The handwritten note written by Reb Chaim Kanievski yesterday, passes the torch from his shver, Rav Elyashiv, who is very ill, r"l, to Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zol gezunt zein. It's not clear if Rav Elyashiv himself told his son-in-law to pass the torch, or if it was done on his own, since RYSE has not been conscious, as far as we know, for some months now. Sources close to the matter say that is closely related to the fact that Rav Elyashiv is gravely ill, and the clamor to replace him has already begun. A recent sign of that change has been at the Israeli Yated Ne'eman, no relation to the American newspaper of the same name, where the old guard that was close to the late Ponovizher Rosh Yeshiva was unceremoniously thrown out and replaced by Rav Shteinman's people. Reb Aron Leib is not considered a follower of the true "Torah Haskafah" that the late Ponovizher Rosh Yeshiva handed down over the years. Neither is Rav Elyashiv, for that matter, but his leadership was uncontested, now that he's sidelines the fights can begin. The factions here are many, ואי אפשר לפורטם, and you can give yourself a migraine trying to figurer it out. I was asked how can I be "sleeping" at a time like this? You all know that I don't just report the dry news, I need to have an "angle," something to set me apart. Which is why I waited until this fell into my lap. It doesn't reflect on how I fell about Reb Aron Leib, whose tzidkus is undisputed, it just gives you a feeling as to what others feel, even if they claim to be respectful of Torah and talmidei chachomim...
The following is a true story about the נצי"ב of Volozhin, זצ"ל, as told by הרב אברהם יהושע סאלאווייציק of Yerushalayim:
The Netziv, Rav Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin, lived in Lithuania during the 19th Century. Him and his brother-in-law, Reb Yitzchok Fried, were sons-in-law of Reb Itzele Volozhiner, son of Reb Chaim Volozhiner, the Yeshiva's founder. After his first wife passed Reb Hirsh-Leib Berlin married the daughter of the בעל ערוך השלחן. He was one of the most famous Rabbonim of his generation, and it's said that in the 40 years he headed the yeshiva in the town of Volozhin, some 10,000 students studied there. Many of them went on to lead communities and Yeshivos of their own. (a list of famous alumni can be seen here) The Netziv wrote commentaries on all parts of the Torah, and once, when he'd published a particularly difficult work, called "HaEmek Shayla," he called together his friends for a special celebration, where he told them the following story:
"When I was a child, I never paid attention in school. I was lazy and did not want to concentrate. Then one day when I was 11 years old, I came home from school and heard my parents talking. My father was explaining how he'd spoken to my teacher and together they'd concluded that I'd never amount to anything in terms of scholarship. So, my father explained, he was arranging to enroll me as an apprentice shoemaker as soon as I became Bar Mitzvah. "I was so shocked by this conversation that I ran to my parents and exclaimed: 'I'm sorry I've been so negligent with my studies. Please give me one more chance to prove that I'm a good student.' And from that day onward, I applied myself to the study of Torah with tremendous vigor and dedication. Since then I have not wasted a moment and it is that devotion which has enabled me to write the commentary which we are celebrating today." Then the Netziv continued: "But just imagine what would have happened had I not overheard my parents' conversation. I'd probably have ended up as a shoemaker. And I'd have been a pretty good shoemaker besides! But think of what would have happened at the end of my life when I'd get up to the Heavenly Court and they'd ask me: 'Naftali, (or Hirsh Leib - HT) show us what you've done with your life.' And I'd proudly show them my beautiful shoes: the fine workmanship, the quality leather and the exquisite design. "And then they'd ask me: 'But Naftali, where are all the books you were to publish? Where are your 10,000 students?'" The Netziv continued: "And what would I possibly respond??" Reb Avraham Yehoshua said that when Rav Shteinman reaches heaven, they'll ask him "Where are the shoes?!"
And this is where today's best and brightest end up. In Brisk...
he was not talking about rav aharon leib. i was there. he was talking about someone else.
you seem unaware that rav aharon leib is a brisker himself. he grew up in brisk and was childhood (and lifelong) friends with rav berel, rav dovid and rav refoel. he was the only maspid by rav berel's levaya and is extremely close to the solo family. all his kids and eineklach learned either by rav dovid, or rav a.y. and several became very close to them. (his eidim rav z. berlin is one of rav dovid's closest talmidim as is his son Moishe)
i'm not sure why you took this chance to attack brisk but you really missed the boat as your reporting was wrong (the shiur was almost 15 years ago btw.)
Tzig that joke is older then the hills - I heard it in Beis HaTalmud 28 years ago. As someone who learned in Brisk I can assure you although RAYS does not agree with RAyLS he never said this about him. Many of RAYlS learned in Brisk when I was there. RAYLS son in law is a big Brisker. RAYLS is from Brisk d'lita.
R' Tzig,
Did you really need to bring this story from R.A.J. and give me a 'sick to the stomach' feeling.
My understanding is that R.A.J. says these statements to create a persona around himself, much like certain chabad figures (B. Shemtov is a good example). That certainly does not excuse the despicable behaviors, but most mature people don't take these people very seriously.
Such an irresponsible story does not belong on a public forum and serves no purpose.
Reb Avraham Yehoshua said that when Rav Shteinman reaches heaven, they'll ask him "Where are the shoes?!"
did aj say this specifically on rav steinman or o n todays mechabrei sforim in general?
I am NOT unaware that Reb Aron Leib is from Brisk.
Tzig: "וזרח השמש ----- עד שלא "
אין כאן זרח, אין כאן בּרוך! מפטירין כדאתמול
Tzig-neziv: "my father explained, he was arranging to enroll me as an apprentice shoemaker "
ר"ר הערשׂ'ל מרימנוב זצ"ל הי' חייטן, ומשָמה בשעת עבודתו עלה ונתעלה עד שמי מרום! כי הי' דבוק בּרבּו הגדול הר"ר מענדעלע והוא הי' לו לסולם המוצב ארצה וראשו מגיע בּשמים! לעלות עָליה ויקחנה ויקח, למדן חייטן או סנדלר כ"א צריך לומר מתי מגיע מעשי למעשי 'אבותי', מ"מ קרוב אלינו הדבר מאוד רק בּפינו ובּלבבנו אבל לא בּמעשינו כי זה תלוי רק בּרצון הבּובּ"ה
I have issues with the concept of this story....
I try to raise my kids to be the best they can be under the circumstances Hashem or destiny cut out for them.
I was raised with this warped Chinuch mentality that I have to grow up to be some fantasy גדול הדור that I guess my parents had in mind when they made me!!
That is sick, wrong, dangerous and evil! I was never able to please them! Was never good enuf!! If I scored a 100 on a test, then the big "NUUU" would come... Why didn't you know the extra credit, and then if I had that correct as well, it was.... A boy like you should have a nicer penmanship! וכהנה וכהנה ......
I also overheard them (or they made sure I overheard....) ער וועט דאך איוסוואקסען א טראקדרייווער/he will grow up to be a truckdriver/ ......
Well Totty oh do I wish you would have sent me to truckdriving school Or shoemaking or the likes of it!
I grew up as you would say... נישט צו גאט אין נישט צי לייט not a Yid nor a goy!!
Please please parents!!! Embrace your dear kids, give them the unconditional love they desperately need, help them develop Thier true inner personality that you can't really change but you can really mess up!!
I now have 8 kids of my own, trying very hard to provide for them an emotionally healthy environment, if one is gonna be a shoemaker then he should be a good one and be proud of in Shumayim!!!!but guilty I remain that I'm putting them thru the same Sh*tty warped chinuch system I went through.
Im guilty of violating the חזקה our sages told us that אין אדם מוריש שקר לבנו....
But I believe that the time is coming and the facade of the bullsh*t "so called Yiddeshkiet" is gonna crumble!
A time is coming when the next generation is just gonna say to all those clowns wearing the בגדי צבעונים enuf is enuf STOP DRINKING AND LIVING OFF OUR BLOOD!!!!!
והוקע אותם לה׳ נגד השמש!
Tzig/neziv: "my father explained, he was arranging to enroll me as an apprentice shoemaker"
ר"ר הערשׂ'ל מרימנוב זצ"ל הי' חייטן, ומשָמה בשעת עבודתו עלה ונתעלה עד שמי מרום! כי הי' דבוק בּרבּו הגדול הר"ר מענדעלע והוא הי' לו לסולם המוצב ארצה וראשו מגיע בּשמים! לעלות עָליה ויקחנה ויקח, למדן חייטן או סנדלר כ"א צריך לומר מתי מגיע מעשי
למעשי 'אבותי', מ"מ קרוב אלינו הדבר מאוד רק בּפינו ובּלבבנו אבל לא בּמעשינו כי זה תלוי רק בּרצון הבּובּ"ה
Sorry but as above this was said on Mechabrei Sforim in general not on RA"L. I was there....
Tzig: "And this is where today's best and brightest end up. In Brisk..."
I came across a few of the best and brightest of brisk, and.. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Although brisk should be credited for trying to accept those talmidim with 'somewhat' a mesorah background, and trying to avoid learning to talmidim sheinim mehigunim! Which is prevalent by other litvishe yeshivas?
Wish I was a גוי : "A boy like you should have a nicer penmanship!"
Nuu! wasn't your parents right? and about your strange wish, Be Careful What You Pray For, You Might Just Get? c"v
"But I believe that the time is coming and the facade of the bullsh*t "so called Yiddeshkiet" is gonna crumble!" after you sir!
אל תאמר שימים הראשונים הי' טובים מאלה כי לא מחכמה שאלת על זאת
Oh Tzig,
This is what happens when u mix in where you dont belong. this is an oft repeated joke said about a lot of different people but was never said about R' AL.
Wish I was a גוי said... (------)
Don't blame your misery on others, it's all 'yours' deal with it! and set yourself free!
שועת עניים אני תשמע צעקת הדל תאזין תקשיב ותושיע
ואראה את כל העשוקים אשר נעשים תחת השמש והנה דמעת העשוקים ואין (כי אין) להם מנחם
Wish I was a : "all those clowns wearing the בגדי צבעונים enuf is enuf STOP DRINKING AND LIVING OFF OUR BLOOD!!!!!"
Are you suggesting a new age blood-libel is coming! and the clean shaved with the כובע הקנייטש (on shabos only, בּגדי שחורים) will be saved! because they don't supposedly eat חדש ? I'll name that the OU yid, oh and i would suggest an OU tatoo on their forehead, and we the saved will live happily ever after! Now that will work! no?
But first will get rid of all the בגדי צבעונים carriers, the sefardim, and of course the lubab's - wich aren't even in klal yisuel but just ליתר שׂאת
I wish I would be a goi
"That is sick, wrong, dangerous and evil! I was never able to please them! Was never good enuf!! If I scored a 100 on a test, then the big "NUUU" would come"
U turned out the way you are, its only yourself to blame, your father meant good and did the right thing, parents have to get there kids to achieve the most of their potential. I am sure that you did not fulfill your potential to the max...
The Japanese have the same methods like us Jews and they have the highest caliber in intelligentsia.. not in Athletics or Hollywood that a ape can do too....
Wish I was a goi(ape)
"But I believe that the time is coming and the facade of the bullsh*t "so called Yiddeshkiet" is gonna crumble! "
noting is crumbling and nobody is sucking your blood, you have a Bechira... just do it your way....
drycup: "I'll name that the OU yid, oh and i would suggest an OU tatoo on their forehead"
How about us weaklings can we have a rating sytem for all instead like:
OU-fish (smell)
OU-paid in full
tomoshaver: "The Japanese have the same methods like us Jews and they have the highest caliber in intelligentsia"
That's why they attacked us in a blitzkreig, just like their peers the german intelligentsia did in europe,
"The Japanese have the same methods like us Jews" ?
והאבדתי חכמים מאדום ותבונה מהר עשו, יש תורה אל תאמין, דכתיב מלכה ושריה בגויים אין תורה
חכמים הם להרע ולהטיב לא ידעו
For the life og me I don't understand the point of repeating such stories. It brings no kavod to Lubavitch or to anyone else, including you.
Now that a number of commentators have pointed out that you probably got the names mixed up (see The Brisker Rav to see how close R"S was to Bais Brisk) shouldn't you remove the story until you clarify it's veracity?
a brigade of guilty conscience people I have here...
I did not see the warning about anonymous posts... Sorry. If you watch this video at the 3:50 mark, RALS states that he learned by the Brisker Rov in his Talmid Torah in Brisk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX0X5CeURlQ The RAYS defenders are right on this one...
“it's said that in the 40 years he headed the yeshiva in the town of Volozhin, some 10,000 students studied there”
Extremely unlikely. That would assume 250 students yearly, each staying for only one year. The 250 student is true of the yeshivas peak times, but most stayed for a number of years. So if there were 250 student at a time, each staying for two years that would be only 5,000 students. And many students stayed for longer than two years!
Call it guilty conscience but the fact is you have your Yeshivishe sources for stories (i happen to know who one of them is) and guess what, they are not always right.
pointing out that you're wrong equals having a guilty conscience?
I heard that the Zied Yohir Letz Shemoi R AJ of Brisk said a good one on Reb Matisyahu regarding the event... can someone please offer it to the readers...
גימפּל said:
אין כאן זרח, אין כאן בּרוך! מפטירין כדאתמול
גימפּל טייערער קוק אַהער אַ דור פון גדֶלים! ניט קיין דור יתום ח"ו, חזור בּך
רבּותי! אכן נודע הדבר ס'איז דָא גדֶלים לרחצה
אזוי האט די פארבּס מאגאזין דיקלערט, אז די זענן די גרעסטע משפּיעים אין די מדינה, מיט אלע וועלטליכע קאמינוקאציעס אין אונזערע צייטן מיר גלות יודן ווייסן פון זיי די גדֶלים כמעט גארנישט צי זאגן, היתכן וויא געשיקט זיך אזא עוולה! זאלן מיר מאכן אן אסיפה זיי פארשטעלן פאר אונז אפשר? אין זיי בּאויפטראגן צי רעדן פּער צעהן מינוט, ונראה דבריהם ממי יוצאת ולמי נכנס! למה נגרע מיר גלות יודן
:גדֶלים תעשה לך
הגר"ע יוסף
הגרי"ש אלישיב
הגראי"ל שטיינמן
הגר"ח קנייבסקי
(רבי נחמן מברסלב זצ"ל )
הרבי מליובאוויטש זצ"ל
הרב שמואל אליהו
הרב מוטי אלון
הרב שלמה אבינר
הרבי מגור
הרבי מבעלזא
הרבי מויז'ניץ
הרב שלמה משה עמאר
הרב יורם אברג'ל
הרב ראובן אלבז
הרב אמנון יצחק
הרב יובל שרלו
הרב יאשיהו פינטו
הרב יעקב איפרגן
הרב רצון ערוסי
הרב הראשי הרב יונה מצגר
הרב ישראל מאיר לאו
הרב בניהו שמואלי
הרב חיים כהן
ויאמר האטד אל העצים אם באמת אתם משחים אתי למלך עליכם באו חסו בצלי ואם אין תצא אש מן האטד ותאכל את ארזי הלבנון
ס'האט איינער גיזאגט, בּמקום גדולים אל תעמוד, ווייל עס שטינקט
גדי בּן סוסי said.. "גדֶלים תעשה לך "
I'm not very familliar with israeli politics, here in america next to every politicans name their is in prenticies a letter to what party he belongs like (R) (D) , i suggest that next to all israeli gedolim that system should apply to, so we can know their roots i mean geza.. to where they belong to ?!לדעת, מהיכן ירק זה חי
reb avrohom yuhusha said about the internet assifa regarding soloaman that when reb yisroel salanter became rov he said first he wantes to fix klall yisroel then i saw i cant fix kllal yisroel i try to fix my city then i saw i cant fix my city will try to fix my self zugt horav avrohom yehusha m.soloman try to fix himself he saw he cant so he try to fix his city lakewood he saw its not going so he trying to fix klall yisroel!!
"m.soloman try to fix himself he saw he cant so he try to fix his city lakewood he saw its not going so he trying to fix klall yisroel!!"
Nice analogy, but it seems to work as the saying goes
פארקערט הייסט אויך גיפארן
Lakewood is unfixable there is to much self intrest take for example Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim it is run by Rav Malkiels uncle R Gavriel Finkel everyone in Lakewood knows that R Finkel will never do anything that would challange BMG or the Kotlers or any of his Bursztyn nephews
Lakewood is unfixable there is to much self intrest take for example Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim it is run by Rav Malkiels uncle R Gavriel Finkel everyone in Lakewood knows that R Finkel will never do anything that would challange BMG or the Kotlers or any of his Bursztyn nephews
Lakewood is unfixable there is to much self intrest take for example Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim it is run by Rav Malkiels uncle R Gavriel Finkel everyone in Lakewood knows that R Finkel will never do anything that would challange BMG or the Kotlers or any of his Bursztyn nephews
iolo said...
"ידוע דהפּירצה היותר גדולה של דורינו הוא חסרון שלטון התורה בּקרב הציבּור "
!לכבוד עצמו הוא דורש
Someone I was once friendly with is disturbed by the fact that his name was used by another individual on this blog. Because of this, it looks like HE wrote very inappropriate things, and he is rightfully very concerned as to how this may affect his reputation (he gives shiurim). Can I have your email address so that we can discuss this further?
yes, he can. I must have missed that. sorry.
How do I reach you to discuss this further?
via email. neveler@gmail.com
Gadi ben Sisi
"ס'האט איינער גיזאגט, בּמקום גדולים אל תעמוד, ווייל עס שטינקט"
for your own self esteem plz stop with this toilet jokes....it causes people to have bad judgement on your community...
"iolo said...
"ידוע דהפּירצה היותר גדולה של דורינו הוא חסרון שלטון התורה בּקרב הציבּור "
its nonsense there was never such a generation like ours that listens to gedolim.....
Oy! This shoemaker story is such nonsense! The netziv came from a wealthy family according to mekor baruch. Even if the netziv was not going to learn, his parents would never have him become a shoemaker. A businessman perhaps.
An ailmisher
nobody claims the story is true, it is a very good dramatic legend for the melamdinm in cheder..
Reb Sholem Shvadron claimed that the Chazon Ish paskened for him that he can say fictional stories lehaliv halvovas...( and even this pesak is not true)
Tibi Lotzi said...
"iolo said...
"ידוע דהפּירצה היותר גדולה של דורינו הוא חסרון שלטון התורה בּקרב הציבּור "
"its nonsense there was never such a generation like ours that listens to gedolim....."
The above quote in hebrew letters was taken from a letter written by מהגה"צ ר' ישראל אליהו וינטרויבּ
"it causes people to have bad judgement on your community..."
Really? i wich community do you belong? where they can write on a goan's words (above) "nonsense"!
Tibi Lotzi: "for your own self esteem plz stop with this toilet jokes....it causes people to have bad judgement on your community.."
Are you the tinuf who wrote on SR's sefer written with blood and tears That "it's a negah" and you worry about other peoples self esteem or their communites!? what a low life.
Torah mit mitvos !!!
I never wrote those words on the SR sefer, I love that sefer it shows the world how the SR shitah is shallow, he puts 90% of charidie world in the apikorsim camp, based on some derush......
Plus, using the word Negah is quite more classy then your toilet shprach...
מאנכע ליינערס אפּלאדיר'ן דאס פַארשווינדאנג, שוין פאר אַ צייט פון דַאנען, פונם אלעם בּאקאנט'ן לינקער פון לינק שרייבּעריל מוט'ן פּען נאמען טויבּער לאטצי!, יהי הסתלקותו מכאן לברכה
Anonymous zindel said...
Tibi Lotzi: "for your own self esteem plz stop with this toilet jokes....it causes people to have bad judgement on your community.."
Are you the tinuf who wrote on SR's sefer written with blood and tears That "it's a negah" and you worry about other peoples self esteem or their communites!? what a low life.
I'm the one who wrote it, satmar is able to denigrate Rav AY Kook to the point that his name is equal to Hitler ym"s. That is one example. What does Satmar have to say about Lubavitch, Vizhnitz, Belz, Agudah and everyone who doesn't hold of the hateful shittah, which is a ngah on klal yisroel?
you finally got tired of waiting for him to die so you put up a new post, thats a lubab for you.....
Go to Google and type in "Gavriel Finkel Lakewood" or "Vaad Hadayonim" and you will uncover all of Lakewoods unfixable problems especially regarding Botei Dinim
tibi lotzi: "he puts 90% of charidie world in the apikorsim camp, based on some derush.."
Did you found yourself in that 90% nebech?
and what percent did moshe rabbuni put the yiden rescued in that catagory?
במדרש: וחמושים עלו בני ישראל אחד מחמישה. ויש אומרים אחד מחמישים
and what percent was klal yisruel by the שלש מאות איש המלקקים left?
and what percent did the chasam sofer and his son put in that catagory?
10 % er
"Did you found yourself in that 90% nebech?
and what percent did moshe rabbuni put the yiden rescued in that catagory?
במדרש: וחמושים עלו בני ישראל אחד מחמישה. ויש אומרים אחד מחמישים
and what percent was klal yisruel by the שלש מאות איש המלקקים left?
and what percent did the chasam sofer and his son put in that catagory?"
And what percent did Moshe Ber beck put you in????
And what percent does the Lev Tohar guy, put you in???
tibi lotzi: "he puts 90% of charidie world in the apikorsim camp, based on some derush.."
Lotzi'kam, Is it worst than what the divrei chaim z"l writes: that rov rabbunim and bal habatim are from the erev rav?!
tibi lotzi said...
"I never wrote those words on the SR sefer, I love that sefer it shows the world how the SR shitah is shallow,"
אם החזקה 'דכ"ש דפּקר טפי', לטובתך אני מציע נָא לדפוק על דלתי הרבנים למצוא לך ולכותך היתר לפּטרך על להבא מללמוד בּספה"ק ויואל משה!. כי בנפשך הוא
Pishto bachi
Lotzi'kam, Is it worst than what the divrei chaim z"l writes: that rov rabbunim and bal habatim are from the erev rav?!"
its a far strech from calling apikosim..
so its a Sanzer minhag to name names.... I tought chassidus is nishtakcho... everything is forgotten but the curses.....
tibi lotzi : "so its a Sanzer minhag to name names.... "
No names c"v just encompassed by saying 'ruv' you must have a reading comprehension issue the names you see there must be the שמות הפּראמיראנטן
tibi lotzi: "And what percent did Moshe Ber beck put you in????
And what percent does the Lev Tohar guy, put you in???"
MBB and Lev tohar are very pious guys maybe a little over worked and looking for the olem haames in an olem hashker, the Lev tohar while on the run knocked on my door one erev shabos asking if he can stay, which of course he stayed he is a little sharf but a nice sincere (non lubab style) BT!
btw, where does those two guys come in when the talk was of: moshe rabeinu, gidon, chasam sofer?
I would suggest you take a vacation! and or get a lobatami
JJJ: "satmar is able to denigrate Rav AY Kook to the point that his name is equal to Hitler ym"s. That is one example. "
That is one 'deserved' example, and how about rav shach the rosh of the AGUDAH! denigrating the lubabvitcher rebbe and leaving a 'mesorah' that a whole kehila shlima is not in klal yisruel??
tibi lotzi: "I tought chassidus is nishtakcho... everything is forgotten but the curses..."
וכל המינים כרגע יאבדו
אבל המינין והמוסרים ומומר אוכל נבלות להכעיס והאפיקורסים מורידין אותם בידים
Mr Frankfyurter
"MBB and Lev tohar are very pious guys maybe a little over worked and looking for the olem haames in an olem hashker, the Lev tohar while on the run knocked on my door one erev shabos asking if he can stay, which of course he stayed he is a little sharf but a nice sincere (non lubab style) BT!
btw, where does those two guys come in when the talk was of: moshe rabeinu, gidon, chasam sofer?"
Mamesh mamesh they are the Role Mosdels of Klal yisroel... all because they are no Lubab
Ez Kenokmer
וכל המינים כרגע יאבדו
אבל המינין והמוסרים ומומר אוכל נבלות להכעיס והאפיקורסים מורידין אותם בידים"
you are as confused as the Veyoel... derush and Halacha are all 1 smorgasbord...I am talking a divrie chaim al hatorah.. you quote a Rambam...
This post is real motzi shem ra on Rav Avrohom Yehoshua. It is known that he said this charifus regarding the heintige mechabrei sfarim, no mention of Rav Aharon Leib.
You should take this down or edit it.
"he said this charifus regarding"
in my book its Lietzunas not charifus,
Can you give us a new original vort of the great charif AJ...... not a vort that he repeats from his father....
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