Flatbush Jewish Journal Seforim Review by Rabbi Yaakov Levitz
The welfare and livelihood of our brethren is something that is, and should be, of utmost importance to us. In that vein, R’ Moshe Feinstien zt”l ruled that when one is dismissed from his position,his former employer must pay a pension of Chodesh L’shana, one month of pay in return for every year the position was held. Sefer Chodesh L’shana is based on this Psak of R’ Moshe. It discusses the background of the Shaila and explains what R’ Moshe based his Psak on. An important element of the Shaila is what accepted practice is, since we assume that an employer accepts on himself the standard pension in the Jewish world. To show that the accepted norm is indeed a month for a year, Chodesh L’shana includes in it dozens of letters from Batei Din and Rabbonim from all over the world attesting to the fact that they in fact follow the arrangement of a month for a year. The arrangement of Chodesh L’shana, though seemingly new, has its precedent in the Rishonim.The Chinuch (Mitzvah 482) when discussing the Mitzvah of giving gifts to an Eved Ivri who is leaving his servitude, encourages any employer to furnish a worker who is leaving his service with an appropriate send off. Nothing less could be expected of the Jewish people whose Simanim include the Middos of Rachmanim and Gomlei chasadim.
R’ Yaakov Levitz is the owner of Im HaSefer Publishers and Distributors: 718-377-0047 - Or buy it here
Virtually every letter in this pamphlet says clearly that Chodes L’Shana is only for Cli Kodesh!
Twistelton-Twistelton said:
"Chodes L’Shana is only for Cli Kodesh!"
Are you aware that there are those who don't know that chodesh l'shana must be paid for kli kodesh?
Twistelton-Twistelton: "Virtually every letter in this pamphlet says clearly that Chodes L’Shana is only for Cli Kodesh!"
לא ראיתי הספר מבפנים, אבל השער בּלאט אומר בּפירוש פּיצוי לכלי קודש 'או לעובד שפּוטר ממשרתו' והשוה 'כלי קודשׂ' לעובד סתם! ואדרבה החידוש הוא שהכלי קודש לא נקראים עובדים! אולי הם רק פּועל בּטלים ואעפ"כ צריכים לשלמם
תשעים אחז מהחרידים החסידים אין להם בּבּיתם או בּבּתי תלמידיהם שום ספר מהרמ"פּ ז"ל, ורובם אף לא מסתמכים על פּסקיו המפריזים, ולפלא שלא איכפת להם המדפיסים לקרוא בּשם של רשכבּה"ג! אולי הנייר הוא סבלן יותר מהאנשי העם
Linked to you in my blog. Zehr vichtig!!!
95 אחוז מהחרדים החסידים אין להם שום ספר מהרי"ט ז"ל ואעפ"כ חסידיו קוראים לו "רבינו הקדוש" ורשכבה"ג
ייש"כ הר"ר יוסף גבריאל
Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
95 אחוז מהחרדים החסידים אין להם שום ספר מהרי"ט ז"ל ואעפ"כ חסידיו קוראים לו "רבינו הקדוש" ורשכבה"ג
אמת נכון הדבר, אולי יותר מתאים הי' לך לאמר שתשעים אחוז יהודים אין להם שייכות עם יהדות! מ"מ נקראים יהודים, כך אותם שאומרים שאין להם שייכות אם הנודע בּשערים המהרי"ט ז"ל יודעם דרכיו ושיטתו ונכפה מחיפּתו ומדבריו דבר יום ביומו! בּלי הרף
כמ"ש: חי אני נאם ד' אלקים אם לא ביד חזקה ובזרוע נטויה ובחמה שפוכה אמלוך עליכם
סנהדרין ח': אמר לו הקב"ה למשה טול מקל והך על קדקדם דבר אחד לדור ואין שני דברין לדור. וזהו רשכבּה"ג אמיתי!
" ונכפה מחיפּתו "
תיקון טעות, צ"ל: ונכוה מחופתו
תשעים אחז מהחרידים החסידים אין להם בּבּיתם או בּבּתי תלמידיהם שום ספר מהרמ"פּ ז"ל,"
Since the Grand Issur on the Erev in Willi, Reb Moshe became recognized even by the Imamms of the Satmar bedatz.... So whom are you representing, the amoheoretz that has only a Korban mincha siddur in his Seforim shrank...
"אמת נכון הדבר, אולי יותר מתאים הי' לך לאמר שתשעים אחוז יהודים אין להם שייכות עם יהדות! מ"מ נקראים יהודים, כך אותם שאומרים שאין להם שייכות אם הנודע בּשערים המהרי"ט ז"ל יודעם דרכיו ושיטתו ונכפה מחיפּתו ומדבריו דבר יום ביומו! בּלי הרף"
are all the thousands of bnie torah of Lakewood not considered shomer torah in your eyes? Is it all because there clothing is not bought at G&G....
Reb Moshe is their possek Umipiv Hiem Chaim....
Tibi Lotzi
From my experience and what I heard from C M Dayanim this pesak is being used only in the Torah field as Melamdim etc...
in the secular business wold this is not applied by us Jews who follow the Botie dinim
You are pricelessly funny. I understand that the Dibros Moshe is too difficult for many of the benei HaGolah, as the Teshuvos Chasam Sofer is too. They are both called רשכבה"ג because amongst the chorosh vehamasger, the people who know what learning is, they are the ones to turn to. I have yet to hear of someone with a shverrer tosfos who looked in the seforim of the mahari"t. if רשכבה"ג is connected to the the חמה שפוכה וביד חזקה I agree; the mahari"t is רשכבה"ג and R' Moishe and the Chasam Sofer were not.
was this published by a spurned melamed?
"From my experience and what I heard from C M Dayanim this pesak is being used only in the Torah field as Melamdim etc...
in the secular business wold this is not applied by us Jews who follow the Botie dinim"
1) I think the fact that you use the words "this psak is being used" is very revealing- a psak from a gadol which is accepted and followed, is not "used." Does that mean you get to "use" the psak when its convinient and ignore it when its not?
2) Is "us Jews who follow batei dinim" the name of a club? How does one join? Are the Gedolei/Poskei Hador accepted as members?
It does not say "melamed" it says "kli kodesh" which includes many others besides medlamdim...
the Sefer includes letters from Gedolei Torah and Dayanim Mumchim from all parts of Klal Yisroel- no politics. There are tshuvos included from very respected Rabbonim who are Litvishe, Sefardish, Chassidish [a tshuvah from Rav Dovid Shochet of Toronto is included], Modernish, Yekkish, Chareidi, Mizrachi, European. It is another firm testimony to the tremendous Ahavas Yisroel of Reb Moshe Zt"l, that respected Rabbonim from every path and circle of yiddishkeit accept and respect his psak halacha. (Almost every path...)
tigbi lotzi: "You are pricelessly funny."
"the Dibros Moshe is too difficult for many of the benei HaGolah, as the Teshuvos Chasam Sofer is too. They are both called רשכבה"ג"
RMF Sir, you ain't no Chasam Sofer !
!להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות
!אל תען כסיל באוולתו
Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said: "accept and respect his psak halacha"
Except on:
מחיצות נשים
בריכות שחיה
חלב עכו"ם
מי יהודי
א"י השלימה
הזרעה מלאכותית
וכו' וכו' וכו
tibi lotzi: "are all the thousands of bnie torah of Lakewood not considered shomer torah in your eyes?"
Forget about the BMG torah world! a work in transition to say the least..! how about bring us a picture (instead of a thousand words) of the alumni/talmididm of RMF's famous מתיבתא תפארת ירושלים on the 'lower east side' atleast from the 1940's to the 1960's ?
!מה בין תלמידי רבּ"י לתלמידי של רמ"פ
yankele: " I have yet to hear of someone with a shverrer tosfos who looked in the seforim of the mahari"t."
יאַנקעלע די בּיסט אַ חמור ניט ח"ו ווייל דיין טאטע איז גיווען אַ חמור, נאר ווייל די בּיסט בּעצם אַ חמור
בריכה שחיה ???
"הזרעה מלאכותית
his heter on this issue is big time accepted in willi, Kj and bp..Bonie olam and even atime are using his heter and much more heterim...
If the Noda Beyehuda was matir shaving on chol hamoed, or the Chasm Sofer claims that no beard is needed in chutz leoretz, or the Yavetz is matir the cherem derabinie gershom... are they not the Poskie hador????
RMF Sir, you ain't no Chasam Sofer !
!להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות
!אל תען כסיל באוולתו"
is there a issur in torah to be a 2nd chasam sofer????
Looks like Mr. "RMF said" is so desperate not to address the facts [or even discuss halacha], that he has decided to try to distract the oilam by attacking the the gadol hador. Someone give him a lollypop.
Rav Moshe Ztvk"l, the Gadol and Posek Hador who never was involved with machloikes- who to this day, is missed and mourned by ALL parts of klal yisroel-in America AND Eretz Yisroel. Who's levyah in America and E"Y was the largest unison of yidden for a niftar in millennia. Everyone loved him, and at the same time he wrote chiddushim and psakim on kol hatorah kulah- addressing all issue that came before him, whether the most simple question or the most difficult and unprecedented.
Yet a silly blogger wants to question if he was accepted.
loved by all, Tibi Lotzi, said: "the Gadol and Posek Hador who never was involved with machloikes- who to this day, is missed and mourned by ALL parts of klal yisroel"
אמר אביי האי צורבא מרבנן דמרחים ליה בני מתא לאו משום דמעלי טפי אלא משום דלא מוכח להו במילי דשמיא. כתובות קה
Hamevazeh Talmidei Chachamin Ein Lo Chelek said... ----
Is that said on all 'Talmidei Chachamin' or just on a certain size, and not one-size-fits-all?
There are those who don't understand the diff between machloikes and petty insults and attacks. Of course every emesdik gadol b'torah will take positions which are counter to others opinions- however as is known, when reb moshe ztvkl issued a psak and others argued, he did not try to "tear down the other side"- he just proved based on the toirah how his position was correct. He never "ordered" his talmidim and klal yisroel to follow his position [he understood that such a concept his based on secular ideas not elu v'elu divrei...]- klal yisroel and the gadolei hador willingly followed him and accepted his psakim because they understood his unmatched gadlus in psak halcha and torah. Even when people would come and attack him for his psakim he refused attack them in return...a true anuv...
It seems like these satmorim here are really living in a bubble, but on second thought, I think they're just laytzim.
The reason I believe so is, it's 5772. Vda"l
Zichroinis fin krule said...
Just when i thought all krule talmidim died by now! one just poped up! on the treifene net!
Kruler, you may be fodder for the nelogen on the 'Transylvania News' but not here ok.
loved by all said: "Rav Moshe Ztvk"l, the Gadol and (Posek Hador) who never was involved with machloikes"
כל תלמיד חכם שאינו נוקם ונוטר כנחש אינו תלמיד חכם -יומא כ"ג
Zichroinis fin krule: "on second thought, I think they're just laytzim. The reason I believe so is, it's 5772. Vda"l"
5772! זד יהיר לץ שמו
i just love how this satmarer moron brings these mamorei chazal to somehow prove their point
כל המגלה פנים...
but then again who taught this shit- ta to pasken from agadate and medrash..
the gedolay yisroel that i follow were the epitome of gitskeit & eidelkeit.
it's unfortunate that a segment of klal yisroel never got to know that kind of gudil.
I amazed at the hatred seen in the comments on this page [that has nothing to do with the subject and article posted]. There are ehrliche Satmar Chassidim just as there are ehrlich Lubavitch or Litvishe or Sefardishe.
However, the so called satmar chassid posting on this site is certainly not ehrliche sounding- he sounds very bitter and very angry- he must be a very unhappy person to feel the need to search for an opportunity to spread his hatred in a public forum. Quite a nebach.
"never say never said..."
כל תלמיד חכם שאינו נוקם ונוטר כנחש אינו תלמיד חכם -יומא כ"ג
I bet you distort that line to as a green light to "take revenge like a snake" "on behalf of klal yisroel" anytime you see or hear something/someone that does not fit exactly in you mesorah based on a daas yachid. You feel a "holy obligation" to have sinas chinam.
A tip of advice- leave psak to the poskeim....you sound realllllly ignorant when you quote random divrei chazal that have zero shaychis to the topic....then again, perhaps this is another way of your venting frustuation and/or bitterness and/or anger?
Hirschel, if you must allow these hateful (totally unrelated to the subject) comments, perhaps move them to a seperate post where the "satmar" blogger [and the responses] could write all the hate his heart desires but at least it won't be mixed into a conversation that involves real tachlis such as this one?
mgaleh kloinom : "כל המגלה פנים...
but then again who taught this "shit-ta" to pasken from agadate and medrash..
Hirshel, This !מגלה קלונו using dirty toilet language like
"shit-ta" should be banned from a site that asks from it's commentiers to שרייבן בכבוד'דיג" ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם "
!איך בּין מוחה
no h8 said: "-----"
Thanks for checking on my frustration-bitterness-anger
לב מבין. כליות יועצות. קנה מוציא הקול. פה מחתך. לשון גומר. וושט מכניס ומוציא כל מיני מאכל. ריאה שואבת כל מיני משקה. כבד כועס!. מרה! זורקת בו טיפה אחת ומניחתו!. ברכות ט
הנהג נשיאותך ברמים וזרוק מרה! בתלמידים
morah k.. enough already! we're not impressed with your bekies.
kol talmid chochom sh'ayn bo daas.....
קראן לו מרה said: "kol talmid chochom sh'ayn bo daas..."
מרא דעלמא כולא Sorry it doesn't implicate me ok i have no daas alright, but believe me I'm not a talmid cuchem to say the least.
כי מרים הם על־כן קרא־שמה מרה
Did we kill this satmarer for good (cyber spacely speaking)?
C'mon! Yoly we love you. But stop being such a moron already!
קראן לו מרה said.: "morah k.. enough already! we're not impressed with your bekies."
You the all important טיפּה סרוחה did you ever realized that 'you' טיפּה סרוחה are not the center of the world and no one! is trying to impress you! and that it's not about you? when you will realize that you may actually be able to exhale all your inner poisen to the benefit of all!!!
גדולתו של רבי מאיר הייתה שהיה יכול להתיר את השרץ ולטמאת את
הטהור, אבל לא ח"ו שהתיר את השרץ רק 'שיכול' אבל ת"ח שמתיר בכוחו הגדול מה שצריכה להיות אסור מפּני איזה סיבּה שהוא! זה לא גדלות כלל
הזרעה מ,
if you followed the whole conversation you would understand what i mean "we're not impressed with your bekies."
maybe go blog on vin? an idea it is, no?
btw, i am guilty as charged. a plain old tipoh sruchoh just like you
tipoh min hayam : "we're not impressed with your bekies." "maybe go blog on vin?"
I like when this טיפּה או טיפּוש or whatever, writes "WE" like he is the one! talking בּשם כל ישׂראל and he will give 'you' a הכשר צדק style approval if you're welcome to write here or there! what a savagery from an undomesticated hot-air bully-balloon!
Thanx rush! Now talking about air.......
megaleh kloinom said...
Thanx rush! Now talking about air.......
omg! Your father what??..
megaleh kloinom : "Thanx rush! Now talking about air......"
Talking about hot air.. Let's talk about
!התגלות העטרה שעטרה לו עמו ואבי עמו
New Link To Purchase Sefer [it seems Z Berman changed their website]:
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