ר' יעקב יצחק ב"ר מנחם נחום ב"ר מרדכי מטשערנאבל זצ"ל. נפטר ל' ניסן תרנ"ב.I'm almost sure I had another post on him recently. I Just can't find it by searching the blog using keywords. Maybe one of you can. If I had this up in the past I apologize. Not that I really need to. It's like you're paying me for the content...
Not A Harry
http://theantitzemach.blogspot.com/2015/07/blog-post_16.html yes the goat is correct. you posted his portrait a while ago. now we know there are 2 pictures of him. THANK YOU
thanks hirshel for posting an original shtreimel, they used to have about 18 fur tails, until ר' אשר ענזיל קרויס מכפר טאש ומחסידי הראשונים ד'טאש was instructed by the late rebbe that all strimels he make should have 26 tails! זי"ע
yes the goat is correct. you posted his portrait a while ago. now we know there are 2 pictures of him.
thanks hirshel for posting an original shtreimel, they used to have about 18 fur tails, until ר' אשר ענזיל קרויס מכפר טאש ומחסידי הראשונים ד'טאש was instructed by the late rebbe that all strimels he make should have 26 tails! זי"ע
"It's like you're paying me for the contents"
שוה כסף הרי הוא ככסף! ומהו אם ה'ופרצת ? מה הוא בחנם אף אתה בחנם
taiFuratztu uFuratztu check this out!
Q: anyone knows why the rebbe clapping so emotionaly, yet his lips or facial is not moving?
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