Sunday, March 13, 2016
Many years ago - before עוז והדר - there was Mendelson and Zeldowitz
The problem was they didn't have Heshy Friedman to bankroll it all. I guess. They also didn't have the vision and the wherewithal of Shia Leifer.
Oh well. They also, I think, had a hard time getting along. The two partners, that is. That's what I seem to remember. So the dream of a newly-set Shas, just like in Wilno, fell by the wayside. And the rest is history. I just realized I posted these pictures a bit lopsided. I guess that what happens after a month's respite.

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הערשעל גרויסט זיך מיט זיין למדנות, ער איז מקיים דעם הלא תיטיב שאת! דער היי זיך
hirshel: "The problem was they didn't have Heshy Friedman to bankroll it all."
The problem may have been the That it was printed by "kehot" and therfore it's limited to kehot, and kehot alone didn't have enough "buyers" for this project. besides kehot printed the "sdei chemed" all 18 volumes and had plenty of headaches and courts over it, and wasn't ready for another round.. or perhaps, kehot is busy printing the Tanya in 70 languages worldwide! which seems to have more buyers than an obscure medieval shas out of print, and demand at that time by its kehot membership. not to mention the urgency of printing the 200+ and growing volumes of sicus from the rebbe, which seems to have plenty of "support" without the need of a Friedman or Liefer etc.
H: "I just realized I posted these pictures a bit lopsided"
You should of kept quiet, no one would of notice..
ס'איז גיווען א ספרים בינדער נאכן ענדיגן א ספר מיטן בונדען פלעגט א ווארף טוהן דעם ספר אין די זייט אין גלייך נעמען א צווייטן ספר צו די ארבעט אין ווייטער א ווארף גיטוהן ביים ענדע, האט אמאל א חבדצקער גיזעהן וויא ער בונד איין א תניא אין גיט דאס אווארף אין די זייט ביים ענדע, שרייט ער צום בונדער, וואס מיינט איהר דאס איז עפעס א חומש'ל¿ אה
hirshel says: "So the dream of a newly-set Shas, just like in Wilno"
Was there any mention in the vilna shas dream to arouse the disturbances of the slovita-vilna chasidim-musnagdem era? and to be continued on the American continent?
kuni, I also questioned the RAM-ROM chip if it wasn't meant atleast subliminaly to infuse the thought of the widow and brothers of the famous ROM family, to ram the the Rom's family printing shop!
years ago I knew a person who owned 10 Wendy's franchises, Because thr name Wendy reminds him of Mendy! not kidding, the moral since then when I pass a Wendy's I think of Mendy.
who's taking pics in the yu library for you tzig?
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