Piasecna Hillula
Rabbi Weinberger managed to tap into the pristine source of Chassidus that is Piasecna. Untainted by colorful Bekishes and bleachers he has resurrected Reb Klonimus Kalmish hy"D and kept him alive for generation to come. Circus Tent wishes him much success in his very holy endeavor.
i love "holy smokes"
Untainted by colorful bekishes?
Thank you for the beautiful words, link and post! Shkoyach!
-Dixie Yid
This is truly the hope for chassidus in a world of Zalmoni, Aronis, Mordche Duvids and Benzions and molestors and protestors etc.
This and a few others are the last hope for derech habaal shem tov.
touche Baalbatish on the colorful Bekishes line, but you DO get muy drift, right? You don't count him with the rest of the Rebbes, right?
Rabbi Weinberger is like a "new Rebbe"
Of course not.
Just doing a "Gotcha".
This is the way chassidus should look in 2009.
If the Rebbes who beat a path to his door would know how subversive he really is, would they associate with him? Rav Kook, RJB Soloveichik,YU & Colombia alumnus graduate, shiurim to men & women in english.
Just goes to show you that all you have to do is wear a beard shtreimel, bekishe and your one of the gang. If he wouldn't have a "burd un payes" wouldn't he be just another "Moderneh" & "Zioni"?
"new Rebbe" = "modern Rebbe"
Rabbi Weinberg is the unquestionably the nosi hador. Think about it--how can he not be?
Baalbatish- He gives his shiurim in English becuase he doesn't know Yiddish!
The nosi HaDor knows Yiddish--he is just trying to be mikarev all yiddin!!! How could you be such a hater toward other Yiddin? Besides, he knows much more about chassidus than you!
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