to her to get advice and counsel from when they had serious marriage problems. She was
the president of N'shei Chabad throughout the 80's, and I found in her drawer yesterday, michtovim kloli'im that the Rebbe gave to N'shei’s convention with his holy signature in English.
She deeply loved her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Whenever I brought my 11 month old son over she literally looked healthier on the spot. Her face would light up like a candle. She was a very unique woman, old school but so on the ball. She will be sorely missed. May she be a M'eilitzoh Yosher for all of us.
she's lucky to have you as an eynikel.
She was a teacher everyone respected, kinda larger then life......
i am on a visit from israel and would like to visit the kever of relatives in new york area.
can you please tell me if you know where is the belz bet olam of new york located? also please if you know where is the munkatcher bet olam?
thank you and chag sameach.
I'll see what I can do for you.
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