Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hide your sons this Bain Haz'manim...
If your son didn't come home from Yeshiva for Pesach - for whatever reason - or if you live in Israel and he has off these days, make sure he's not at one of these hangouts called Yeshivas Bein Haz'manin, which is actually a wicked plot to 'chap bachurim' to Chabad. This "Yeshivah" is run by a recent convert to Chabad who's really miserable for being "farchapt" and wants to share his misery with other unsuspecting bachurim. During the year he suffices with shiurim once or twice a week and farbrengens on Chabad holidays, but during Bein Haz'manim he goes all out and works all month on these boys, snaring them in his web all day all Bein Haz'manim long. There the young bachur is introduced to the evils of Chabad לדורותיה, which we all know is rotten to the core. He may think that only Toras Chabad offers this level of learning and understanding when it comes to learning about Der Eybershter, something he doesn't get at home or in yeshivah, but it's all part of the plan to brainwash him and turn him into a mindless Chabad robot who will worship their leader, r"l. It's all a big lie! Look at how many innocent young'uns, who know no better, are caught in the web of Chabad deceit! Please, if you know any of these boys tell their parents and their Rebbes, before it's too late!

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Reb Herchel!
Maybe you can plaese explain your point?
if you you are not geeting it. then look for a other blogger
The point (though made a bit too sarcastically for my taste) is that due to the intense intellectual approach of Chabad Chassidus, which leaves no question unasked and lets none go unanswered, the more intellectually inquisitive of other kreizen are naturally drawn to the intellectual clarity provided by Chabad. For this reason many (especially among the livtvishe) seek to portray Chabad in a negative light, fearful that they may lose the proverbial "Aryeh SheBachaburah" to Chassidus.
The reality is that the Poilishe Derech of Chassidus is perfect for those who are blessed with Emunah Peshutah, unfortunately this is a quality which few of the intellectually inquisitive are able to retain in this sorry generation. It is therefore incumbent on those who posses the secret of Chassidus Chabad to make it available to the wider public and so save the finest minds of Torah true Yidishkiet from the potential dangers of these terrible times.
Chabad Revisited,
the Hebrew Hamodia has a 6 page interview with the great Chozer Reb Yoel, towards the end he has a intense discussion on the Emuna Peshuta of chasidas and the uniqueness of the Alte Rebbe Chosid vs. reb Chikels Chosid, Taami Urhi Ki Tov Hashem,
stop commenting on every last thing....
it as clear as ever that chabad lost its touch with anything that has to do with intellectual discussion just go into any chabad yeshivah and ask them to teach you a piece of Tanya……
And every intellectual in cahbad will tell you the same.
Thanks anonymous, unfortunately I don't have access to the hebrew hamodia at the moment. Is it possible for u to scan it in and email it to me?
which leaves no question unasked and lets none go unanswered,
Sounds like hubris and not a little bit of qefira to me.
just the qualities that make many Chabad-niks, even absent the Meshichist or Elokist mishugasen, so beloved by there non-Chabad coreligionists.
the tafkid is to know what one understands and what one does NOT understand.
You sound like a Kiruv Klown Huckster trying to sell rationality snake oil to a newbee.
Thanks anonymous,
and a gezunten zummer to the bray of fundu. too. Just get off your high horse.
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