The DR tasting some of the fine wine
ahhhh. A day in the life of the Rebbe of the Dushinski Chassidim. It's pictures like these that makes the commoner quite jealous of the elites. He's - the commoner, that is - never visited a vineyard/wine making place, and nor does he care for dry red wine, unless he's French or I-talian. Not since the days of Marienbad, Krenice et. al. when all the gutte yidden would walk around with glasses of mineral water with those big straw "thingies" protruding has there been such a heartwarming sight. This being shortly after the YomimTeyvim, it seems like the DR is up North in Israel, enjoying his much-needed time off, after a long and arduous month of Tishrei. I can see it now; lots of you jumping out of your seats, slamming your clenched fists on your computer desks, demanding to know why this two-bit Chabadskeh is making fun of other Rebbes when his Rebbe once visited an art exhibit next door to 770, and the Frierdike Rebbe would vacation all the time as well! Well, you could not be more hopelessly wrong! I have nothing but the greatest respect for him. I think any Rebbe or Rov or Rosh Yeshivah who has no problem with being photographed on such an excursion is a rare find and should be put on a pedestal for all to see and emulate.
We all see pictures of Rebbes and Rosh Yeshivos with piles of seforim on their respective tables. We know that it's expected of us to follow their examples, but we find it difficult, even when we're in Yeshivah. The Rebbe or RY may have better faculties than us, he may be a moroh levoynoh, or he may have no "choice." He's sort of like a prince who's unhappy with his status but is stuck there. He basically has no choice like the rest of the world does. So we try and stick to what the books tell us to do. Some of us may try to emulate the Rebbe's ways or the way he dressed or the way he pronounces certain words, or the way he shakes another person's hands. Now we can take it one step further; we can progress in the realm of BeChol Derochecho DoEyHu, we can serve the A-Mighty even on our excursions. It's OK to take a break and visit G-d's green earth and what comes of it, even if you're a public figure, עאכו"כ if you're an average Joe worrying about this week's grocery order, or how next month's utility bill will be paid if it gets too cold to have the heat shut off all night. At least that's the lesson I took...
Photos from Here

We all see pictures of Rebbes and Rosh Yeshivos with piles of seforim on their respective tables. We know that it's expected of us to follow their examples, but we find it difficult, even when we're in Yeshivah. The Rebbe or RY may have better faculties than us, he may be a moroh levoynoh, or he may have no "choice." He's sort of like a prince who's unhappy with his status but is stuck there. He basically has no choice like the rest of the world does. So we try and stick to what the books tell us to do. Some of us may try to emulate the Rebbe's ways or the way he dressed or the way he pronounces certain words, or the way he shakes another person's hands. Now we can take it one step further; we can progress in the realm of BeChol Derochecho DoEyHu, we can serve the A-Mighty even on our excursions. It's OK to take a break and visit G-d's green earth and what comes of it, even if you're a public figure, עאכו"כ if you're an average Joe worrying about this week's grocery order, or how next month's utility bill will be paid if it gets too cold to have the heat shut off all night. At least that's the lesson I took...
Photos from Here

It's not sausages, but it sure don't look very appetizing...
Or HaGanuz LeTzaddikim...
Stop being such a hater. Obviously, he's mashgiach on this wine factory, and is drinking the wine to show that he relies on his own hashgocho (as opposed to the kashrus organization in my city, but that's a different story)
um, are you ASSuming that he's a mashgiach?
He does look like one
I never heard that Duschinsky should have a separate hasgocha, I believe they rely 100% on the Bedatz,
Is he wearing a Ziedne Gartel? or I don't see well? maybe he makes Brocha Hatoiv Vehmativ?
Kol Haolam Kulo et al have done more damage to chassidic Rebbes than any Bnei Braker could have.
Till now, we imagined Rebbes sitting with tehillims in hand being meyached yechudim mitoch inui v'tzom. Now, we see how every night they are either doing the right to left dance, the left to right dance, or eating grapes.
Litvishe gedolim on the other hand...are never pictures without a shtender, sefer or microphone. That's work!
Kol Haolam Kuloi is People Magazine- Hasidic edition
Good post, but btw, the picture proves nothing. Maybe its wine his kehilla drinks. or maybe the owner is from his big donors and asked him to come down.
There are pictures that can hammer home the point much stronger.
>moroh levoynoh,
I confess utter ignorance of this term. Kindly translate and provide guidance for idiomatic usage.
I think it's a distastefull article,sprinkled with some hate, you can do better than this.
Any ordinaty Joe can visit a winery and have an oiunce of wine for tasting,and the DR going proves zilch about him.
Vos farshteit ihr nit?
think "moroh shkheireh" and then think what levonoh means and you have your answer!
you can do it!
א גוטן שבת אייך אלימען
Could it be that the rabbi's sense of self-importance called for him being photographed at any event?
eating chocolate is better?
To Dan-Israel:
Anyone saying something like you said simply shows his complete ignorance regarding HaRav Dushinsky. He is loved by everyone who meets him. He is the one of the kindest and most respected Rabbonim in EY today.
Instead of wine tasting, you should discuss this "new" concept of every Hungarian rav turning ADMOR. tHE ZAIDA WAS AN aSHKENAZI RAV (GLANTA AND cHUST) AND A DISTINGUISHED ONE AT THAT AND LATER RAV OF THE AGUDA-EDA IN JERUSALEM, BUT A CHASSIDUTH ?
In the USA we also have it - Kashoi (Blum) Krasna, Popa, Nitra, and smaller ones. . I guess it really is easier being a rebbe than a rav. Even the father of Dushinsky was a rav , I guess the son realized that he would never make the grade as a rav and turned ADMOR.
I wonder if Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik had lived another 10 years if the HungaRIAN CHAREDIM WOULD HAVE CALLED HIM ADMOR MIBRISK ?
Amazing how it is good for yenem, that non chabad rebbe to be seen as mere mortals. Why is it only good for 'them' but not us ?
How many people outside the 'inner circle' know how the Rebbe interacted with his wife and inside his own house, other than what we are told by the ga'baim, who it may be argued had a vested interest in portraying an image as decided by the 'inner circle'. How about pictures of the Rebbe with his hat off reading the New York Times or the Rebbetzin working at the library ??
I am not chas vshalom saying that anything less than complete avoidas hashem went on at the highest levels, I am only questioning why you want every other Rebbe to be seen to be well meaning but human none the less, but won't allow the same of your Rebbe ?
Please don't say you admire the pictures you are talking about, you admire it because it reminds us that only Nasi Dorinu was a superhuman who can read our thoughts and know what every chasid is doing at every minute.
How do you know that the Rebbes in the pictures are not greater than your Rebbe (I did not chas vshalom say they are - only questioning how you know). If you were to be honest, maybe you only belive in your Rebbe as much as you do because you have not exposed yourself to them?
If you were really looking to be close to Hashem, would you not want to make sure that you are being truthful to yourself and not just relying on the publicity ???
I hope that no offense it taken, I just question the way it is so pashut that R' Yoel Kahn and other mashpi'im in chabad are greater than any other non-chabad Rebbe today which seems to be your prevailing attitude......
What chasides is this?
There are so many problems in Chabad that you won't address.I"m speaking MAJOR problems.Let's leave aside the problems involving the Rebbe and his moshiach legacy.
How about the fights that are literally tearing Crown Heights apart?
So,let's say you don't want to address machloikes and sinas yisroel.BUT!!! You are the one that is always talking and promoting garbage about other kehillos.What gives?
You see, and I MEAN this seriously, people like yourself, shvach op my yiddishkait.Why?Because suddenly "unzereh" is much more important than Am Yisroel.Lubavitchs' interest and their kibud/chilul Lubavitch come way ahead of Yidden and Yiddishkait in general.That's why a horrible story of mesirah going on in Lubavitch won't elicit any response of protest from you because "it's not good to hang outside Lubavitchs' dirty laundry", however you had no qualms when you published dirty laundry involving Chaim Berlin.Is it good for Yidden and Yiddishkait if a Yeshiva like Chaim Berlin comes out looking dirty?No,but in your warped sensibility it's good for Lubavitch, cuz you are getting back at the (perceived)enemy.
It seems that your Lubavitcher handler won't let you post anything critical of Lubavitch.Tell me are you such a lost kool-aided bok that you totally can think by yourself?
What a brainwahing job.
Censored by a guy with the brain of a goat...
What mesires are you talking about?
Mesirah (or halshono) is required when the public is at risk of violent people. (not that I know the facts in this particular case, but if it is as the plaintifs claim, they are required by halacha to go to court).
Even with out the Rebbes Gaboim, how much idle time did the Rebbe have since arriving in the US till Gimel Tamuz,
how many hours was he home ? and how many days did he go for dacha?,
and how many letters did he write besides the hundreds of thousands of Tzetlach as it is called in chabad lingo.Yidel Krinsky didn't hide that the Rebbe read the NY Times and other newspapers clippings,but again their was no such thing as idle time no schmoozing for the sake of schmoozing, their are people say that its one of the failures chas vesholem but thats the fact
vos farshteit ihr nit?
it's very simple. It was a very conscious business decision to go Chassidish.
sscroll down for the best
>He is the one of the kindest and most respected Rabbonim in EY today.< Not saying much, is it?
Funny thing is most people say that Lubavichers are modern orthodox people who learn more chassidus than anyone else.
If we want to talk about non-chassidish look how many 'gezah' luvavichers spend Motzei Shabbos at the movies, eat any hechsher, spit on any Lubavichers with less yichus than them and the list goes on.
If a Conservative Rabbi learns a lot of chassidus but does no change to his lifestyle....is he also greater than the Dushinky Rebbe or do you have to have a Chabad membership card ???
Does learning chassidus from anyone but Chabad get you this exemption from keeping Torah and Mitzvos properly ???
Not being a movie goer myself, i will have to rely on your self-incriminating eidus.
"It's not sausages, but it sure don't look very appetizing..."
Heh! It just offends our gossamer-like urbane sensitivities to discover that meat does not originate in a hermetically-sealed plastic package nor does wine come from a bottle.
vos farshteit ihr nit?
it's very simple. It was a very conscious business decision to go Chassidish."
Now you are mocking a choshuveh yid??
Way to go....
You seem to be quite smug.Any reason for this?
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