22 Sivan is the Yohrtzeit of my family's hometown in Hungary, Sajoszentpeter, a suburb of Miskolc. A few days earlier the Nazis rounded up the Jews and deported them all to Auschwitz. My choshu've grandmother, a"h, would fast that day till the end of her life, and she lost only siblings, not even her parents! Her parents had passed away years before and she was raised by an older Sister, Malka, hy"D. This picture shows the wedding of my grandmothers' parents, Moshe and Tzipporah Glick, in Sajosentpeter, in 1902. I don't know who the distinguished looking man in the center is, I wish I did. Most of these people probably never made it out of Auschwitz either, although I know some who did, and even one who only recently died.
Are you related to the reb gedalia glick?
never heard of him.
I don't believe this! My grandmother a"h, is from the very same place, we are also Lubavitcher Chassidim!
so, get in touch with me! send an e-mail.
Are the people from Klimowitz Satmarer chassidm ?
Schneur is one of the "Lubavitch for White Russians Only" group....
Schneur what's wrong with East Ukraine and Lita? Are they not Lubavitch enough . . . :-)
the photo is fascinating, 1902! wow.
"Schneur is one of the "Lubavitch for White Russians Only" group...."
Now that's an absolutely marvellous idea- seeing as how no other ethnic group within the Jewish community has managed to single-handedly create so much damage, I also think that Rooskies should be quarantined in a sect like Lubavitch, who have little to no connection with the general orthodox community.
In that spirit I'll have to agree with 'mottel': we don't need Ukrainians or, most of all, Litwankers either.
After further checking it is actually my Bobbe's brother who was the aidim of Rav Chaim Sofer and was the Rov after him. He came from a small village (afaik) named Vargede
"Anonymous said...
After further checking it is actually my Bobbe's brother who was the aidim of Rav Chaim Sofer and was the Rov after him. He came from a small village (afaik) named Vargede"
Well that is MY Great grandfather. Please email me @ Twistelton@gmail.com
This is the Tzig's father. I was born in "Szentpeter" or Sempeter as my mother a"h would call it. There were those who would deliberately mispronounce the names of the cities. I am very interested to know who you and your families are. Although I left as a small child I do know some of the remaining people from there.
Trying to trace the Sender family. Two sisters married two Wiezner brothers from Szentpeter. What's interesting is that the the Sender girls mother is a Glick, and they are related somehow to R' Gedalia Glick Zt"l.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Just saw this request by the Tzig's father. We are einiklach of the Gruenfeld family- Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Gruenfeld from Rimasecz Slovakia (or something similar). My Bobbe Klein ob"m was a Gruenfeld and her brother R' Moshe Chaim b'R' Yehoshua Zelig was a famous poisek.
My grandmother was a cousin to the Wiesners
one of the children in the wedding picture is a Wiesner who passed away probably as late as 2002. Bela Wiesner (male)
Now I hear that Reb Gedalia Glick may be a zeide.
My grandmother was born and grew up in Sajoszentpeter
morning & night she talks about the life in Sajoszentpeter
do you have some good pictures from the jewish life in Sajoszentpeter before the holacaust ,
my grandmother was related to the Glicks
Thank You
I have an online family tree and unfortunately not enough time to update it. Please contact me at adler.motti at gmail dot com and we can see what we can come up with.
"Anonymous Twistelton-Twistelton said...
"Anonymous said...
After further checking it is actually my Bobbe's brother who was the aidim of Rav Chaim Sofer and was the Rov after him. He came from a small village (afaik) named Vargede"
Well that is MY Great grandfather. Please email me @ Twistelton@gmail.com"
You are a descendant of Rabbi Gedalia Gluck of Bokony ZT"L
More information can be read in my sefer "גדולת גדליהו"
if you would like to recieve a .pdf copy please email me at gluckyitzchok@gmail.com
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