Tuesday, November 16, 2010

לכבוד ט' כסלו

Commentary not available.


Anonymous said...

no comment 'cause its above your iq level to understand?

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

well, there goes that.

Joe in Australia said...

Do you really have to use Scribd? Please just post a PDF so I don';t have to strain my eyes on that tiny box.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


You cannot upload a PDF to blogger. You CAN click on top and make it fullscreen size. Nice and big so you don't jave to strain your eyes. Try it!

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

On top of the scribd box is where you click and make it fullscreen

leo said...

Here's the link

Anonymous said...

please look at the following

In Russia.

In the Russian movement the influence of Elijah Gaon of Wilna and of his school was very small in all directions, and in some respects was hostile to haskalah. Mendel Levin of Satanov (1741?-1819) may be considered the first of Russian Maskilim. He was, like Herz Homberg, a personal friend and follower of Mendelssohn; but as he had not the authority which Homberg enjoyed in Galicia, he could do neither as much good nor as much mischief. The direction of the influence exerted by Soloman Dubno is more doubtful; after he had left Mendelssohn and settled in Wilna he seems to have become distinctly Orthodox (see Yatzkan, "Rabbenu Eliyahu me-Wilna," pp. 118-120, Warsaw, 1900). Tobias Feder, Manasseh Iliyer, Asher Ginzberg, and perhaps also Baruch of Shklov, may be classed among the earliest Maskilim of Russia
from Jewishencyclopedia.com

it is not a Chasidishe Masse

Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=350&letter=H#ixzz15yVXsblc