what did I tell you people just last week? Read the first paragraph of this week's "העדה" and tell me if I'm not 1000% right! That was the most important thing thing to write about Baba Elazar? That he was דבוק in Rabbeinu Yoel?! And they have taynes to Lubavitch, noch?! We all see in yennem what we want to see, even if we suffer from some of the same issues, it seems.
i noticed that when collive wrote baba elazar's yichus, the only thing they deemed important to mention was that "one of his uncles, the youngest sil of the baba sali, works for chabad mosdos". that was pretty pathetic too.
I dont know what your prob is?!! being Dabuk in R' Yoel is a very important thing to them. in they're eyes its a great thing. just cus you dont think so, doesn't mean they cant have an opinion!
how closed minded can yo be???
did he take money from the Memsheles Hakofrim for his institutions in Beer Sheba?
I think yes,
Rachmona Yatilani....
Reading the Edah I am shocked that it is written in a real modern hebrew
Oi Ribobo Shel olum the Satan seeps in every corner...
no wonder Moshiach didn"t come yet..
Anonymous said...
"did he take money from the Memsheles Hakofrim for his institutions in Beer Sheba?
I think yes,
Rachmona Yatilani...."
You sholdn't tell negetive thinks after a died person! more so after a kodesh who was killed rc"l
The Eidah article is illegible and can not be enlarged. Please reload it properly.
I thought it was forbidden for an erlicher yid to use modern Hebrew.Then why is the Edah written in this so-called shprach? Can't it be written in Yiddish? I think the whole Edah are secret Zionists . Why else do they give hashgachah to Osem and dozens of other "Zionist" products?Didn't the SR write part three of Veyoel Moshe called Maamar Loshn Hakodesh?Why the language of Ben-Yehudah and not Mame-loshn?
What happened is a tragedy.
Both the Eda and the Baba Eliezer owed the Israeli governemnt a tremendous amount of back taxes. And yes the Edah paid up too.
The Edah flourishes under the Fascist zionist state. This entity exports all sorts of food stuff to overeas and whose hachsher is on 90% of it - the Edah. The old days when the Eda supervised Jerusalem wines a few chicken amrkets . 1 falafel stand in geulah and a nut shoppe are long gone . Its high tech and big business and they are growing rich. their people have jobs (shochetim , mashgichim etc)
And whose fault is it the zionism hatmaim , who cause the birkaiim asher lo karu lebaal bnai yerushalim to grown wealthy and bow to the Zionist entity.I wonder what the Eda would look like under a Palestinian regime ?
Perhaps they could export Arafat Kokosh cakes under their hashgocha. And the tasty olives needa hashgocha as well..
As the Vayoel Moshe writes the Zionist won;t stop until they control the whole world.
Perhaps Reb Aron Teitelbaum and his younger brother Reb Zalmen should start a reverse KEREN HATZOLAH , get the Eda to send some of that New Isareli shekalim to Williamsburg and Monroe to help the aremeleit there of which there eare plenty.
Where is the Osem baby ?
"more so after a kodesh who was killed rc"l"
I dont think you are called a kodesh for being killed by a Jew?
"You sholdn't tell negetive thinks after a died person! more so after a kodesh who was killed rc"l"
In my personal view it is a mitzva to take money from the Memsheles Hakofrim, so it was not a negative comment,I just wanted to read the bluff of the Edah
"The Edah flourishes under the Fascist zionist state. This entity exports all sorts of food stuff to overeas and whose hachsher is on 90% of it - the Edah. The old days when the Eda supervised Jerusalem wines a few chicken amrkets . 1 falafel stand in geulah and a nut shoppe are long gone . Its high tech and big business and they are growing rich. their people have jobs (shochetim , mashgichim etc)"
To play the devils advocate,
The Edah can argue that if the British monarchy or Jordanian monarchy would still be in charge in Palestine, they would be as successful,isn't Riyadh or Kuwait beautiful modern cities.Why are you crediting the Zionists for that?
The world became more modern in the last half a century including Palestine.
To all of you edah haters, I would be much more worried if y'all start liking the Edah!
ps: you guys may check out FM, similar comments like yours are posted in abundants there, there is no hate like an am-haretz hate to a ehlicher yid, talk about Jewish anti-semitisim.
"talk about Jewish anti-semitisim."
if trying to win the hate contest, compare the Edah to Mevaser or Hamodia..
"The world became more modern in the last half a century including Palestine"
By the same token all the Jews who became modern and free thinkers would have done so with or without the Zionist medineh.The Zionists are only incidental to general intellectual and scientific progress.Are the Jews who remained in Casablanca or left for France any less modern than their brothers in Tel-Aviv?
I don't disagree
anon: "if trying to win the hate contest, compare the Edah to Mevaser or Hamodia.."
the germans where ethical and tactful smooth talkers to, (i.e. ‘please’ step in to the crematorium..) until they weren’t!, ‘az ess tit vay shreied men’
"the germans where ethical and tactful smooth talkers to, (i.e. ‘please’ step in to the crematorium..) until they weren’t!, ‘az ess tit vay shreied men"
your Moshul and Nimshal is really appropriate
sorry my comment was meant philosophically speaking not as a comparison and induction not an anology
ANY article about ANYBODY in Lubaviycher publications or e-media (if they write about anybody) mainly it is about their kesher to the Rebbe Shlita.
Stop accusing other people for being just people-like you.
To induce broader 'thinking' not to compare or analogiez..
there is more letters from and to the lubavitch rebbi than of satmer. they only thing satmer has is of the tomestone.
Compare Israel to its neighbors namely Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. When was the last time you saw a food product from lets say Syria ? Buy any good wine from Jordan ?The last item I purchased from Syria was s plastic cup.
By the way if you speak of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, etc I didn't know the Edah could give hechsherim on crude oil, but then again why not as Rav J>L>Fishman said "far gelt krigt men altz". Wow giving a hechsehr on oil, the Edah could really get into the cash then !
Besides crude oil , the area under its present leaders exports very little(except for terror- mmm. maybe that could use a hechsher too ?)). And if you know anything about the dynamics of post colonial period, there was no way in the world Paelstine(or any Asiatic or even African country after 1960) was going to remain under Euroepan control beyond 1950. Witness the world's(and that includes the US) reaction to the Suez strike by Britian and France. colonialism was dead after world war 2. Probably a fact that the Central Committe in Brooklyn was not aware of.
Off the subject I just saw an interesting story the Meor Eynayim said he would not live to see Mashaich neither would his children or his grandchildren but his great grand children would see mashiach. Lets see that's about the time Zionism started and set about creating a Jewish homeland.
ee the new book about the Machnovker Rebbe for the full story.Also for all you who think Shazar was revered by Chabad because he passed Chabad some money, the same book says that the Machnovker Rebbe visited 1 important Israeli official namely zalman Shazar as hakaras hatov for help he provided even while in Moscow. So now we have Shazar helping Chabad , Machnovka, Reb Yisroel ber Odesser of Bratzlav etc sounds like a true believer !!
Shazar was a shvontz who has to his credit many hundreds of people who shmad zich. He can allow himself to be photographed with anyone he wants, he stays a shvontz. BTW, that is the tru answer to you chabadskers. If a sheygetz was to say something could about Satmar, he would not get kovod in Satmar. However, in Chabad, a Talmid Chochom who is anti-chabad gets more villification than a rosho am ho'oretz who is pro-chabad. That is obvious to any unbiased bystander.
The Belz Machnovker chasidim will burn down your house for revealing this Shazar Machnuvker connection.
In Willi this was the Cheit hakadmon(original sin) of the Lubavicher Rebbe, from there it all snowballed,
The Belz Machnuvker are doing much fund raising in Willi Kj London by the Satmars
Russian Chosid
You are not getting Hirshels point
To 4:19 : 'However, in Chabad, a Talmid Chochom who is anti-chabad gets more villification than a rosho am ho'oretz who is pro-chabad. That is obvious to any unbiased bystander.'
Ayin Rambam Hilchos Dayois and the perokim on Teshuvah, where he explains this exact issue very succinctly.
Contrasting certain mitzvos and aveiros, schar v'oinesh, he puts it all into perspective.
Interesting though, how anyone can understand the Rambam when he learns it academically, but when hate and politics come into play, he suddenly doesn't understand.
anon 6.32
Dear, i AM getting his point, and he is right. I am just pointing out that CHABAD is the same way.
Anon: “In Willi this was the Cheit hakadmon (original sin) of the Lubavicher Rebbe”
This meeting was front page news with pictures when the LR met the shazer hugged him (although related) and when was asked how come?.. to do such a thing! His reply was: “kol huola legdila muclin lo kol avanosuv” if that’s not a sin what is?
Untill that episode SR tried with shlicum and other methods to establish a relatioon/shicus somehow with the LR but after that public and painful incident it was all over for him.. and by extension his kehila.
Shazar soes not need my defense.Judaism has a concept called hakaras ahatov which even Charedim recognize.
The Wiliamsburg crowd ought to read the "new" Machnovker biography.The Rebbe did not establish independent communities in Rusia. all jews were in his flock.
The Rebbe is depicted as a "farzeitige" Yid who was an emese Pnimi.
So who helped the Rebbe in Russia , the book does not hide the fact that the Israeli diplomatic corps provided Russian jewry with tashmishei kedusha. Yes various US rabbis brought tefillin ther etc , but how many talleisim can 1 rabbi bring in. But the Israeli diplomats through their diplomatic packets were in the wholesale "business" of providing such material. They left some of this in Tcherkisovo shul(Moscow) wher ethe Rebbe davened and it got to the right people.So once again they can shout against the Zionist entity, but who assited in keeping Judaism alive in Russia - the Zionist entity.Without Israel the Machnovker would have died in Moscow and never come to kever Israel !
Who got the Beshts' Torah out of Rusia for the Machnovker and Klal Israel, take 1 guess.
I am suprised that this stuff got past the Holy office of the Censor in London.
Besides Zionism this is a good sefer, we learn about the old Ukranian Chasidim , their wholesome life style their rebbeim , and their struggle in the uSSR. the Machnovker was an unsual personality. He was a REBBE bekol mehuso uvekol nafsho. He wrote his occupation on the Soviet papers as Zadikov. he was a rebbe. He functioned as such. he dispensed advise ,berachos, chizzuk, was a poel yeshuoth. He was not a communal leader , but a spiritual leader of the yachid.(This was the gadlus of the Rayaatz he was also a communal leader who organized things on a grand scale)
he was not the only banshak to remain in the uSSR but it seems like the only one after the War who was publically a Rebbe.(I am not sure if the Ribnitzer rebbe was a Rebbe or "just" a guter Yid in Russia)
The sefer does not hide the Chabad role in Russia either and Reb ZL Estullin is mentioned several times as wel as other Chabad people.
The Machnovker Rebbe is a genuine Jewish spiritual hero of the 20th century . An icon of personal piety, dedication to Torah study and Massoras havaoth, messiruth nefesh for his fellwo Jews, who did not abandon the ship. As he said his elaving Israel opened the way for the great aliyah to Israel of russian jews.
The sefer should be translated into Englsih for american youth.
"Besides Zionism this is a good sefer"
Lets call it a book (with an agenda,of course)not a sefer, all 'good' books combined will not erase one letter of a genuine 'sefer'!
The volume about the Machnovker Rebbe deserves to be called a sefer.(Many gedolim wrote that the best Mussar SEFORIM are those of the Toldos and sippurei zaddikim. )I do not need to remind you what is said in the BESHT's name that one who is osek in Sipurei zaddikim is keillu Osek in maase merkovah , so this is a new chidush --- we can only learn maase merkovoh from a book ?
For a good book I recommend PROFILES IN COURAGE bu John F. Kennedy.
Why is it a book because it does not tow the line of the heilike shittah as afr as Zionismus is concerned.
schneur said... bla bla bla
no matter how you twist it.. shventz bleibed shventz
schneur said..."For a good book I recommend PROFILES IN COURAGE bu John F. Kennedy."
although curiosity kills the cat, what would you recommend for a good sefer? (not of course some buba meisious 'sefer/book)
How right you are !
Dear Shneur,
I do not know how much Zionists helped yidishket in Russia in 1950/60's (if they did, it was the same way the shluchim of medina came to Marocco and Yemen with yarmulkes and beards, misleading tmimisdike yiden about the charachter of medina).
But i know that in 80's they use to come and tell openly that in Eretz Isroel you do not have to keep any mitsvos-i witnesed it plenty of times. Chabadniks were the ones bringing tashmishey kedusha, matsos etc.
schneur said...
How right you are !
Is it that you implying I'm a shvantz? if so is it a shvantz to lions? (zunav l'arioas) or regular streimel type shvantz?
"“kol huola legdila muclin lo kol avanosuv” if that’s not a sin what is? "
Idiot, how on earth is that a sin?
is the Mayor Wieder of KJ or Shwimmer a sinner?
"Untill that episode SR tried with shlicum and other methods to establish a relatioon/shicu"
revisionism at its best
You can get on the editorial board of Payer Ruv, Fulop and Gelbman
Russian chasid.
The verso of the title page of the Machnovker Rebbe book (sefer) has the email(blitzpost beLaaz) of the author and asks for comments. Plese email him and tell him what you write here.I would then be interested in seeing his feedback.
Note carefully I am writing what I read in the book, and the book SEEMS to be written with extensive consultation with many mekurovim of the Machnovker rebbe.It took years of research to produce the book.
Also bemechillas kevodcha you would hardly have any way of knowing if the Israeli diplomats brought such goods to Russia. I don't either so I have to believe the book.Certainly they would not tell you or advertize it in the Sovetish Heimland or on a bulletin board in the Moscover mikveh.
But I would bet the Machnovker Rebbe knew what he was talking about and the authors of the books did not create these facts yesh ma-ayin.
No one disputes Chabad activities and I am modeh in the Satmar packages etc , but that does not mean the Israelis were also not very active.
But in fact its not that important because were it not for the existence of a independent Jewish state, Soviet Jews behamonam would be stuck in that great country until 1990 and even then have no place to go except for Berlin and Brighton Beach and you and I know how many Russian jews have become frum in these places.
All I am asking is for a degree of objectivity, many different people assited Soviet Jewry and the Israeli diplomatic corp in many cases prompted by President SZS who was prompted by rabbi MMS acheived results through diplomatic pouches that the others could not.
I for one am modeh in many important acheivements of the Satmarer communities world over and of the important influence in preserving Yisroel savah by the Satmarer Rebbe.And despite my criticisms of Chabad , I will state that I recognize the tremendous influence of the Rebbe on world Jewry and the practical acheivement sof Chabad world over. But I am not a samarer chasid, nor a Chasid of chabad as that term is used today. i think a Charedi can admit that the state of Israel did some really great things for the Jews , without becoming a Zionist.
Since Satmars are in the business of criticism of all Jewry that are not on the same page with their philosophy, I would like to remind and to mention,One of the things that Satmar has to do Teshuvah for,is the Mossad Rav Tov that was created for the sake of stopping Russian Jews to make aliya to Israel, their hate to Israel gets these usual practical minds, into a brain meltdown.
Every Jew that was influenced by them in Vienna at some transfer station not to go to Israel is a Bechiya Ledoroth, they are lost from Klal Yisroel, they will eventually assimilate in our great melting Pot.The blood is on the hands of the creators of that org.
Russian chosid
your facts with the book facts , are no contradiction, Israel had in the Suchnoth and foreign ministry many Jews that were mizrachi style Jews that were God fearing. Especially after the Begin government was elected.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:54:00 PM "is the Mayor Wieder of KJ or Shwimmer a sinner?"
Is the gabbe in your shul a sinner?
"they are lost from Klal Yisroel,"
Was the ribnezer rebbe z"l (russian jew a via vianna) a lost jew? are 99% russian jews in israel not lost ?
ps: rav tov was created to give a joice for Iranian jews to live where they want after the israelis created a chaos in Iran (just like the did in other middle east countries) so that they all shall immegrate to Israel
Tzig. Maybe we get an objective boor review on this Machnovker stuff?? Sounds an interesting piece of work.
is the Ribnitzer a product of Rav Tov?
He is a product of his own Mesiras Nefesh
The Russian Jews in Israel are not lost,(eventough bu loonies like you even the Gerer Rebbe and Rav Elieshev are considered lost) they are all having Jewish weddings, Marrying Jewish girls,making Brisim,and all have a chance to become Shomer torah, but not if you end up in the USA, you assimilate and lost for good.
" rav tov was created to give a joice for Iranian jews to live where they want after the israelis created a chaos in Iran (just like the did in other middle east countries) so that they all shall immegrate to Israel"
Ein Kietz Ledivrie Ruach
Friday, August 12, 2011 11:39:00 AM Said:
“He is a product of his own Mesiras Nefesh”
“but not if you end up in the USA, you assimilate and lost for good”
That’s right he had mesiras nefesh in vianna to, when the ‘agudah’ was there trying hard to get him to israel and he steadfastly refused!
95+% in Israel are ½ or whole frey! You live I assume in the USA are you assimilated? The frum community is a growing phnomenon in the USA and a chance for anyone to stay or become frum c”y
"Ein Kietz Ledivrie Ruach"
and ein kietz L'Anon comments
Anon Said: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:39:00 AM
In israel “all (russians) have a chance to become Shomer torah”
In an environment of hate and endless savage hatred of haredim unprecedented in any diaspora must be very easy and promising for a russian immgrant to become frum !
Read the link below from a recent Jpost article, to enlighten your ignorence
“Terra Incognita: Baseless hatred of the haredim”
Thanks for a great responce, but i think we will agree to disagree.
Machnovke seifer is fantastic! I bought it RIGHT WHEN IT CAME OUT and for everybody it is a must read (along with "to Remain a Jew" by Reb Yitschok Silber ZAL).
please coment on topics that you know about. In Israel there are like 3-4 thousand frum Russians-and thats IT. Here in USA it is around the same. Assimilation and marring to goyim is the same. In EY
with the sina to chareidim and 300000+ russian goyim they have the same chance of becoming goyim as here.
The problem is, that so called gdoilim did not do all they can when Russians came out-or if they did, it was without consultations or involvment of frum russians who understand the mentality etc. Results we see-"great" production of all thouse schools established for Russians-echod min hayir..
Yidishe billions went down the drain.
Rav Tuv was never involved into where the Russians have to go-that's blatant BS.
What kind of opinion do the Reform,Conservative,Recostructionist, and stam secular and intermarried Jews in the USA have of Haredi Jews in America?Secular Jews hate the new "triumphalist" haredi whether we are talking about the United States,England,South Africa,or Israel.This is like blaming Israel for sexual promiscuity,internet use,or drug addiction. It's
a sign of the times everywhere on planet Earth.The same "movie" is playing everywhere.Sorry to wake you from your dream but there is a wide,wide world that exists outside of the "Zionist Entity."One more question: Does Satmar in America even try to get a Russian Jew to go to Shul or keep Kosher? I bet they do...
anon 4.50
You a wrong. Looks like you have not been enough times to Israel to fill it. The tachlis of Zionizm was to replace yidishkeit and they thought it will eventually dissapear.
The fact remains a fact, whichg is nothing what to argue about- Israeli chilonim do hate us more then a fryer yid anywhere else.
Friday, August 12, 2011 11:39:00 AM Anon said: “The Russian Jews in Israel are not lost- they are all having Jewish weddings”
That is part of the problem large percent of russian immigrants where ‘goyim’ pretnding to be jewish.. and even a larger part have no yicus.. and shouldn’t marry jewish girls! the pusik says "vatuvoi vtatami es artzi"..
"That’s right he had mesiras nefesh in vianna to, when the ‘agudah’ was there trying hard to get him to israel and he steadfastly refused!"
did not the Ribnitzer go to Israel first?
where did you get the info that the aguda tried to convince the ribnitzer to go Israel
Rav Tov office?
Der Yid?
Der Blatt?
Di Tzietung?
"In an environment of hate and endless savage hatred of haredim unprecedented in any diaspora must be very easy and promising for a russian immgrant to become frum !"
where do you have more Chozrim Beteshuva, in Israel? or in the USA?
can you still Machzir Beteshuva a Russian kid that his father marries a Caucasian shiksa? or you need a giur as a regular Goi?
where is there a bigger chance they should not intermarry in the USA or in Israel? Are you interested in the facts? or to promote some fight with Napoleon ?
Russian Chosid
"In EY
with the sina to chareidim and 300000+ russian goyim they have the same chance of becoming goyim as here."
but do you agree that in Israel he has no shiksa to make a Hamotzi on?
But in Brighton beach he does have Shiksas galore,and nobody reminds him he is a Jew
"In EY
with the sina to chareidim and 300000+ russian goyim they have the same chance of becoming goyim as here."
from the hate (Sina) you see that they belong to Am yisroel and they do belond to Klal Yisroel, it is like the Jew in Warsaw or Krakow hated the aguda etc..They all belonged to the Kehila
The Russian in Brighton does not hate since his relation to you is as the redneck of Montana
Russian chosid
"Rav Tuv was never involved into where the Russians have to go-that's blatant BS."
Maybe you are correct, but from gleaming in my youth the Satmar Newpapers, listening to their Shabbos appeals and hearing their Annual fundraising speeches at their dinners in the ballroom of Willi corner Bedford, you heard only one thing, that their goal and work is, to save the Russian Jewry by stopping Jews to go the Triefa Medina.
And to bring the masses to tears, they Brought Up the legends of Yaldie Theran etc...
Russian Chosid
"The problem is, that so called gdoilim did not do all they can when Russians came out-or if they did, it was without consultations or involvment of frum russians who understand the mentality etc. Results we see-"great" production of all thouse schools established for Russians-echod min hayir.."
Point well taken
"That is part of the problem large percent of russian immigrants where ‘goyim’ pretnding to be jewish.. and even a larger part have no yicus.. and shouldn’t marry jewish girls! the pusik says "vatuvoi vtatami es artzi".."
how big is that percent?
dod you say that all russian Jewry should not of come up to Israel, because of the non yichius and the Goyim?
Did they ever tell you when you were in Chieder that the Triefene Medina has Rabonim that perform all Jewish weddings in the Triefene Medina and verify the Yichus as much possible and according to Halacha, if the couple can get married halachicaly?
anon: "where did you get the info that the aguda tried to convince the ribnitzer to go Israel
Rav Tov office?
Der Yid?
Der Blatt?
Di Tzietung?"
Is it that's all you read?
Anon said:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:46:00 PM
“The Russian in Brighton does not hate since his relation to you is as the redneck of Montana” AND THAT’S HOW IT SHOULD BE.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:35:00 PM
“But in Brighton beach he does have Shiksas galore,and nobody reminds him he is a Jew” AND THAT’S HOW IT SHOULD BE.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:31:00 PM
“where is there a bigger chance they should not intermarry in the USA or in Israel? Are you interested in the facts? or to promote some fight with Napoleon ?” “or you need a giur as a regular Goi?” YOU AIN’T NO NAPOLEAN, BUT YOUR’E DREAMING
In the diaspora frieng for a yid is a process.. first a little.. at the end he is intermarrying and klal yisuael is done with him. (that’s how it happened in the last 2000 year diaspora) In israel he stays a so called ‘yid’ (read a nationlist) exactly as herzel wanted him to become, but by naming him a yid he mixes with genuine yiden he may even ‘INTERMARRY’ genuine yiden and klal yisruel is not pure any more mixed with whole (russian) goyim and bnei nidus and bnei mamzerus!!! A present to klal yisruel only herzel can give! Thanks but no thanks!
"The Russian in Brighton does not hate since his relation to you is as the redneck of Montana” AND THAT’S HOW IT SHOULD BE."
would you say the same if your brother or your son would go of the derech?
"But in Brighton beach he does have Shiksas galore,and nobody reminds him he is a Jew” AND THAT’S HOW IT SHOULD BE."
would you say the same if your brother or your son would go of the derech?
Hashem echod said in his torah Ki Naar Yisroel Veohavie,
"In israel he stays a so called ‘yid’ (read a nationlist) exactly as herzel wanted him to become, but by naming him a yid he mixes with genuine yiden he may even ‘INTERMARRY’ genuine yiden and klal yisruel is not pure any more mixed with whole (russian) goyim and bnei nidus and bnei mamzerus!!! A present to klal yisruel only herzel can give! Thanks but no thanks!"
nobody asked you for your hate mongering in the name of torah.In my torah bnie nidah and mamzierim are part of the Arvus of Klal Yisroel...
This whole Hertzel shmertzel stuff is only a issue for some old Zionists and some Satmars who are stuck on that issue like some guy stuck on the Napoleon war.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 1:46:00 PM
"but by naming him a yid he mixes with genuine yiden he may even ‘INTERMARRY’ genuine yiden and klal yisruel is not pure any more mixed with whole"
To intermarry,they all have a worked up heter by reb Yitzchok Mandel of the Bnie Yoel faction of KJ.
If by trying to rescue someone drowining in מים הזידונים you and your children will drown to! your better let him go..
"you and your children will drown to! your better let him go.."
is the Gerer Rebbe one iota lesser in yiras shomaim then the 2 Satmar Rebbes?
I'm not trying to minimize שיטות הקירוב but it does more harem than good.. it's a fact that lubab is today the most assimilated chasidus i wonder sometimes if not their well meant שיטות הקירוב isn't at fault
anon said: "you and your children will drown to! your better let him go.."
פּץ לא זו הדרך
"I'm not trying to minimize שיטות הקירוב but it does more harem than good."
Facts please????????????????
"it's a fact that lubab is today the most assimilated chasidus"
Assimilated Kipshoto?????
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