" It's interesting how the Rebbe encouraged him to publish his memoirs, even if it does highlight the work of others than Lubavitch in the USSR."Let us analyze this Tziggy statement:So you think that acknowledging others good work is complimentary?Wouldn't any decent and honest person do that??I guess not someone like the Tzig.He is way to partisan for that.It's always funny to see how Lubavitchers slip up and show their true partisan and immature colours
פונקט פארקערט, שרגי
Hirshelwhy the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?
פונקט פארקערט, שרגי----------------------Sorry, don't get your answer.Probably typical Lubavitcher obfuscation.
typical snaggy snag, SHRAGA. wax in his ears, doesn't WANT to understand.
ShragiWe live in a era where even gedolim dont fargin, So what dont you get over her....
shragi,tzig was coming to debunk the commonly found belief that lubavitch only is concerned with patting their own back and does not aknowledge the contributions of others. (apparently you have this belief).
does the rshima go further, would be intresting to read about his children etc
זה מה שיש בינתיים
nice nice stuff!
"Tzvibel Kugel said...Hirshelwhy the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?"I believe it was the minhag by Talmidei Hamagid to divide the shas in honor of the yartzeit. I recall seeing a sign about chalukas hashas for the 19 kisev in the karlin -stolin. Perhaps the Lubavitchers originally did it for the yortzeit, and later named it for the chag hageulah.
"tzig was coming to debunk the commonly found belief that lubavitch only is concerned with patting their own back and does not aknowledge the contributions of others. (apparently you have this belief)."Tzig was trying to show that the Rebbe had no problem with highlighting others people work.To which I responded "shkoyach, isn't that what any ehrliche person would do?"He is trying to p.r with this statement and it falls flat for any *thinking* person.Oh, and I do believe that Lubavitch has a major problem acknowledging other peoples work and actually actively fight any other groups that dare try and be mkarev.Additionally, Lubavitch and it's publishing arm will almost never publish any non lubavitch author/mechaber seforim and that may be ok,YET, the Tziggy and his fellow Lubavitchers are always attacking Artscroll for not publishing Lubavitchisms
Shraga" Lubavitch and it's publishing arm will almost never publish any non lubavitch author/mechaber seforim and that may be ok,"the publishing arm was created to print the 100's of manuscript of the Rebiem, which needs milions of dollars, for printing them and they are not even finish yet.. Like arguing why Mishnas Reb Aron does not print Divrie Yoel... you are a idiot and a ferd that is obsessed on that matter.In the first years the Rebbe did print some important seforim for the Klal, the Rebbe felt after the war that Rabonim need it for pesak, as the sdie chemed which was a money loser etc...The Rebbe was behind the Printing of the Encylopedia Talmudit, Otzar Haposkim,Sidur Hageonim vehamekiboilim, Kapachs Yad Hachazoika,was pushing every talmid chochem and family that they should print the chidushie torah from there parents whenever he he met people by Yechidus as the Belzer Rebbe or by dollars, he was busy nudging. And you have the audacity to accuse him of your pea-head Sinas Tzadikim
Shraga"Tzig was trying to show that the Rebbe had no problem with highlighting others people work.To which I responded "shkoyach, isn't that what any ehrliche person would do?"He is trying to p.r with this statement and it falls flat for any *thinking* person"Lubavicher Rebbe does not need PR people, and he never hired the Tzig, Peaheads like you are obsessive haters and you will never realize the holy light of this Kodash Vethoar. The LR was behind Yad Leachim and Reshes Torah Oir and many other Moisdois that did not bear his name, and he fargined every Jew, but his chasidim dont like when peaheads like you are obsessed to malign erase his glorious name from our history.They smell the rats very good.
you're right, the Rebbe does not need me"קיינער איז ניט איבעריג, און קיינער פעלט ניט אויס"(אדמו"ר מסטאלין)
Zlotowitz,Tziggy,et al,I have long been of the opinion that if the Rebbe needed feeble minded promoters like your Lubavitchers it is a sorry state of affairs.You can't go to any Lubavitcher event, farbrengen etc and not hear more and more ad naseaum mayses about the Rebbe (many/most frish gebakken nuch peysach hay yoor....)basically hijacking any event.What's is this immature need for nonstop promotion???Specifically to the Zlotowitz naar,I specifically said that Lubavitchs publishing arm "almost never" publishes non Lubavitch seforim, knowing full well that the Rebbe reprintede Sdei Chemed.What has the Rebbes encouragement of people to publish seforim got to do with the fact that Lubavitch never publishes other non Lubavitcher seforim, yet the Lubavitch p.r machine has taynes against Artscroll?Oh, btw, quit baking frish babbehmaases, that the Rebbe was behind The Talmudical Encyclopedia, Otsar Haposkim etc....Rabbi Zevin happened to have a shaychus with Lubavitch, that's about it..Anyway to convince a yold like you is not possible.p.s, why are you dragging zlotowitz into this? i see you are a hoilech rochil, besides being a naar.nice
Sharaga "Oh, btw, quit baking frish babbehmaases, that the Rebbe was behind The Talmudical Encyclopedia, Otsar Haposkim etc....Rabbi Zevin happened to have a shaychus with Lubavitch, that's about it.."Shraga the chochem hadoir, that Lubavich would pay a million dollars to have you on their side,I like your new twist that the Rebbe was for the encyclopedia because Rav zevin was involved, what about the other 25 years when rav Hutner was runing it after rav zevin passed away??Was Rav Hutner a chabadnik too?You ferd...
Shraga"You can't go to any Lubavitcher event, farbrengen etc and not hear more and more ad naseaum mayses about the Rebbe (many/most frish gebakken nuch peysach hay yoor....)basically hijacking any event.What's is this immature need for nonstop promotion???"Lubavich should send you some Kofer Nefesh for getting you stomach upset, before you will sue Aguch.By all Chasidim talking Mofsim and sipurim is part of Avodas hashem as learning and davening,its only a fargrebte kup that is mushed up with hate and ignorance, looks as those thinks as sheer PR.Bur for fairness sake , I have to tell you that I see that these feeble frish gebaken Farbrengens are growing every year,In Bp they had to add on a other Hall for the overflow,( and the same in Yerushaliem) I guess that by certain Yiden that there Moach Velev is borech hasem pure and eidel are coming back to the Farbrengens almost for 2 decades. So I guess that Rebinie Hakodesh Vehatohor Zechosoi Yugen Olaini does not Shragis feeble minded help.
Shragi"I specifically said that Lubavitchs publishing arm "almost never" publishes non Lubavitch seforim"I specifacly answered you that it was created to print the Kisvie yad of the Rebbeiem of chabad, it no differet then Mechon Miene Kodesh lehadfosas sifrie belz or Vaad lehadfosa Sifrie Mordechai Gifter.....The Rebbe in Likutie Sichas quoted any sefer from any godel that was pertainig to his sugya....What should I do that I was a born Naar in the eyes of the chochem Mikol Odem Shragi????
Shragisince you are the PR maven, how would you rate the Kotler family multi million propagnda for ther Ziede???How was Malkiels speech by the event? I must say deep and calculated.....its was a coctail of Reb Tzodak and Reb Yeruchem....Deeper then deep
Zlotowitz : "coctail of Reb Tzodak and Reb Yeruchem....Deeper then deep".עמוק עמוק מי יצאנו Now we gonna have a RMK added to the list of gedalim? what language did he talk? what was his first language mama/lashan? which ceder did he learn? who was his rebbe? I would like to read his 'coctail' speech where can i see it?
Anonymous Babruisker said... "Tzvibel Kugel said... Hirshel why the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?" I believe it was the minhag by Talmidei Hamagid to divide the shas in honor of the yartzeit. I recall seeing a sign about chalukas hashas for the 19 kisev in the karlin -stolin. Perhaps the Lubavitchers originally did it for the yortzeit, and later named it for the chag hageulah. Wednesday, December 05, 2012 12:26:00 PMTruth is, that the Alter Rebbe's igeres in Tanya Kuntres acharon does not mention a specific date, just that the shas should be divided annually. Until 5663 (ca. 1903) Chabad made the chalukas hashas on 19 Kislev, then the Rashab changed it to 24 Teves. On 19 Kislev 5713 (1952), the Rebbe changed it back to 19 Kislev. See sichah 19 Kislev 5713: יב. אדמו"ר הזקן כותב באגרת הקודש72 ע"ד "לגמור כל הש"ס בכל שנה ושנה . . בכל מנין ומנין". ועל יסוד זה נקבע המנהג בכל תפוצות החסידים לערוך חלוקת הש"ס בי"ט כסלו בכל שנה.אמנם, בשנים האחרונות73 הנהיגו בליובאוויטש לסדר חלוקת הש"ס בכ"ד טבת, יום ההילולא של אדמו"ר הזקן. ושאלתי את כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר לטעם הדבר, והשיב לי, שהי' זה מצד אפס הפנאי בי"ט כסלו.– ולהעיר, שיום ההילולא כ"ד טבת שייך גם ליום הגאולה י"ט כסלו, כי ביום ההילולא ישנו ענין הגאולה ממאסר הגוף.אמנם, כיון שבשנה זו תהי' הקביעות דכ"ד טבת כבפעם הראשונה, במוצאי ש"ק, מיד לאחרי שבת מברכים החודש – הנה סיום הש"ס (על החלוקה דשנה שעברה) ייערך אמנם בכ"ד טבת74, אבל חלוקת הש"ס על השנה הבאה עלינו לטובה, תערך עתה.[ערכו חלוקת הש"ס].72) קו"א בסופו (קסג, א). וראה גם אגה"ק ריש ס"א.73) משנת תרס"ג ואילך (המו"ל).74) סיום הש"ס נערך בהתוועדות דשבת מברכים, כ"ג טבת (ראה לקמן ע' 287 ואילך). – המו"ל. -- ZIY
א גרויסן יישר כח ר' דוד! (ר' דוד הי' המניח של מאמרי כ’’ק אדמו’’ר זי’’ע עוד היותו בחור תמים ב770). כ–– זא’’י
Post a Comment
" It's interesting how the Rebbe encouraged him to publish his memoirs, even if it does highlight the work of others than Lubavitch in the USSR."
Let us analyze this Tziggy statement:
So you think that acknowledging others good work is complimentary?
Wouldn't any decent and honest person do that??
I guess not someone like the Tzig.He is way to partisan for that.
It's always funny to see how Lubavitchers slip up and show their true partisan and immature colours
פונקט פארקערט, שרגי
why the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?
פונקט פארקערט, שרגי
Sorry, don't get your answer.
Probably typical Lubavitcher obfuscation.
typical snaggy snag, SHRAGA. wax in his ears, doesn't WANT to understand.
We live in a era where even gedolim dont fargin, So what dont you get over her....
tzig was coming to debunk the commonly found belief that lubavitch only is concerned with patting their own back and does not aknowledge the contributions of others. (apparently you have this belief).
does the rshima go further, would be intresting to read about his children etc
זה מה שיש בינתיים
nice nice stuff!
"Tzvibel Kugel said...
why the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?"
I believe it was the minhag by Talmidei Hamagid to divide the shas in honor of the yartzeit. I recall seeing a sign about chalukas hashas for the 19 kisev in the karlin -stolin. Perhaps the Lubavitchers originally did it for the yortzeit, and later named it for the chag hageulah.
"tzig was coming to debunk the commonly found belief that lubavitch only is concerned with patting their own back and does not aknowledge the contributions of others. (apparently you have this belief)."
Tzig was trying to show that the Rebbe had no problem with highlighting others people work.To which I responded "shkoyach, isn't that what any ehrliche person would do?"
He is trying to p.r with this statement and it falls flat for any *thinking* person.
Oh, and I do believe that Lubavitch has a major problem acknowledging other peoples work and actually actively fight any other groups that dare try and be mkarev.Additionally, Lubavitch and it's publishing arm will almost never publish any non lubavitch author/mechaber seforim and that may be ok,YET, the Tziggy and his fellow Lubavitchers are always attacking Artscroll for not publishing Lubavitchisms
" Lubavitch and it's publishing arm will almost never publish any non lubavitch author/mechaber seforim and that may be ok,"
the publishing arm was created to print the 100's of manuscript of the Rebiem, which needs milions of dollars, for printing them and they are not even finish yet.. Like arguing why Mishnas Reb Aron does not print Divrie Yoel... you are a idiot and a ferd that is obsessed on that matter.
In the first years the Rebbe did print some important seforim for the Klal, the Rebbe felt after the war that Rabonim need it for pesak, as the sdie chemed which was a money loser etc...The Rebbe was behind the Printing of the Encylopedia Talmudit, Otzar Haposkim,Sidur Hageonim vehamekiboilim, Kapachs Yad Hachazoika,was pushing every talmid chochem and family that they should print the chidushie torah from there parents whenever he he met people by Yechidus as the Belzer Rebbe or by dollars, he was busy nudging. And you have the audacity to accuse him of your pea-head Sinas Tzadikim
"Tzig was trying to show that the Rebbe had no problem with highlighting others people work.To which I responded "shkoyach, isn't that what any ehrliche person would do?"
He is trying to p.r with this statement and it falls flat for any *thinking* person"
Lubavicher Rebbe does not need PR people, and he never hired the Tzig, Peaheads like you are obsessive haters and you will never realize the holy light of this Kodash Vethoar. The LR was behind Yad Leachim and Reshes Torah Oir and many other Moisdois that did not bear his name, and he fargined every Jew, but his chasidim dont like when peaheads like you are obsessed to malign erase his glorious name from our history.They smell the rats very good.
you're right, the Rebbe does not need me
"קיינער איז ניט איבעריג, און קיינער פעלט ניט אויס"
(אדמו"ר מסטאלין)
Zlotowitz,Tziggy,et al,
I have long been of the opinion that if the Rebbe needed feeble minded promoters like your Lubavitchers it is a sorry state of affairs.
You can't go to any Lubavitcher event, farbrengen etc and not hear more and more ad naseaum mayses about the Rebbe (many/most frish gebakken nuch peysach hay yoor....)basically hijacking any event.What's is this immature need for nonstop promotion???
Specifically to the Zlotowitz naar,
I specifically said that Lubavitchs publishing arm "almost never" publishes non Lubavitch seforim, knowing full well that the Rebbe reprintede Sdei Chemed.What has the Rebbes encouragement of people to publish seforim got to do with the fact that Lubavitch never publishes other non Lubavitcher seforim, yet the Lubavitch p.r machine has taynes against Artscroll?
Oh, btw, quit baking frish babbehmaases, that the Rebbe was behind The Talmudical Encyclopedia, Otsar Haposkim etc....Rabbi Zevin happened to have a shaychus with Lubavitch, that's about it..
Anyway to convince a yold like you is not possible.
p.s, why are you dragging zlotowitz into this? i see you are a hoilech rochil, besides being a naar.nice
"Oh, btw, quit baking frish babbehmaases, that the Rebbe was behind The Talmudical Encyclopedia, Otsar Haposkim etc....Rabbi Zevin happened to have a shaychus with Lubavitch, that's about it.."
Shraga the chochem hadoir, that Lubavich would pay a million dollars to have you on their side,
I like your new twist that the Rebbe was for the encyclopedia because Rav zevin was involved, what about the other 25 years when rav Hutner was runing it after rav zevin passed away??
Was Rav Hutner a chabadnik too?
You ferd...
"You can't go to any Lubavitcher event, farbrengen etc and not hear more and more ad naseaum mayses about the Rebbe (many/most frish gebakken nuch peysach hay yoor....)basically hijacking any event.What's is this immature need for nonstop promotion???"
Lubavich should send you some Kofer Nefesh for getting you stomach upset, before you will sue Aguch.
By all Chasidim talking Mofsim and sipurim is part of Avodas hashem as learning and davening,its only a fargrebte kup that is mushed up with hate and ignorance, looks as those thinks as sheer PR.
Bur for fairness sake , I have to tell you that I see that these feeble frish gebaken Farbrengens are growing every year,In Bp they had to add on a other Hall for the overflow,( and the same in Yerushaliem) I guess that by certain Yiden that there Moach Velev is borech hasem pure and eidel are coming back to the Farbrengens almost for 2 decades. So I guess that Rebinie Hakodesh Vehatohor Zechosoi Yugen Olaini does not Shragis feeble minded help.
"I specifically said that Lubavitchs publishing arm "almost never" publishes non Lubavitch seforim"
I specifacly answered you that it was created to print the Kisvie yad of the Rebbeiem of chabad, it no differet then Mechon Miene Kodesh lehadfosas sifrie belz or Vaad lehadfosa Sifrie Mordechai Gifter.....
The Rebbe in Likutie Sichas quoted any sefer from any godel that was pertainig to his sugya....
What should I do that I was a born Naar in the eyes of the chochem Mikol Odem Shragi????
since you are the PR maven, how would you rate the Kotler family multi million propagnda for ther Ziede???
How was Malkiels speech by the event? I must say deep and calculated.....its was a coctail of Reb Tzodak and Reb Yeruchem....Deeper then deep
Zlotowitz : "coctail of Reb Tzodak and Reb Yeruchem....Deeper then deep"
.עמוק עמוק מי יצאנו
Now we gonna have a RMK added to the list of gedalim?
what language did he talk?
what was his first language mama/lashan?
which ceder did he learn?
who was his rebbe?
I would like to read his 'coctail' speech where can i see it?
Anonymous Babruisker said...
"Tzvibel Kugel said...
why the chalukas hashas on Yud Tes Kislev, in a Skverer/Breslever town?"
I believe it was the minhag by Talmidei Hamagid to divide the shas in honor of the yartzeit. I recall seeing a sign about chalukas hashas for the 19 kisev in the karlin -stolin. Perhaps the Lubavitchers originally did it for the yortzeit, and later named it for the chag hageulah.
Wednesday, December 05, 2012 12:26:00 PM
Truth is, that the Alter Rebbe's igeres in Tanya Kuntres acharon does not mention a specific date, just that the shas should be divided annually. Until 5663 (ca. 1903) Chabad made the chalukas hashas on 19 Kislev, then the Rashab changed it to 24 Teves. On 19 Kislev 5713 (1952), the Rebbe changed it back to 19 Kislev. See sichah 19 Kislev 5713:
יב. אדמו"ר הזקן כותב באגרת הקודש72 ע"ד "לגמור כל הש"ס בכל שנה ושנה . . בכל מנין ומנין". ועל יסוד זה נקבע המנהג בכל תפוצות החסידים לערוך חלוקת הש"ס בי"ט כסלו בכל שנה.
אמנם, בשנים האחרונות73 הנהיגו בליובאוויטש לסדר חלוקת הש"ס בכ"ד טבת, יום ההילולא של אדמו"ר הזקן. ושאלתי את כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר לטעם הדבר, והשיב לי, שהי' זה מצד אפס הפנאי בי"ט כסלו.
– ולהעיר, שיום ההילולא כ"ד טבת שייך גם ליום הגאולה י"ט כסלו, כי ביום ההילולא ישנו ענין הגאולה ממאסר הגוף.
אמנם, כיון שבשנה זו תהי' הקביעות דכ"ד טבת כבפעם הראשונה, במוצאי ש"ק, מיד לאחרי שבת מברכים החודש – הנה סיום הש"ס (על החלוקה דשנה שעברה) ייערך אמנם בכ"ד טבת74, אבל חלוקת הש"ס על השנה הבאה עלינו לטובה, תערך עתה.
[ערכו חלוקת הש"ס].
72) קו"א בסופו (קסג, א). וראה גם אגה"ק ריש ס"א.
73) משנת תרס"ג ואילך (המו"ל).
74) סיום הש"ס נערך בהתוועדות דשבת מברכים, כ"ג טבת (ראה לקמן ע' 287 ואילך). – המו"ל.
-- ZIY
א גרויסן יישר כח ר' דוד! (ר' דוד הי' המניח של מאמרי כ’’ק אדמו’’ר זי’’ע עוד היותו בחור תמים ב770). כ
–– זא’’י
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