Chess in Kfar Chabad - COL
I need to make up for the time lost not learning last night. Hirshel Ohn Teyreh is Vi a Tzig Ohn Vasser. We have no choice but to take off work today, since the building's closed. Otherwise I seem to remember Rav Moshe Paskening that a Yid should not take off on Yom Eydom. Interesant iz how Davka the Chassidim, who speak so much about Kedushas HaTeyreh, and the great Keyach Teyreh has to overcome all obstacles, and how learning needs to be done BiKdushoh UvTohoroh, worry so much about the birth of a man 2000 years ago and how his adherents draw spiritual strength from Jews learning Teyreh for those eight hours. Our friends the non-Chassidim have more faith in the Teyreh it would seem; they're not worried about foreign influence or such matters. I also have noticed that it's quite popular amongst some people wearing Chassidic garb not to worry about Nittel either. These are today's Oofgeklerte Chassidim, who don't believe in the "unimportant" things.
In any case here are some links to keep the conversation going.
M A Friedman's daughters want to learn but the school in Vienna won't allow them in. Beis Din's orders. It seems like they don't like the attention he brings them with his visits to Iran, bringing his kids and all, so they decided to banish them. Poor kids. We can argue the point whether or not they need to suffer for their father's indiscretions.
WienPost Has a Field Day
In other news:
Hitler's fate
I don't know about the whole Nittel or non-nittel thing beyond that it is our Minhog and by that alone is to be adhered to. Similarly I have just as much respect for those who do learn if that be their Minhog.
As for the children of Iran - I don't think it is ok to turn anyone's children away biglal aveisom. Maybe I'm just being unrealistically idealistic on this but that's the chabad derech that I was brought up with.
Too bad that many Lubav schools don't hold by that ideal of yesteryear anymore and readily expel children for lack or lateness of a tuition payment (B"H not in my neck of the woods, but I have heard many 1st hand stories from other places).
Herschel, that Wienpost site seems to have been set up by Freeky Freedy or some supporter of his. If there is a paper called Wien Post, this is not their site.
Those kids need to be taken in by another community, perhaps the one in NY where Freeky's very normal sisters reside.
"poor kids"? I do not understand the lamentations. So it's legit for a yeshivah to ban students whose parents have a TV at home but not so legit if the parents only try to help a Hitler YM"SH wanna-be? Is the yeshivah or the community obligated to accept such a family? (I know your answer - umshuldiker kinder... and therefore what?)
I never lokked at it that way, Berl. I see your point.
best comment on HydePark:
אין איזה בית ספר מוסלמי באיזור ?
It's sad that M. A. Friedman is the only person in this generation that's showing real mesiras nefesh.
Yes, it must be in his mother's Zechus. sure. I guess the fact that he lets Ahmedenijad caress his pre-teen daughters is also real Mesiras Nefesh.
I guess There is one guy in this world who understands better than everybody else. Actually two; you and him.
He's certainly trying to be moser nefashos - and allegedly getting paid well for it.
I am willing to bet anything that u'n' is not מזרע ישראל .
בערעלע, דו ביסט אן עכטער רואה נגעי עצמו .
I'd ask you to bet whatever you have left over for the world of truth, but it doesn't seem like much.
Interesting post on Hirhurim re: Nittel Nacht
Ironically, those girls are probably learning a whole lot more about the world they live in, including the fact that their father occupies the position of "prime turd" ... all through this incident. There isn't much in the way of curricula that they would ordinarily be permitted to study anyway, is there? Still, I don't like seeing innocent children crying ...
They should give Daddy a joy ride sitting atop a patriot missile intercepting an Iranian missile. Now there is a dose of reality he might understand.
I think the next step for the Jews of Vienna is to make a conference denying that Friedman's children were not allowed entry into the school.
The only alternative is to place his children in special enrichment programs which would cast a wedge between them and their father. Its pretty simple if everyone hates their father.
Nittel nacht. Its okay if thats your family or sect minhog. But now a whole "industry" has developed about the minhog. Should we observe the Russian orthodox Xmas or the catholic or others say other calendar dates like the Armenian etc Ein ledavar sof.
Whats the minhog in Israel ? Who is the mera Deara there is it the Proveslavner or the latin (Roman catholic) Church ? Others are very strict and mark both. Still others impose their minhog on people like BT's who are larning and a Chassidishe Yid (in this case not a Lubavitcher) screaming men tor nit lernen , perhaps he doesnt want to learn, but al pi halacha you can learn almost all the time except for aveilus and even tehre the Rogochover was not makpid.
halevai we should have such Messiras nefesh on all other dinim.
Actually I agree, Berl...Not letting kids in an institution because there's a TV in their house is also strange to me. It's not like they put the TV there and Adereba - properly influenced these kids can effect a Veheishiv Leiv Oveis al Bonim.
To be melamed zchus I guess what they worry about with TV watching is the influence that such children might have on the others? Maybe this is the same worry they have with Freedman's kids?
Nittel is an old minhag from before the time of Chassidim. Actually most minhagim of Galicianer chassidim are from before chasidus, such the garb, saying yotzros, married women shaving their heads, etc. The Litvaks made as many changes to old minhagim as the chassidim made.
note to ZEVY:
you need to rewrite that comment, it won't pass the censors. VeDal.
does anyone know the name of the school involved in vienna?
ספיקא דיומא, מען מוז פראוון ניטל יעדער נאכט. מצד ספיקא דלילא, יעדער טאג אויך.
24th and 25th Dec, 31st Dec, 1st Jan, 5th Jan, 6th Jan.
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